Health, Preparations
Means "Chondroitin sulfate". Description. Application
The drug "Chondroitin sodium sulfate" is a high molecular weight polysaccharide. It refers to a group of proteoglycans (glycosaminoglycans). The drug promotes the activation of sulfur fixation during the synthesis of chondroitin sulfuric acid. This contributes, in turn, to deposition in the bones of calcium.
The drug "Chondroitin sulfate" is distinguished by the ability to store water in the form of water cavities in the thickness of the cartilage. The resulting water cushions - mycospheres - form a good cushion and absorb shocks. This, in turn, increases the strength of connective tissue. An important feature of the drug "Chondroitin sulfate" is its depressing effect on the activity of specific (including lysosomal) enzymes, which destroy the connective tissue.
The drug "Chondroitin sulfate" is prescribed for various lesions of connective tissue such as cartilage, and ligaments, tendons, and skin. In this regard, the drug is widely used not only in sports medicine, but also in cosmetology and dermatology.
The drug is not a medicine. The remedy, like vitamins of different groups, is considered biological additives.
The drug "Chondroitin sulfate". Instructions
To achieve the optimal result, the recommended dosage is 800 mg per day, with a weight of up to sixty kilograms. If the patient's weight is greater, then 1.2 grams of funds are prescribed. As a rule, the effect begins to appear after two to eight weeks from the beginning of application. The recommended duration of therapy is two to three months.
The drug "Chondroitin sulfate" is not prescribed for hypersensitivity to components, as well as with a predisposition to bleeding.
The drug should be stored in a dry place, well ventilated, away from children.
Do not prescribe medication yourself. It must be remembered that self-medication can lead to harmful consequences. Before using Chondroitin, you should consult a doctor and study the annotation.
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