
Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the years of the Great Patriotic War

In wartime, along with the other fraternal peoples contributed to the struggle against the fascists and the Mordovian ASSR. уроженцы республики, не дожидаясь повесток, отправлялись на призывные пункты. During the Great Patriotic War, the natives of the republic, without waiting for agendas, went to the recruiting stations. In the first 2 months, more than 6,000 volunteers went to the front.

History of the Mordovian ASSR: the first half of the 20th century

In 1918, in the future republic, as well as in the whole country, the building of military communism was under way. He assumed certain economic, social and political measures. In 1918, the accelerated nationalization of industry began. The SNF was formed, a ban on private trade, direct commodity exchange between the village and the city was established. Landlord estates were confiscated from the owners, the land was redistributed. The country's leadership created a variety of forms of using the territories. These were agricultural cooperatives, communes, and partnerships of joint work on the land, as well as state and collective farms. In practice, all these events caused serious damage to the population.

Civil confrontation

It began in the same year of 1918. The Mordovye districts twice turned into a front-line strip. A significant number of Red Army forces were stationed on the territory of the republic. At the end of May 1918 the mutiny of the Czechoslovak Corps began. Penza was a hotbed of insurrection. Here, 660 fighters from Ruzaevka and Saransk were sent to suppress the mutiny. In October 1918 the creation of the First Infantry Regiment began. In April-May 1919 in Saransk was located the Bashkir Revolutionary Committee, which formed the same division. In general, more than 70 thousand people were mobilized in Mordovia. Workers and local authorities supported the army. But the strict policy of the authorities, especially the surplus-appropriation, increased the discontent of the peasants.


The largest riots are considered to be riots of 1919. Representatives of all social strata participated in these uprisings. Together with the peasant riots, speeches began in the military units. Deserters began to participate in the uprisings. In July-August in Krasloblobodsky, Insara, Saransk, Ruzaevsky, Narovchatov uyezds, they were identified more than 7 thousand.

Policy Outcomes

In addition to the victory of the authorities, the elimination of intervention, military communism brought devastation to the economy of the country. Industrial production decreased substantially, crop areas were cut everywhere. The financial system was going through a deep crisis, inflation was at a high level, the tax policy was degrading. In 1928 the formation of statehood in the republic began. завершилось в 1934 г. Completely the formation of the Mordovian ASSR was completed in 1934.

Beginning of WWII

One of the key centers for army training was the Mordovian ASSR. республики превратились в партизанские базы и солдатские части. Districts of the republic turned into partisan bases and soldiers' units. Special formations of tank destroyers, skiers, underground fighters were prepared here. Partisan bases were established in the forests of Temnikovski and Zubovo-Polanski districts. On the territory of the republic there were also units of naval aviation, regiments of the regiment of armored trains, communication battalions and chemical rebuff.

. The formation of the 326 rifle division, which began its journey near Moscow, and which ended near the banks of the Elbe, was also the Mordovian ASSR . A large number of natives of the republic were the 91st Dukhovshchina division. About 100 thousand inhabitants were mobilized for the construction of the Sura boundary. принимала самолеты на специально оснащенных аэродромах. The Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic hosted airplanes on specially equipped airfields.


располагала обширными производственными площадями. The Mordovian ASSR had extensive production areas. They accommodated the evacuated equipment of the enterprises of the Oryol, Bryansk, Kursk regions, Byelorussia and Ukraine. Many of them began in the fall of 1941 to produce products for the front. By the middle of 1942, the enterprises were operating at full capacity. The restructuring of production was quite rapid, as it did not require significant changes in technological processes. The Saransk Mechanical Plant and the company Elektrovypryamitel put into operation made it possible to form the basis for the development of industry and the creation of a personnel reserve in the postwar years.

Help to other regions

приняла порядка 80 тыс. эвакуированных граждан. The Mordovian ASSR adopted about 80 thousand evacuated citizens. On the territory of the republic, 26 boarding schools and orphanages were established to accommodate more than 3 thousand children. During the first months of the war, the residents took on the upbringing and adopted more than 1.3 thousand orphans. The Republic provided the feasible assistance to the territories especially affected by the German occupation. In 1942-1943 in Orel, Smolensk, Tula, Ryazan region was transferred about 10 thousand heads of cattle, 4 thousand horses.

The republic and Leningrad helped. On the front from Mordovia, more than 240 thousand people of different nationalities left. Most of them died. Thousands of soldiers of Mordovia became heroes. Many of them distinguished themselves during the defense of Moscow, the Brest Fortress, Leningrad, Sevastopol, the Kursk Bulge and Stalingrad.

Mordovian ASSR in the post-war years

The battles with the German invaders caused enormous damage to the national economic complex of the whole country. The consequences for the Mordovian ASSR were also serious. The republic suffered huge losses. Most of the able-bodied population was drafted to the front. In the villages there were old people, children and women. The republic was short of equipment and machines. The lack of combines, tractors, other agricultural machinery caused delays in harvesting, spring field works. Significantly reduced areas for sowing, the productivity of livestock deteriorated, and the number of livestock declined.

As for industry, here in the post-war years the machine-tool park was renovated. Production technologies have changed dramatically. Along with the reconstruction and expansion of existing enterprises, the construction of new ones began. So there were cement, cable, electric lamp, tool and other plants. By 1950, there was an increase in the volume of gross output. However, despite some successes, there was a downward trend in production.

The way out of the crisis

The 1950s are considered the most successful period in the development of the country's economy. It was at this time that the basis for the subsequent strengthening of the national economic complex in all regions was formed. In the years 1959-65. There was a process of transforming Mordovia from an agrarian into an industrial republic. By 1965, more than 12,000 tractors were involved in agriculture, all the collective farms in operation were electrified. The total grain yield was 700 thousand tons. There is a tendency to increase wages. So, the wages of employees and workers increased by more than 25%, and the incomes of collective farmers - almost three times.

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