Spiritual developmentMystic

Now we know how to properly hang a horseshoe above the doors

Since ancient times, the main talisman for happiness and luck was considered a horseshoe. This belief originated in ancient Egypt. Although the explanation is rather prosaic. In the chariot of the pharaoh harnessed horses with golden horseshoes on their hoofs. Naturally, horses sometimes lost heels. They were found by ordinary people and, of course, they became richer and happier.

There is an interesting legend in folklore . One day a blacksmith appeared in front of a blacksmith as a horse and began to tempt him into evil deeds. But the koval not only did not succumb to the temptation, but also managed the demon himself to shoe. And that Satan never forgot about his defeat, the horseshoe nailed at the entrance to the smithy. So the tradition was born in the houses of the horseshoe to be kept. Only here there was a question on how correctly to hang a horseshoe above doors: upwards or downwards horns.

Well-being in the house

And yet, how is it necessary to fasten the horseshoe, so that it brings happiness, luck, was a real guardian? There are several options. Proponents of unconventional views and Americans are confident that this symbol must necessarily hang with its ends up, so that luck does not spill out, because in this position it resembles a bowl. And that your house was a full cup, and happiness did not leave the dwelling, the horseshoe can not be turned, the horns should look up. And there is an opinion that in this form it absorbs the energy of the cosmos. If you turn the horseshoe, the energy will go to the ground.

There is another option of how to properly hang a horseshoe over the doors. An ancient amulet can be hung horns down to protect the house from bad energy. If an evil person wants to visit your house, then the ends of the horseshoe will hook all the bad, not allowing to get inside.

To avoid the question of how and where to hang a horseshoe, it is not out of place to heed the recommendations of the esotericists. For well-being in the house, it's best to hang the amulet inside the house with the horns up. Hanging a symbol in the courtyard or behind the door, you will firmly close the entrance to all evil spirits.

An important rule: the horseshoe must necessarily be metal, made of another material will only perform decorative function. Cling the guard only on one carnation, carefully watching that next to there were no more nails. The two of us must perform this important magical ritual.

To determine how to properly hang a horseshoe over the doors, try to explore all the ways and just watch for a while. Then you can choose the option, which, in your opinion, will attract happiness and prosperity to the house.

After reading the article, many, probably, decided how to properly hang a horseshoe over the door. It remains to work for small: to find the amulet. After all, in our time on the roads drive cars, buses, other transport, and horses - a rarity. Where to find the talisman? Purchased will not work. But if you are lucky and found a horseshoe for luck, how to hang it, you already know.


And finally, a few more will accept the horseshoes:

  • If you want to save the house, a talisman over the door will help;
  • Wish to find a family - hang a horseshoe over the hearth;
  • Above the matrimonial bed you will put - the child will be born;
  • Fix it on the windowsill - you'll bring money into the house.

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