
Payment for work with a shift schedule (TC RF)

The way in which work is paid for a shifted work schedule, every person who agrees to work under such conditions aspires to learn. But before you talk about the provisions prescribed in the regulatory acts, it is necessary to define the very concept.

What does shift work involve?

So, this is a schedule of work activity, in which the time spent by a person for work differs on different days. It is installed in those institutions, enterprises and industries, whose activities are carried out around the clock. And the experts who support it are changing - some go on vacation, while others step in. Of the known examples, one can mention fire, rescue, police and medical services. Or blast-furnace manufacture - there furnaces and at all work throughout several years without breaks.

But with shift work the rule of 40-hour labor week is also observed. That is, all the labor time that a person was in his place, can not exceed the mark of 40 hours. This is stated in Article 91 of the LC RF. That is, if a person for three days plowed for more than 13 hours - the next four days he is on vacation. They include two legal days off and compensation for overtime on the job. And, of course, to this topic is directly related to the payment of work with a shift schedule. But more about this.


How to pay for work with a shift schedule? Initially, it is calculated. Either on the basis of salary, or with the application, so-called, tariff hourly rates.

Here is an example of the second case: the hour of a person's labor costs 400 rubles, for example. For three days he worked for 13 hours. Remuneration of labor with a replacement schedule in this case is determined by a simple formula: 400 x 13 = 5 200 rubles. for one day. When does a person get their money? There are two options. The first one - right after the end of the shift. Practiced, usually, in cases when employees are not officially employed. And the second option - once a month.

If the institution has a salary system, the principle will be slightly different. Standard - advance and s / n every 15 days. And always a fixed amount. Except for surcharges for processing, of course, they are always overlooked. And to calculate them, the accountant finds the tariff rate (per hour), and then - the total amount of salary for the month. For example, a person is supposed to work 150 hours a month. His salary is 52 500 r. In an hour - 350 rubles. If for a month he reworked 10 hours, then to the salary will add another amount, calculated by the formula: 10 x 350 = 3 500 p. That is, in that case his salary for that period will be 56 thousand rubles.

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The main task of the accountant is to determine the number of hours that a person stayed in his place in excess of the norm. Proceeding from this, the payment for work is determined with a shift schedule.

There is a weekly method of accounting. You only need to know about the maximum norm of the duration of the working week for a particular employee. All this is spelled out in normative acts.

If, however, the company uses a cumulative accounting, it will be necessary to determine the number of hours worked throughout the period. And this nuance is very important. As the hours spent by a person in a workplace are above the norm, they go beyond the limits established by law. And they are considered processing only at the end of the reporting period. And for clarity - an example.

Quarterly periodization

So, the standard working week lasts 40 hours. If the time during which people worked in shifts is calculated in an aggregated way (+ accounting for the accounting period for the quarter), then the normal duration will look like this:

  • In March - 165 hours;
  • In April - 187 hours;
  • In May - 176 hours;
  • In total - 528 h.

And if a person worked 160 hours for the first month, and for the second and third on 186, then in the sum it will turn out 532 hours. On 4 more than it is necessary. And in this case, payment with a replacement work schedule will have to include compensation for overtime hours.

Amount of extra charges

It is important to note that the payment for work with a shifted schedule of work overtime, in theory, should be carried out by larger amounts. This is spelled out in Article 152 of the LC RF. The first two hours are compensated in a one and a half amount. The next time is in double. And, this is the minimum that the employer must observe. And so he can reward employees for their overtime work in a larger amount.

The minimum is determined based on the person's hourly rate . Let's say 60 minutes of his labor cost 350 rubles. For four consecutive days he remained for three hours overtime. Total - over the norm is 9 hours. Of which six are paid in a one and a half size, and three - in a double. Here's how it looks: (350 x 1.5) x 6 + (350 x 2) x 3 = 5 250 rubles in addition to the salary.

But it is more difficult to calculate a surcharge if a person receives a salary, in accordance with the official monthly salary. How it's done? The payroll is divided into a standard number of hours for the whole year. That is, for 12 months. And if a person gets 40,000 rubles a month in a 40-hour work week, then he works in a year 1974. Total: 40,000 / (1974/12) = 243.16 rubles. What happened is his hourly rate. However, in order not to take too much trouble, the accountant can resort to a method that was noted at the beginning - take into account the monthly salary and divide it by the number of hours worked.

Compensation for rest

It is also worth noting with attention, telling about how the work is paid for the shift schedule. In addition to surcharges, added to the main s / n, the time a person spent in his place above the norm, he can be compensated for by rest. That is, additional days off. And many prefer their money, taking the opportunity to organize a small vacation. This nuance implies the 152nd article of the LC RF.

However, this is not always possible. After all, we are talking about enterprises that function constantly. And not always there is an opportunity to allocate for this or that employee not that several, but even one unscheduled day off. Therefore, material compensation is a priority. And to get the day off instead of money, you need to make a written statement.

About limitations

There are other nuances, which implies a flexible schedule of work. Of course, wages should be paid without delay and in full, but even with the double tariff for overtime, the employer has no right to attract citizens belonging to certain social categories to long-term work.

These include under-age people, part-time employees (who both study and work) and pregnant women. This is stated in the 99th article of the LC RF.

More processing should not exceed 4-hour indicator for two consecutive days. True, many of this rule (also noted in the 99th article) is violated - even employees, by their own will, because they want to earn more. But for a year the amount of overtime should not exactly exceed 120 hours.

Non-working days

The law indicates dates that are officially a day off for everyone. However, as mentioned earlier, there are enterprises that work constantly. They are allowed to attract their people to work. However, paying for holidays with a replacement schedule is different. And by several criteria.

For night shifts, for example, there is a surcharge of at least 20% - this is in addition to those allowances, which are already put for work on a holiday weekend.

If the hour rate, then a person simply gets twice as much as usual. If at the usual time 60 minutes of his labor cost 300 rubles, then in the output "price" will increase to 600 rubles. Such is the compensation. If a person receives a "salary" salary, then for work on the day off, they will be charged for one more day. The principle is the same - in both cases, they will transfer twice as many funds. So usually, there is a payment of holidays with a replacement schedule.

The Labor Code also encourages people to distinguish between the concepts of state holidays and ordinary ones. In the event that a person was summoned on the day when only he had to rest, the payment goes without compensation. The only exception is the night shift.

Night Clock

Well, how to pay for work with a shift schedule of work on holidays - it's clear. Finally I would like to note the notorious night hours. To do this, refer to the 96th article of the LC RF. So it is said that the night period is the time from 22:00 to 06:00. And people working in this period, in theory, work in conditions that are different from normal.

Night work is paid by the hour. And the amount is prescribed by the head in a local regulatory act. Therefore, signing the contract before the device to work, it is necessary to discuss this moment separately.

Well, that's all the information you need to know about payroll, carried out in a replacement mode. The main principle here lies in the total count of time worked. And this is the main thing to remember.

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