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Low placentation in pregnant women: causes, consequences, recommendations

What is the placenta? The fertilized egg, entering the uterine cavity, is attached to one of the walls, penetrating into the mucous membrane, the endometrium. At this point, the organs are beginning to form, designed to protect the baby during pregnancy. These organs include the amniotic membrane, inside which the baby develops, and the placenta, by means of which the amniotic membrane is attached to the wall of the uterus. It is interesting that the male genome is responsible for the formation of these organs, that is, the father begins to protect his child already at this stage, albeit unconsciously.

The placenta acts as an intermediary between the mother and the child. It consists of two films, inside and outside the amniotic membrane, and the blood vessels between them. The circulatory systems of the mother and child do not overlap with each other, the entire exchange occurs through the placenta. It is she who is responsible for supplying the fetus with oxygen, nutrients and microelements necessary for development, as well as for preventing infections, if any, and various drugs from the mother's blood into the child's blood. The development of the fetus depends on the condition of the placenta.

One possible pathology of the placenta is low placentation in pregnant women. Usually, the ovum is attached to the posterior or anterior wall of the uterus near the bottom (the bottom of the uterus is at the top). In some cases, due to mucosal damage due to early abortions, complicated pregnancies, intrauterine infections, and late pregnancies, the egg is fixed in the lower part of the uterus. This phenomenon is called low placentation in pregnant women.

Low placentation during pregnancy is associated with a number of problems. First of all, the lower part of the uterus is much smaller than the blood vessels, so that the baby can not get enough oxygen, nutrients and trace elements. In addition, as the baby grows and increases its activity, a low placenta during pregnancy leads to a constantly increasing pressure on the placenta, which can cause its detachment and heavy bleeding.

In nine out of ten cases, the low-lying placenta itself eventually moves to the upper part of the uterus and does not require treatment. So low placentation in pregnant women - not a reason for panic.

Of course, there remains the same one case out of ten, when the placenta remains in the lower part of the uterus until the very birth. Here a lot depends on the position of the child. If in the head, the woman is most likely to be allowed to give birth herself, although this is associated with some risks. If the child is in a pelvic or leg presentation, then speech will already go about the planned caesarean section.

There is another option, when low placentation in pregnant women leads to cesarean section. Sometimes the placenta is located so low that partially or even completely blocks the cervical cervix. In this case, a large loss of blood in the case of natural birth is inevitable, and therefore, it is better to refuse this option. However, the caesarean section is also not a sentence and you should not be afraid of it.

Low placentation in pregnant women, as mentioned above, is not a reason for panic. It is necessary, only, to follow simple, but important recommendations. First of all, women with low placenta can not lift weights, make sudden movements, run or jump, and even sit down, lie down or get up fluently and without jerking. It is necessary to avoid traveling by public transport. You can not also have sex.

In addition, when you sit or lie, your legs need to be lifted slightly. This improves the circulation of the pelvis, which means that the uterus and placenta.

It is especially important for women with low placenta to follow the discharge from the vagina. Bloody smearing or drip discharge is an excuse to contact your doctor as soon as possible, and if there is excessive bleeding, immediately call an ambulance.

If your doctor suggests that you lie down for preservation, you should not postpone it or refuse. Even if you are feeling well. Perhaps your baby does not have enough oxygen or he does not get enough nutrients. In this case, external replenishment of the fetus may be necessary.

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