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The most beautiful statements about the autumn

Autumn is an amazing time, which in our latitudes has a special charm. Often, she is credited with the title "golden", as all trees and bushes are covered with yellow leaves that slowly fall down, forming an incredible beauty carpet on the ground. That is why the statements about the fall, which were written by the sages of different times and nationalities, contain so many secrets, charm and charm. They fully reflect the beauty of this marvelous pore. So now for an example, we'll look at some of them.

Poetic masterpieces

The most famous statements about the fall are contained in the work of the famous Russian genius - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Why is only one of his words: "Dull time! Oche charm! "- taken from the eponymous small poem. All students and adults know it by heart. It can be stated with full confidence that this work fully shows us the whole essence of autumn: its beauty serves as a cover for the fact that nature is plunged into a deep and mysterious dream that will last the whole winter.

In the depths of centuries

Statements about the fall are also contained in the works of ancient authors. It would seem that in those subtropical latitudes where they live, there is no such charm, about which Alexander Sergeevich wrote. Nevertheless, such authors as Aesop, were able to capture in their work this time, giving it a philosophical significance. Among the most famous ancient Greek citations is the following: "It will not always be summer." If you think about it, it has not only a "natural" meaning, but also a special subtext, which everyone can regard in their own way.

Let's turn to prose

It is also important to highlight the statements about the fall, which are imprinted in the Russian prose of famous authors. For example, the writer Anton Chekhov admitted in one of his letters: "And I love Russian autumn. Something unusually sad, affable and beautiful. I would take it and fly somewhere along with the cranes. " Paustovsky, in his creations, compares this golden age with something touching and bright that is in our world. In his creations the dull time turns into a kind of expectation of a miracle, something new and bright.

So much, how diverse this withering time, are various and statements about autumn. For example, Karl Chapek compared exactly the month of October with the spring in his famous quote: "You should know that October is the first month of spring". And Bonaro Overstreet considered this time to be as volatile as spring: "October is a symphony of permanence and change".


A special place in art is occupied by statements about autumn and love. As a rule, they are found in the works of romantic writers. It is very interesting and even philosophically written in one of his novels by Mark Levy: "Love also has autumn, and one who knows how to forget the taste of the kisses of a loved one will know it."

Nowadays there are also "autumn" quotes and statuses in social networks, which ordinary people come up with. Among such creations, quite not uncommon utterances are often encountered, which have their own meaning and philosophical overtones.

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