Arts & Entertainment, Literature
N.V. Gogol, "Evening on the eve of Ivan Kupala": a summary
In this article, we will consider a short summary of the story "Evening on the eve of Ivan Kupala." The work is considered one of the best works of NV Gogol. It is filled with mysticism and folkloric legends about impure force.
About the work
For the first time the story was published in 1830 in Otechestvennye Zapiski. "Evening on the eve of Ivan Kupala" (a short summary of the popular story will be considered below) was the first work that opened the cycle "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka". Critics and readers were unanimous in their opinion about the incredible talent of the young writer and promised him a great future.
The plot is based on the eternal theme of the deal with the devil. Gogol, portraying the unfortunate fate of Petrus, shows that a person must overcome the difficulties that have fallen to his lot, and not take help from the devil.
"Evening on the eve of Ivan Kupala": a short summary (tie)
Diak Foma Grigoryevich is not the first time to tell this story. A few years ago a panich wrote it down and released it in a little book. But the retelling was so awkward that the sexton did not satisfy him at all. That's why he decided to re-tell the story again. Conscientious beekeeper promised to accurately convey his words.
This story Foma Grigorievich heard from his native business, which became famous for having never lied in his life. There was an extraordinary accident a hundred years ago, here, in Dikanka, which at that time was the poorest in the district farm.
Deal with Basavrius
Now the main part of the work "Evening on the eve of Ivan Kupala" begins. The brief narrative tells us about Basavryuk, "the devil in human form", which among the other people staggers around. He never went to church, even on Bright Sunday, but gave the girls such trinkets that they bitten, pressed them and sent nightmares at night.
In the village lived at that time an old Cossack Korzh, who had a beautiful daughter, Pidorka. And Petrus, nicknamed Bezrodny, worked for him. Somehow the old man noticed that young people fell in love with each other. He first wanted to beat Petrusya, but six years old Ivas, the younger brother of Pidorka, stood up for him. But from the expulsion of the angry Cossack from the house this young man did not save.
Soon rumors began circulating about the farm that Korzh had to go into the house of a certain lly, all in gold, and it was going to the wedding. Ivas resorts to Petrusya to convey from his sister the news - she would rather die than go out for the liach. From grief, the young man went into a tavern, where he was approached by Basavryuk. The unclean offered his help in exchange for the flower of the fern.
Petrus agreed, and it was agreed to meet in the Bear's ravine the night before the feast of Ivan Kupala, since only at this time the fern blooms. They make their way at midnight through the swamps, and Basavryuk shows the hillocks on which flowers grow, and among them there is a fern.
The summary ("Evening on the eve of Ivan Kupala" by Gogol) conveys the horror and mystical horror of what happened to Petrus. And so the young man tears off a flower, and it seems to him that his shaggy hands are stretched behind him, and behind them is moving something dark. And before Petrusem on the stump there is Basavryuk, blue, aki dead man. He commands the young man to obey only that which will become before him. And no one knows where the hut comes from on the chicken legs, from which the dog runs out. The dog is thrown into a cat, and then into a terrible witch. The witch whispers something over the flower, and then orders him to throw it. Petro throws, and the fern turns into a fireball that floats in the darkness and descends to the ground in the distance.
At this point, the hero begins to dig and stumbles upon the chest. Behind him, laughter is heard, and the treasure descends deeper into the ground. To dig a treasure, you need the blood of a child. The witch brings a child to Petrusya under the sheet, the hero breaks it and sees Ivassia. He throws himself at the witch with his fists, but it shows the treasures hidden beneath the earth. Then Petrus, whose eyes are clouding greed, is killing the boy.
The work is full of folk legends and folklore images, which is confirmed by the short content of the fairy tale "Evening on the eve of Ivan Kupala". As soon as the blood spilled, the coven begins, Petrus escapes. Once at home, he falls down and sleeps for two days. Waking up, the guy can not remember anything, and at his feet sees two bags of gold. He relates everything to Korzh, and the old man gives his daughter for him. At the wedding there is only Ivasya - he was stolen by the gypsies. Pidorka marvels at the fact that Petrus can not even remember the faces of her little brother. From that time the young man became sad, he sat for hours on end, wanting something to remember. Even the medicine man could not help his grief.
The work "Evening on the eve of Ivan Kupala" (a short summary) is coming to an end. A year passes, but everything is tormented by something Petrusya. Then Pidorka ventures to seek help from a sorceress who lives in the Bear Gully. The witch comes to their house on the eve of Kupala. Only when he saw her, did Petro remember everything. He laughed, grabbed an ax and threw it into the old woman. But then, instead of a witch, a child appeared, covered with a sheet. In it, Pidorka recognized Ivassia. But the veil began to slowly become soaked with blood and glow, and the girl fled in horror from the hut.
Pidorka collects people who break into the house. But there is already no one there, only a handful of ashes - all that remains of Petrusya. And in the bags, where gold was stored, - broken shards. In the mountain Pidorka goes to Kiev on a pilgrimage, where he remains. Soon, Basavryuk appeared again on the farm, but people eschewed him more than before, which only made him angry and did more villainy.
Thus the work "Evening on the eve of Ivan Kupala" ends. The summary of it is now known to you.
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