Spiritual developmentAstrology

Love Compatibility: Lions and Pisces

Pisces and Leo are very different signs of the Zodiac, so the question of whether this union is possible is not without foundation. But we can say with confidence - yes, it is possible. If both partners tend to show only positive traits. Such is the idealized compatibility. Lions and Pisces have different temperaments and a different attitude to life. The secret of such a discrepancy lies in its belonging to different elements, and therefore it will be necessary to direct efforts to build relations.

Compatibility: girl-pisces, male-lion

Enthusiastic Leo Pisces are able to intuitively feel where to yield, and when you can show character. However, they perfectly understand that the pride of Leo does not tolerate disobedience, therefore, all the necessary questions that require solution and can lead to conflicts, try to solve on their own. And the Lions are presented with this as a desire to free them from the hassle. And they believe. Although, we will not criticize, often Pisces do not lie - otherwise what kind of compatibility would that be?

Lions and Pisces are a union of two romantics, which allows you to bypass many sharp corners and swim a lot of pitfalls. However, it should be understood that the fiery Leo in the depths of his soul always fears that the water fish will encroach upon its space, extinguish its fire. With the wrong distribution of roles, this will be so, but as a rule, Pisces lacks the wisdom to use this ability for good, pacifying the outrageous Leo and harmonizing their compatibility.

Lions and Pisces - it's always interesting, because a woman as usual will seek to lead a man, but it was not there. The desire to be a gray cardinal will face regal independence. If correctly prioritized, this will not be a problem: the wisdom of Pisces really will be able to direct Lev's activity in the right direction, without infringing either his rights or his independence. But all this can acquire the features of a silly melodrama in which a woman tries to influence a man by flapping her eyes, sweet chirping and whims. Caprices Lions do not like. Under no sauce. Or submission, or nothing - such in their understanding of a strange love and compatibility. Lions and Pisces, however, can learn to talk to each other, distribute zones of influence and remember that Leo is the head of the family. And nothing else. The main thing is that he believes in it, and the Pisces did not give cause for doubt under any circumstances.

Lion and Pisces: Sexual Compatibility

Balancing the conflict of interest in this pair is capable of sex. To make a bet on it, of course, is not worth it, but it is really capable of smoothing the situation. But only at the first time. First, the Pisces woman attracts the partner with her external data and flirting. The passion rages, and then it turns out that "cold as a fish" is not just empty words. There's nothing you can do about it - Pisces has a different temperament. However, this is also possible. Leo is simply vital for romance, which Pisces can provide even with abundant. Again, if you want to listen to a partner and enter into a dialogue with him, many problems are solved almost by themselves, and if you still make some effort, they can completely disappear. Love each other!

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