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"Miss Brazilian Grandmother" - a contest that motivates many

Contests beauties are held around the world, choosing from unconditionally beautiful girls most worthy of wearing an honorary title. It's common to see young girls as model girls among the contestants, but in some countries they hold other competitions, for example, to determine the most beautiful woman whose weight exceeds the 80 kg mark.

But the most surprising is the contest of beauties "Miss Brazilian Grandmother", in which there are only two obligatory conditions for the participants: they must be beautiful and in fact be grandmothers. At the same time, height and weight do not matter.

"Miss Grandma"

Brazil is a place where very attractive women live. A hot climate and a lot of beaches that are not empty even on weekdays, force women to follow their figure, regularly visiting the gym and adjusting the diet.

Of course, we can say about the genetic factor, but looking at the "Miss Brazilian Grandmother " Pictures, you can safely say that the participants spend a lot of time in gyms and jogging.

Competition in Brazil was the occasion to show themselves to women, whose age exceeds the threshold of 45 years: without the slightest restraint, women with ideal figures went to the jury, collecting a deserved portion of admiration.

The winner

The title "Miss Brazilian Grandmother" was given to Maria Lucia, who will turn 50 in a year. By this age she had become a grandmother twice already, which did not prevent her from going out in a frank bikini on a precise body decorated with youth tattoos and piercing in the navel and compete for the title of the first beauty.

Blond Miss Brazil's grandmother, whose photo was scattered all over the Internet, even impressed skeptics who did not believe that a 49-year-old woman could give odds to any young beauty. And no less surprising is that Maria Lucia is not an exception to the rules: a lot of women took part in the match, which are in no way inferior to the winner.


The beauty of women who came to show themselves at the "Miss Grandmother" contest in Brazil pleasantly amazes people from other countries studying pictures on the web. But for Brazil, the fact that the beauty of a woman does not depend on age is proven. The Brazilians managed not only to escape from their age, but also to make it part of modern culture.

Women in big and small cities in Brazil are intensively engaged in sports, visit beauty salons, and without hesitation they will go to the table to the plastic surgeon, if they can not eliminate a flaw in the face or body in a conservative way. However, the explicit intervention of surgeons in the competition is not noticeable: the bodies and faces of women are quite natural, and small flaws in the form of wrinkles with a smile only add to their charm.

Brazil without any tricks takes a leading position in the lists of countries where the most attractive women live, the Brazilians managed to declare their beauty to the whole world.


Most people considering the grandmothers contest in Brazil, "Miss Grandmother" photo, admit that Maria Lucia and other contestants are the strongest motivators. "That would make me look the same in their years" - the most popular commentary that women left around the world under reportages. And this desire is hard not to understand.

From this point of view, the contest is not just a comparison of the beauty of women who are actually grandmothers. It's a way to show that age does not erase female attractiveness, but makes it even more perfect if a woman makes reasonable efforts to do it.

The beauty of the "Miss Brazilian Grandmother" participants is not only obvious, it is theoretically achievable. In model competitions, where young participants compete for the crown and title, the viewer can only admire what perfect bodies and persons nature can create. In the competition of grandmothers you can see what perfection the woman herself can "blind" herself, if she actively engages in sports, monitor her health, properly take care of skin and hair, follow fashion trends.

And most importantly, looking at the participants, we can say with confidence that age is really only a number in the passport. And whether it will influence the appearance, behavior and image of a woman, forcing her to refuse to be beautiful and attractive - depends only on herself.

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