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Onega - the second largest lake in the European part of Russia

The second largest lake in the European part of Russia is Onega. The first place in the square belongs to Ladoga. 20% of the surface of Lake Onega is located within two regions of the Russian Federation (Vologda and Leningrad regions). And its main part is territorially owned by Karelia. About 50 streams feed the lake, and the flow is only through the river Svir. It is located in the basin of the river. Not you. Svir is known for uniting the two largest reservoirs of Europe.


Onega is the second largest lake in the European part of Russia. Its name has its origins. The writings that survived to this day reported it as Onego. The exact meaning of the word is unknown, but there are 3 versions of how it happened:

  • A. Szegren suggested that the name takes its roots from the Finnish word, meaning "sound", "voice". According to the historian, the pond was considered noisy, that's why they called it.
  • Prof. A. Pogodin expressed the idea that the toponym originated from the Sami word, which translates as "sand". It is possible that the name of the reservoir means "plain in the lowland".
  • Domestic scientist I. Mullonen believes that the toponym has roots in several languages. Presumably, in Saami and Finnish. The consonant words found to them have the following interpretation: significant, large.


The second largest lake in the European part of Russia and all of Europe has an elongated form in the direction of SE - NW. The length and width of this water body are respectively 220 and 86 km. Onega Lake is located in the lowland, its height above sea level is 33 m.

The southern coasts are fairly level, and the northern coasts are known for a number of narrow and deep bays. Due to this, the extent of the lake's boundaries increases substantially, reaching a value of 1.28 thousand km.

The northern and western shores of the pond cover the forest. From the south side it is replaced by lowland places and swamps. The eastern coast is not homogeneous. If the northern part of it consists of hard rocks, then to the south in their place come the sands.


Onega is the second largest lake in the European part of Russia. This is a well-known fact. It by analogy with Ladoga has a severely cut coastline of the northern and north-eastern extremity. Here there are a large number of islands, bays and peninsulas.

The largest of them are found between Povenets and Petrozavodsk:

  • Kondopazhskaya Bay, 30 km.
  • Petrozavodskaya Bay, 18 km.
  • Lizhemskaya Bay, 35 km.
  • Unitsky Bay, 45 km. It contains many islands forming the archipelago.
  • Great lip, 20 km.
  • Povenets Bay. Due to it the peninsula Zaonezhie was formed.


The reservoir is near the Baltic and White Seas, which leads to collisions of air masses over it from the Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic. From the east, there are thunderstorms and strong winds, showers and thaws. The northern air brings with it frosts in August-September, as well as severe winters.

In which month the second largest lake in the European part of Russia freezes ? 4 class knows the answer to this question. The ice crust is completely formed during the period from November to December. The snow cover is set in October-November and lasts until the end of April. These dates are stretched due to the large extent of the lake. In the south, the duration of winter is somewhat less than in the north.

The summer period on the lake is short. Lasts from June to September. The sun almost never warms the air to a thirty-degree mark. Autumn is a period of bad weather: rains regularly drizzle, strong winds blow and sometimes there are frosts.

The highest and lowest temperatures around the lake are +34 and -48 ºC. February is the coldest month of the year, then the air cools down to -10 ºC on average. July, on the contrary, is the warmest. At this time, the window is about +16 ºC. Cold and warm air currents, which alternately dominate the region, cause sharp temperature changes. In the first month of the year, you can observe -41 and +5 ºC, and in July the thermometer can display +33 and -2 ºC.

The second largest lake in the European part of Russia has a large number of islands (16.5 thousand), the bulk of which is confined to its northern part.

The Great Klimetsky Island

It is the largest on the lake. It is located northeast of Petrozavodsk, 41 km from the city. The land plot size is 30 × 8 km. Large Klimetsky island is one of the most picturesque in Karelia.

The second largest lake in the European part of Russia is fraught with many phenomena that can not be explained:

  • Repeatedly on the island disappeared people who appeared after a couple of hours or days with failures in memory.
  • "Folded spaces" is a phenomenon in which a person can literally get lost in places where this is impossible.
  • In some areas strange sounds and voices are heard and the vibration of the soil is felt.
  • People who have lived here for many decades, say that they saw unidentified flying objects, "witch lights" and wandering in the forest of ghosts.

Kizhi Island

The second largest lake in the European part of Russia has another large island - Kizhi. His fame is attached to the architectural ensemble, which consists of a bell tower and two churches.

At the end of the 20th century, the Kizhi Pogost was included in the list of UNESCO facilities.

The beaches and the huge water area, wonderful nature and unique historical monuments attract many travelers here. The second largest lake in the European part of Russia has not left a single person indifferent.

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