
Management style of the leader: authoritarian, democratic, liberal-anarchist, inconsistent, situational

"Each broom sweeps in its own way" - in this folk proverb the idea of a variety of personality types of leaders and their management styles is hidden. Carefully watching the work of several managers in the team, you can see the difference in the formation of working relations. The management style of the manager directly affects the results of the company's activities. This fact can explain why some companies are closed, while others live and thrive even in times of crisis.

Personality of the manager, management styles and company results - these things are closely related. Combining several ways to guide, you can approach the ideal result. After all, leadership style and management effectiveness are inseparable things. If you are the boss, it is important for you to understand what kind of person you really are. So you will understand your strengths and weaknesses, and you will be able to achieve better results.

Brief description of management styles

The style of management is a complex of relations between management and subordinates and methods of influence of these two groups on each other. On the quality of these relationships depends on the performance of subordinates, the atmosphere in the team and its ability to achieve the set goals and objectives. The managerial styles in team management can be of five types.

The famous American-German psychologist and writer Kurt Levin in the 30s of the last century published and singled out three styles of leadership that later became classics. A little later, they were supplemented with an inconsistent and situational one. Having studied the table with a brief description of the manager, you can find yourself and immediately go to the reading of the desired section. And it is better to read all the material - in life you will have to face different people, and better be prepared. What are the management styles of the manager?

Brief characteristics of management styles
Type of leader Positive traits Negative qualities
Authoritarian It takes responsibility, quickly makes decisions, clearly sets tasks He does not tolerate criticism, does not like resistance, does not take into account the opinion of others, puts the interests of the case above people
Democratic Works in a team, is open to new ideas, takes into account the opinion of the team, allows others to take responsibility Much advises, can delay with the decision, can give powers in the wrong hands
Liberal-Anarchist There is no pressure on employees, a good-natured atmosphere in the team, it allows a creative approach to solving problems Admits laziness and moral corruption in the team, releases managerial reins, weak control (provocation of theft and failure to perform duties)
Inconsistent Not found There is no clear goal, there are no clear assignments, there is no understanding, a corrupting atmosphere in the team, poor performance, no money
Situational High-quality management of employees, enters the situation, always knows how and what to do, there are no pets and anti-heroes, it helps to develop, grows leaders, encourages a creative approach to business Over the years, it becomes liberal and loses its grip, unprincipled workers sit on their necks, do not know how to rest, they work "for wear"


Authoritarian person (from Latin auctoritas - power, influence) - imperious, not loving to discuss, that he objected, and even more resisted. If the chief refers to this type of people, then the management style of the leader is authoritarian. This kind refers to one of the three classical.

Characteristics of the manager

Such managerial management style - authoritarian - is justified in stressful situations: wars, crises, epidemics and so on, because such a person acts quickly and assumes responsibility. In conversations, hard and irreconcilable. Authoritarian leaders are taken to the highest levels of power and successfully retain their position. This style of leadership is more prevalent in Russia than the rest. This can be fully justified in large companies, factories, creative collectives and the army. Negotiations about purchases or reconciliations are conducted in a rigid mode, in an atmosphere heated to the limit.

The authoritarian leader collects all power in his hands and does not allow anyone to even encroach on its part. The subordinates are under strict control and constantly undergo various checks. But the authoritarian style is divided into two more models: exploitative and benevolent.

"Operator" fully justifies its name, it's directly "Pablo Escobar" in the company. Such a manager squeezes out all the juices from his subordinates, does not consider the interests of people, the opinion of someone does not interest him at all. May stimulate workers with threats, blackmail, fines and other persecution.

Never allows even the slightest independence in making decisions or accomplishing tasks. Everything should be done exactly as the "exploiter" said. Any authoritarian leader constantly issues orders, decrees and other orders. Everything is certified with seals, paintings and dates. In the matter of performing tasks, it is extremely demanding and impatient, although it is capable of making concessions, if it is not under emotions. If the leader is not in the spirit, he can say and do anything, and then you can not wait for an apology. In this case, it is not necessary to confuse this behavior with manipulative techniques, when all emotions are just a "theater" - authoritarian leaders like to use it. The subordinates are deprived of the opportunity to take the initiative.

The "benevolent" management style of the manager creates a more welcoming atmosphere, if it can be called so. Such a leader is already interested in the opinion of subordinates, but may act in his own way, even if the opinion was expressed correctly. In general, such a boss communicates with his subordinates condescendingly, "in a fatherly way," can sympathize, but dryly and literally for a second, and then immediately reminds that the subordinate is now at work, and no one cares about his experiences. Do not think that the second model is very different from the first - for all its benevolence it's still an authoritarian leader: tough, domineering and demanding.

Any of these types adore letters, signboards, seals, murals, abbreviations and abbreviations. All this must be big, sweeping, imperial. Such leaders are people with a paranoid figure of personality - power-hungry, mistrustful and unprincipled. As a rule, workaholics who do not know how to rest, who love and are able to impose their opinions and will on others.

Relations with subordinates

If in relations with subordinates a "benevolent" leader builds a distance that can not be passed on to anyone, then the "exploiter" this distance becomes intergalactic. The conversation is built in an orderly rough form. Employees are suppressed and deprived of motivation, while the risk of conflict development in the company is high. Criticism, even constructive, is absent as a concept.

Asking such a leader about the personal is not enough for everyone and this is justifiable - Pablo Escobar does not want to know anything about subordinates, but to think about the difficulties of its employees - especially. The possibility of getting something even for the enterprise is almost zero, if the autocrat himself did not say so. And if he spoke earlier, he will decide when, to whom and what to receive. To argue with such a type is useless - he has excellent hardening in tough negotiations, and his subordinate is not to talk. If the subordinate continues to insist, he will quickly receive a fine or a reprimand, and still have to follow instructions. To show emotions before such a leader is useless - he will look at a person as if he were a carpet. Empathy is zero.

A "benevolent" type can listen to a subordinate, but one will immediately have to go to the point of the matter and not pull the rubber, otherwise everything "your time is up," and you can only get to your question with it in the next life. It happens that the head can even give advice. "Benevolent" can give leave, leave on urgent business, or receive in excess of what is supposed to be - but for this you need to "protect" your plan before him, how to sell him the idea of why he should do it for you. But even if everything is done brilliantly, there is a big risk that the leader will do in his own way, and it is impossible to find out the reasons for the decision.

Problem Solving

The "exploiter" and the "benevolent" are simple - everyone should work without rest and break and put life together for the benefit of the enterprise. Those who disagree with this are declared "enemies of the people" and must leave the company.

Subordinates are obliged to obey orders unconditionally. The faster and more qualitatively the duties are performed, the greater the success of the enterprise. And the more new tasks the autocrat will place on the shoulders of subordinates. In solving problems, authoritarian leaders do not have any principles - the end justifies the means. This should be remembered, because, the more the autocrat's influence level, the harder it will be.

Way of communication

With such managers, there is no point in showing off and showing duplicity - you will find out in two counts. Let not today, but tomorrow, and then it will not do well. The autocrat knows how to sweep the intrigues better than any cardinal Richelieu, so in this direction one should not compete. By the way, about competition is the hobby of an authoritarian (and paranoid too) person, it's better not to get up on his way. Why? Because there are no principles, and to achieve the goal autocrat justifies any means. Attempts to suggest will fail - autocrats have zero suggestion. The best approach is cooperation. So the everyday life will be easier, and on the horizon there will be an opportunity for career growth. Examples of leaders: Donald Trump, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler.


The style of work and management of the leader-democrat mirror the authoritarian one. This style of work implies a uniform distribution of duties and responsibilities between employees of the company. The leader-democrat gathers around him a team of subordinates, on which you can rely. Such a team that solves problems and launches even complex projects, and for this it is not necessary to coerce or intimidate employees. At the same time, responsibility will still be, because a democrat is not a liberal-tolerant person, but a leader aimed at a concrete result.

Democrat leaders also reach great heights in business and politics, as well as authoritarian ones. Only they create a more benevolent atmosphere than autocrats.

Characteristics of the manager

To a democratic style, people with strong leadership qualities tend to gravitate, but they do not put their Ego in the first place. A democratic leader is a peaceful warrior: he does not start the war first, but if he is attacked, he will have to answer all the strictness of the law. This style of management of the manager creates a friendly atmosphere in the team and helps to concern staff with solving problems with some degree of creativity. Such a manager can easily consider the issue of time off, help or purchase of new equipment for the company without any special complaints. If you provide your ideas or requests with evidence, the leader can be persuaded to make a positive decision on your issue.

Relations with subordinates

There are friendly, business relations that can flow into friendships, although this is a rarity. Whatever the styles of management of a leader, do not forget that this is a leader, and you do not need to cross borders. The leader-democrat uses a human approach to his subordinates, enters their position to a certain limit, easily arranges motivational contests or gifts for overfulfilment of plans.

The best people with this style of management feel at the level of middle level, for example, the head of the department or the head of the district of the city. Even in companies with an authoritarian style of management, departments with a leader-democrat develop "their own atmosphere" - while the authority of the head of the department is higher than that of the head of the organization.

From the minuses we can note the following: a democrat can play in the "friend", and then more and more often there will be disputes and conflict situations, instead of work. The shift in focus from achieving goals to increased attention to employees does not bring the team closer to achieving the goals. The leader-democrat in this case loses authority and the level of influence on the collective, but he still has a bonus in the form of a fine or order, although such superiors rarely use it.

Problem Solving

The solution of the problems is reduced to the fact that, first, an action plan is developed by collective efforts. After that, the performers are chosen taking into account their skills and abilities. Without any resistance, such a leader invites a third-party expert to the team and listens to his opinion. By the way, it is not forbidden to express one's opinion to any of the subordinates, because the manager is concerned about the achievement of the result, and realizes that he is in danger of missing something important.

When scheduling the tasks, the leader-democrat puts the time reserve in the plan, because he takes into account the probability of errors in the staff, and still needs time to correct them. If there are difficulties in the course of the work or there is an opportunity to do everything differently, then the head can easily be reconstructed according to the situation, although this is not very welcome.

Way of communication

The leader-democrat chooses the generally accepted style of communication. You can go to his office and steal a little time. He listens to the opinion of the staff, especially if the words are backed up by facts and figures - it is worth using. Do not put pressure on such a leader - he, though soft, but bends like bamboo, and if you press hard, he will seriously answer. Whatever the leader, the styles and methods of management, he will be very different. The best way to communicate is cooperation. It is necessary to act within the framework of the task, without breaking the deadlines. If you can improve or remake the work - you need to immediately contact the boss, keep him informed. Examples of personalities: Vladimir Putin, Evgeny Chichvarkin, Lavrenty Beria.


This style of management is similar to democratic, but there are differences. It is characteristic that the head, having set the task clearly and clearly, setting the terms and speed of implementation, departs to the second plan. Thus, he allows the subordinates to act independently, while almost without limiting the means and methods of accomplishing the tasks.

Liberal style is suitable for the management of creative groups. It is not necessary that this will be a song and dance team, the editorial staff of the magazine, and the design bureau, and other similar collectives will do as well.

Characteristics of the manager

The liberal style can be divided into two areas: anarchist and expert. In the first case, the leader is a weak person, a non-conflicting, conformist. He postpones the solution of important issues until the last moment, or tries to completely absolve himself of responsibility, shifting it to the shoulders of deputies or subordinates. Such a manager can sit in the office for days and not go out to work - let them work for themselves.

The second type is more suitable for the role of an expert or a visiting manager for temporary tasks - he gives instructions on how and what to do, how and in what time frame. In the rest, it does not work, the subordinates do not pull, only if the situation is out of control. The authority is held at the level of his expertise, knowledge and skills in the current work.

Relations with subordinates

The liberal expert has friendly, informal and lasting relationships. In such groups grow leaders, who then either take power from the liberal, or leave for new collectives - as practice shows, these are authoritarian leaders.

In the work of subordinates, the leader-liberal hardly intervenes, giving the maximum possible freedom of action. The subordinates provide information, tools, instructs and instructs, reserves the right of the final solution.

Problem Solving

Do not think that the liberal leader will sit in his "sink" and not show his nose. This happens, but this does not characterize all the leaders-liberals. On the contrary, in the current situation, the popularity of this method of people's leadership is growing. Especially it is noticeable in scientific, creative or other collectives, where the level of knowledge, competence and experience is high - a highly qualified specialist does not tolerate a slavish attitude, as well as excessive care.

In the relations "manager and organization", management styles of "liberal" are well known. Soft management, trust, cooperation and cooperation - these are the foundations of the liberal style of company management. There is no bad way to manage people, there is only the misuse of tools in their hands. Defining the management style of the manager should start as early as possible - so it will be easier to adjust to the situation or quickly find a new job.

Way of communication

The leader-liberal does not attach much importance to the chosen method of communication, because the effect of this on the result of work is minimal. With the leader himself it is worth communicating, based on the goals of communication and what kind of personality the leader has. The management styles can be different - either an anarchist or an expert. Do not worry much if you suddenly call the boss "you" - he will correct you, but he will not punish the fine as authoritarian. Examples: Steve Jobs, Roman Abramovich, Robert Kiyosaki.


The name speaks for itself - there is no consistency and logic in deeds. Such a boss moves from one management style to another, but does it because of inexperience, and this is different from the situational style.

Characteristics of the manager

Today, such a manager is an authoritarian leader, and tomorrow - an anarchist with a developed connivance nature of work. The results of such a team are extremely low, and there are all chances to spoil the work of the enterprise or even disrupt it. If the manager has work experience in such a position, but he adheres to an inconsistent work style, he can be called an instigated, weak-willed manager who can not achieve goals.

Relations with subordinates

The collective of the inconsistent leader is dissatisfied with his manager, he does not know what to expect from the boss, besides, everyone has a weak idea of the ultimate goal and his own growth opportunities. Relations are very tense, all this causes an increase in the negative atmosphere in the team. There is a high probability of misunderstandings, intrigues and scandals.

Problem Solving

It is impossible to achieve goals with such a leader, since he vaguely represents how the collective should work. The solution of tasks is shifted to deputies and subordinates, and then undertakes. Then some tasks are canceled, replaced with new ones and so on. This style of management of the leader generates confusion and anarchy.

Way of communication

The same ambiguous and depends on the state of affairs in the company and the mood of the boss himself. Today he can tell stories about how he spent the weekend, and tomorrow play the role of the authoritarian "Pablo Escobar." The subordinate with developed leadership and manipulative skills can permanently dislodge such a leader. And then from his own chair. Examples: such people rarely achieve serious heights, but there is still a vivid example - Mikhail Gorbachev.


The management style, in which the relationship policy is adjusted to the current state, is called situational. This is the best way to manage people and businesses - in times of crisis it helps to get together, and when the market rises, to strengthen competitive advantages.

Do not confuse the situational approach and duplicity of the leader. In the first case, the chief chooses the style of communication based on the behavior of a particular person or group of people, with the aim of maximally qualitatively starting work. In the second case, the chief occupies different positions on the basis of his own benefit.

Characteristics of the manager

They are experienced managers with many years of experience, who have worked at different levels of management in several areas. In some people management skills are inherent in nature - these are the so-called managers from God. But talent is replaced by zeal and constant training. Knowing how to affect people now comes with experience. This is one of the most acceptable ways to lead a team. With clumsy attempts to copy style, there is a danger that the head will turn into a conjunctureist who says what is profitable at the moment.

Relations with subordinates

They are built in confidence, openly and easily - the team constantly feels that their work is literally burning in their hands, and the leader always knows what to do, how to punish and cheer the team. In view of the great practical experience, such managers seem to see subordinates through and possess the gift of foresight. Such superiors are used in the team as an authority.

The situational leader knows how to communicate better with this group of subordinates or the only employee. In which case it is possible to remain silent or even condone something, but it only seems to the inexperienced glance that the leader gave the slack.

Problem Solving

The resolution of disputes, problems and tasks passes quickly and professionally. An experienced manager is able to quickly debug most of the work processes, and if there is a force majeure, people are appointed to correct the situation, based on the abilities and experience of employees, rather than personal preferences.

In general, the manager himself is more like a shadow - he hides his personal and only works. He does not have any favorites, and if there is one, one can long wonder who got such a role. Explicit negativity does not show, on the contrary, with every problem worker such a manager tries to find a common language. Thanks to experience, this often succeeds. It seems that such a person does not think about himself at all: where are all the "Wishlist" and other complexes? To this question, the situational manager only smiles and shrugs his shoulders.

Rarely when such a manager is not a workaholic.

Way of communication

Like a liberal expert, the situational manager chooses a simple style of communication. Despite the high rank, such people are simple and open, and often optimistic and endowed with a sense of humor. Often enter the position of an employee and can help, going beyond the working relationship. With age, managers become too kind and resourceful, sometimes they may lose their grasp, which unprincipled employees use. But the collective usually stands up for the leader, and if they see meanness in relation to their patron, they immediately take action.

Examples: a large part of the military, directors and leaders of factories and factories of military and post-war time, such as Konstantin Rokossovsky, Ivan Romazan, Avraamiy Zavenyagin and others.

What style of leadership is you?

No matter how you behave manager, it is worth remembering that the individual style of management of the leader is made up of the characteristics of upbringing and the character of the person, therefore it is not worthwhile to label labels.

Management as the implementation of individual leader style is a complex and multifaceted process, accompanied by a high level of stress, psychological and physical stresses. Becoming a leader takes a long time, takes a lot of time and effort, and involves a high risk. Therefore, support from top-level managers, and ongoing training is needed.

What if you found yourself on this list? Take your strengths and concentrate on their strengthening and development. Weak sides should pay a lot of attention - problems are points of growth. The quicker you revise your attitude towards your negative features, the faster and more qualitatively you will become the leader.

What if you found your leader on the list? Now you know how to build relationships with him better, and what points should be avoided.

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