News and Society, Culture
Peoples of the Samara region: names, traditions, costumes
The Samara region is located on the banks of the great Russian river Volga. Over a vast territory, more than three million people live. The peoples living in the Samara region, despite differences in beliefs, way of life and traditions, live very amicably. There are more than a hundred different nationalities.
To ensure that every person, despite belonging to a certain nationality, lived well, a number of activities are being carried out in the region. They are aimed at the revival of cultural traditions. With respect and respect for the history of different nations, respect for the history and traditions of their country begins. What peoples inhabit the Samara region? What do we know about their traditions? What measures are taken to ensure that the peoples of the Samara region live in friendship and harmony? What kind of costumes do they wear on holidays and on weekdays?
Variety of nationalities and nationalities of the Samara region
The Russians take the first place in terms of the number of people living here. They moved to the Volga region from different cities of Russia: Moscow, Penza, Tambov. The main occupation was farming, livestock and gardening. Religion is Christianity. The Russians lived in the houses, which were built of wood or brick.
On the second - Tatars, the first of them appeared here in the 16th century. Most of them profess the Islamic religion. Mosques have been built on the territory of the Samara region. It is customary for Tatars to brightly paint their homes, hang towels and colorful carpets on the inner walls. What other peoples inhabit the Samara region?
Chuvashi. They have been inhabited since the end of the 17th century. They were engaged in breeding animals: sheep, pigs, horses. The first mention of the Mordva dates back to the 14th century. Gypsies appeared in the Samara region much later. In the middle of the 19th century a law was issued that forbade the nomad people to roam and encouraged him to live where he is. Among the people inhabiting the Samara region there are Kalmucks, Kazakhs, Jews, Germans, Poles, Mari, Latvians, Estonians and many others.
Interesting Facts
- Before the beginning of the 20th century Mordvins had large families, which numbered up to 40 people. The man had the right to marry several times, all his wives lived in the same family.
- Chuvash's favorite national dish is shartan. So called sausage, which is prepared from a sheep's stomach, stuffing for it is meat and lard.
- In Chuvash, the youngest son always has to live with his parents, this tradition has survived in our days. It is also observed among Russians.
- Russian women gave birth in a bath, it was believed that so no trouble in the house will not enter. Only a midwife could be with a future mother. My father was given to eat something bitter: salt, bite, mustard. By this action, he seemed to take some of the pain on himself.
- The national drink of Bashkirs - kumis - was very much liked by writer Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy.
Revival of cultural traditions
In order for all the peoples of the Samara region to have equal rights, the leadership takes the following steps:
- National schools and classes are opened, in which teaching is not only in Russian, but also in Tatar, Uzbek, Mordovian and others.
- Respect for different religions and beliefs. Everyone has the right to decide and choose, what to believe. In Samara, a mosque, a church and a church were built.
- A center for national creativity is carrying out tremendous work to revive national traditions and bring nations closer together. On his initiative and support are held: art shows, folklore festivals, which are organized by the peoples inhabiting the Samara region. As a rule, they are attended by a large number of people.
Traditions of the peoples of the Samara region
Many of them are related to important events in the life of each person: marriage, the birth of a child, family rites. In these traditions, much in common. The wedding is divided into several stages. Preparation for it, the very celebration and the next period. In all nations the wedding begins with matchmaking. The bride and groom go to the bride's house and make an offer. All important points are discussed: dowry, number of guests, costs, etc.
The bride should make gifts to the groom and the future relatives. On the day of the wedding, the bride and her relatives are given a ransom to the parents of the bride and her bridesmaids. A large number of ritual songs accompanies this significant event. The wedding itself must take place in the groom's house. The newlyweds were greeted by parents and blessed for a good family life. The day after the wedding, the young wife usually shows her economic skills: she sweeps garbage, cooks her ear. The Chuvash drowns the stove and cooks noodles.
The birth of a child is celebrated as one of the most joyful and solemn holidays. Relatives and friends congratulate parents and give their baby gifts.
Particular attention is also paid to funerals and commemoration of the dead. On certain days, relatives and friends come for dinner, they say good words about the deceased.
Costumes of the peoples of the Samara region
There are a number of signs by which we determine the nationality. One of them is a suit. Of course, in everyday life you rarely see people dressed in national clothes on the streets. But when there are various folklore festivals and other events, the people of the Samara region show all the beauty of their costumes. In them each element is carefully selected and full of special meaning. What kind of people do they have?
Sarafans and kokoshniki are traditional Russian clothes. Shirts and pants, velvet jacket, skullcaps are included in the set of Tatars. The girls' headdress is a small cap, can be of different colors: blue, green, burgundy. It is necessarily decorated with coins, beads, beads, various embroideries.
Chuvash women wore white shirts, aprons, ornaments. Of shoes - bast shoes and boots made of leather. Mordovian clothes are very diverse. The shirt, robe, pants, belt - the basis of the national costume. Bashkirs wear a long dress, a camisole, an apron and many ornaments. Kaftans - outer clothing - it is customary to decorate with coins and embroidery. Shirts of Ukrainians are called "shirts". They can be worn out or tucked into pants or skirts.
Of course, all peoples have different costumes, but there is one detail that unites them. These are ornaments: scarves, scarves, belts, embroidery, beads, earrings.
National holidays
In the Samara region honor and honor traditions of different peoples. Holding national holidays is very popular here. Thousands of people attend such events and take an active part in them. Among the holidays that celebrate the people of the Samara region, there are the following:
- Sabantuy is a national holiday of the Tatars. Dances, songs, sports, as well as national dishes are waiting for everyone on this day to participate in the holiday.
- In the beginning of spring in all cities and settlements of the Samara region they burn Maslenitsa, see off winter. On this day, bake pancakes, arrange horseback riding and fisticuff fights.
- In summer they celebrate the ancient holiday of the Slavs - Ivan Kupala. Our distant ancestors, on this day, burned bonfires and jumped through them, and also passed a ritual purification of the soul and body with the help of water. Today this tradition has changed a little. Bonfires burn rarely, but water pours themselves and passers-by, and also bathe.
Characteristic features that unite different nationalities
- Respectful attitude and veneration of elders.
- Infinite love of children.
- Careful study of the history of a kind.
- A respectful attitude towards other religions.
- Friendly and open to people of different nationalities.
The culture and traditions of numerous peoples populating the Samara land, closely intertwined and complemented each other with their wealth and diversity. Here all conditions are created for living in love and harmony.
Each of us is unique, just like any nation. The names of the peoples of the Samara region can be listed for a long time, most importantly, as Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukai wrote in one of his poems:
And is the end of this friendship coming?
Yes, we were born and grow in height,
Stringed like a thread one.
The diversity of cultures and religions does not prevent the people of the Samara region from living and working side by side, to love and raise children.
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