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Peoples of other countries of the world, except Russia. Examples of the peoples of Russia and other countries of the world

According to various estimates, around 5 thousand different peoples live around the globe. Most of them are not numerous. Ethnos can be distinguished not only by the number of representatives, but also by language.

Population of Africa

A large number of ethnic groups live on the territory of Africa. In comparison with the Black Continent, the peoples of other countries of the world are not so diverse. For example, in Nigeria, their number reaches 250. The most numerous Nigerian tribes are Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo.

In Africa there are about 50 different nationalities. 24 of these peoples make up about 86% of the total population of the Black Continent. Each of the nationalities speaks their own language. And only Arabic is an exception. This language is owned by almost a fifth of Africans.

Colonial past

Africa is a continent that until recently was ruled by the peoples of other countries of the world. The colonial past is felt everywhere. For many centuries, the European colonialists plundered the property of local residents, exploited them for their own good. The collapse of this system began only in the days after the Second World War. The total population of the Black continent is about 250 million people. In comparison with the peoples of other countries of the world, population growth is very rapid here.

Classification of the Peoples of Africa

African peoples are usually divided into categories by language. A huge number of African languages can be combined into large family groups - families. Such a language family will include those languages that share common roots. In total, there are several large language groups on the Black Continent. This is Bantu, Semito-Hamitic, Mande, Nilot. For example, in northern Africa, people who communicate in Semito-Hamitic languages live. This category includes the Cushitic and Berber subgroups. In the central part of the continent and in the south live representatives of peoples who communicate in the languages of the Bantu group.

Only in the VII-XI centuries. Arabs appeared on the territory of Africa. The peoples who inhabited the territory of the Sahara and the Maghreb in ancient times were called ancient historians Libyans. Before these territories were subjected to the conquests of the Arabs, they spoke in the languages of the Berber group. Moved here in the XI century, the Arab tribes called Hilal and Sulaim seriously affected the way of life of the local Berbers. The aborigines adopted Islam, began to conduct the economy like the Arabs. A nomadic way of life became common. Rarely, which peoples of other countries of the world are assimilated to the same extent as the Arabs and Berbers at the present time. Now between them it is almost impossible to draw a clear boundary. Moreover, the process of mixing these two ethnic groups took place most intensively in the last half-century.

Comparative age of the Slavic ethnos and other peoples

According to some information, the state of Kievan Rus emerged in the 6th century AD. E. Other scholars believe that the Slavic state arose on the territory of an ancient trade route called "from the Varangians to the Greeks" in 862, when the principality of the famous Russian dynasty began. Many people like to lengthen their history. However, there are also those whose "age" does not cause doubts - moreover, they are much older than the Slavic ethnos. The ancient peoples of other countries of the world, except Russia, are Armenians, Jews, Assyrians, Basques, Khoisans.

Armenians - the civilization of King Hayk

The Armenian ethnos is considered the youngest among other ancient nationalities. However, in the history of Armenians there are many unexplored. Until the end of the XIX century, historians believed that the Armenian ethnos originates from King Hayk, whose personality is covered with legends. Hayk was the first to decide the boundaries of the new state in the vicinity of Mount Ararat. It was believed that it was precisely on behalf of King Hayk that the self-name of Armenians - "high" - occurred.

Currently, another version of the origin of Armenians is adopted. Scientists believe that their ancestors - flies and Urumeans - settled local territories as far back as the 12th century BC. E., Even before the Hittite state was formed. The peoples of other countries of the world, with whom Armenians lived in the neighborhood, are Urartes and Luwians. Some scholars believe that the origins of the Armenian nationality must be sought among the testimonies of the Hurrian kingdom, known as Armee Shubiya.

The Jews

Jews are another people whose history goes back centuries. There are as many mysteries in the past as Jews in the history of the origin of Armenians. For a long time it was believed that the concept of this people is not ethnic, but rather religious. There was a fierce debate among scientists about who they were after all, one of the religious heresies, a separated social stratum, or perhaps an independent people. According to the main source of the Jewish religion - the Old Testament - the Jews are the descendants of Abraham, a native of the Mesopotamian city of Ur.

Together with his father, Abraham moved to the "promised land" - Canaan. Subsequently, he seized the land of nearby tribes, who, according to legend, were the descendants of Noah. Scientists believe that the Jewish people originates from the II millennium BC. E. - that's when they formed an independent group of Semitic-speaking tribes. The closest "relatives" of Jews in terms of language are the tribes of the Amorites and the Phoenicians.

The modern version of the origin of the Jews

Not so long ago, thanks to the development of science, new views emerged on the origin of the Jewish people. Scientists conducted a genetic analysis of three large groups of Jewish people. Ashkenazi (inhabiting the Americas and Europe), Mizrahim (inhabitants of the Middle East and northern Africa), as well as Sephardi (living on the Iberian Peninsula) were investigated. It turned out that all these ethnic groups have a similar genetics. This confirms their origin from a common source. The conclusion that the scientists made - the ancestors of the Jews originally lived in Mesopotamia. The division occurred during the reign of King Nebuchadnezzar.

Interesting facts about the Jews

The peoples of Russia and other countries of the world have many misconceptions about the Jews. One of the most common is that the main religious book of the Jews is the Old Testament. In fact, the holy book for them is the Talmud. The Jewish religion has many branches - it is an orthodox direction, reformatory, conservative. However, all believers use the Talmud as the main book.

Jewish origin is attributed to Christopher Columbus. Several documents testify to this. The navigator himself also repeatedly mentioned that he belongs to the Jewish people. To the peoples of other countries and descendants could learn about his voyages, Columbus kept a diary of seafaring. It is noteworthy that in the first lines he mentions the history of the expulsion of Jews from Spain. Also, some scientists believe that the signature in the will of Columbus is made in Hebrew.

Assyrian people

What other ancient peoples of other countries existed? The list continues to the Assyrians: this people is perhaps even more ancient than the Jews. They appeared presumably in the IV-II millennium BC. Jews were descended from the Western Semitic peoples. The Assyrians were representatives of the northern Semites. Modern representatives of the Assyrian ethnos consider themselves descendants of an ancient civilization. Some scholars agree with this point of view. Others believe that the ancestors of modern Assyrians are Aramaic.


There are also peoples of other countries of the world, except Russia, which differ in age and in the number of their representatives. One of such ethnic groups are the Chinese. They call themselves the "Han people". The Chinese make up about 19% of the total population of the Earth. The beginning of the civilization of Han is considered V-III millennium BC. The first settlements were built in the valley of the Yellow River. The formation of the Chinese ethnos was greatly influenced by the peoples of other countries of the world. Their list mainly consists of representatives of the Mongoloid race: they are Tibetans, Indonesians, Thais. All of them are quite different in their culture. However, today the Chinese represent the immediate descendants of the great civilization of Han.


Basques are an example of the peoples of other countries of the world that do not belong to the Indo-European language environment. The great settlement of peoples began in the 4th millennium BC. Currently, the languages of the Indo-European group are a means of communication for almost all Europeans. The exception is the Basques - their origin does not coincide with the peoples of other countries of the world. The list, except for Russia and European countries, with which scientists compared such a nationality as the Basques, is huge. However, the researchers concluded: Basques are the most ancient people, whose language is not akin to any language of the Indo-European group. Presumably, they separated into a separate ethnic group about 16 thousand years ago, at the time of the Paleolithic.

The Khoisans

But the Basques are not the last ancient people of other countries of the world. The list, except for Russia (or, more precisely, the Slavic tribes), Jews, Assyrians, Chinese and Basques can be supplemented by Khoisan peoples. According to scientists, the Khoisans appeared about 100 thousand years ago. This vast ethnic group refers to African peoples speaking unusual "clicking" languages. The Haussians are Bushmen and Hottentots.

The researchers concluded that for the first time the Khoisans separated from the common tree of the peoples about 100 thousand years ago. In other words, this happened even before people settled from the Black Continent around the globe. 43 thousand years ago the people of the Khoisans underwent yet another change - they divided into northern and southern tribes. Some of the Khoisan tribes retained their origin. Others mingled with the neighboring Bantu tribes. Genetic analysis of the Khoisans' DNA shows that they differ significantly from other peoples. They have found genes that are responsible for high physical endurance, vulnerability to sunlight.

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