Health, Diseases and Conditions
Pain in the region of the coccyx: the causes of the appearance, methods of treatment
In ancient times, the "tailbone" meant "the cuckoo's beak". This bone is an undeveloped caudal department. It consists of 4-5 vertebrae, fused together. Quite often doctors hear complaints of people for pain in the coccyx, especially when sitting. The disease is called koktsigodiniya. Suffer from him mostly men and women, whose age is more than forty years.
The fact is that between him and the rump is a stiff joint. Stiffness, the deposition of salt in it, inflammation next - all this leads to painful sensations. Factors provoking this process: bruises, fractures in an earlier period, frequent riding a bicycle or horses, walking on a rough road. All this can cause microcracks or dislocations. Even after the healing of the injury at the site of the appearance of the callus after a number of years, the deposition of salts may occur, which will cause her stiffness, and this, in turn, may lead to pain in the coccyx region.
Coccyx and other diseases
As we know, everything is interconnected in our body. So the coccyx is associated with our nervous system. To it is attached a hard shell, which serves as a case for the spinal cord and brain. Therefore, dislocations, fractures of the described
Pain in the coccyx and delivery
During childbirth, this "process" plays an important role in the expansion of the pelvic outlet. A normally functioning bone gives several vital centimeters, allowing the child to walk calmly through the birth canal. Therefore, those women who decided to give birth, it is recommended to undergo examination for the presence of bias or bending of the coccyx. These pathologies can severely injure the baby, lead to the appearance of such a terrible disease as cerebral palsy.
Pain in the coccyx and other organs
Treatment of cocci
In order to get rid of this problem, you need a relaxing effect on the muscles of the pelvic floor. With the help of manual therapy, the elasticity of the sacrococcygeal joint is restored. Usually, the pain in the upper back leaves after a relaxing massage of the muscles of the pelvic floor through the rectum. Despite the fact that the process is painful, but you can tolerate it. Of course, the most important thing remains to eliminate the provoking factor when the coccyx hurts. Treatment should be aimed at eliminating the cause, rather than being prescribed pain medication. At the same time, it is necessary to minimize any load to a minimum, for example, to refuse to ride a bicycle. Restoration of blood circulation in tissues leads to the fact that healing begins to occur much faster.
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