Food and drink, Recipes
Menu with pancreatitis as an important component of treatment
Inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are found in almost every second adult. This is due primarily to the violation of the regime and the quality of nutrition, frequent stresses and many other social factors.
The most common of these are gastritis and pancreatitis. They are manifested by insufficient digestion. But the menu for pancreatitis or any other disease of the gastrointestinal tract requires a special diet. However, often patients do not pay due attention to their health, and this leads the disease to progression. Although the first steps to eliminate gastrointestinal disorders can be by returning to proper nutrition. It is especially important to make a correct menu for pancreatitis, since it is a disease of an organ highly sensitive to the incoming food. This also helps to cure the already existing disease by half, along with appropriate therapy.
We make the menu for every day
How to cook
For every day you can cook light potato soup. For him, first you need to boil a low-fat chicken, drain the primary broth and put the pan on the fire again. Here already in the secondary we add small potatoes cut into small cubes and, while it is brewed, on a small piece of butter we pass carrots with onions. Then add the roast in the soup, a little salt and throw the laurel leaf.
Also, mucous rice soup puree will be very useful. To make it, you first need to boil in ¼ cup of water peeled and sliced carrot thin slices, add to it 0.5 tablespoons. Butter, a little salt and sugar and stew for 5-10 minutes until soft. Then pour in ¾ st. Washed rice, pour another 5 tablespoons. Water and cook over low heat mines 40-50 under the closed lid.
For a menu with pancreatitis, steam chops are also perfect. For them, with the help of a meat grinder, we twist 0.5 kg of chicken breasts in minced meat, add 100 grams of bread, soaked mines 5-10 in milk (not white), one egg, slightly salted and cutlet form. Such a composition will be quite sticky. To eliminate this, you should roll the products in flour or breadcrumbs. Now put a saucepan on a slow fire, for a third or even a quarter filled with water, bring the latter to a boil. Next we install a colander in it, into which we place our cutlets. Tightly close the lid and cook for a couple of minutes 15. Serve better with rice or mashed potatoes.
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