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Longitudinal flat-foot 2 degrees: diagnosis, treatment features

Flat feet today is a fairly common pathology. It has to face not only children and adolescents, but even adults. At the outset, the disease is not accompanied by significant degenerative changes. As it progresses, many unpleasant symptoms appear. They become more pronounced already with longitudinal flattening of the 2nd degree. Is the army taking this diagnosis? It is this question that worries most patients. In today's article, we try to give an answer to it, and also tell you about the basic methods of treating the disease.

What is longitudinal flatfoot?

This degenerative disease, characterized by a pathological lowering of the longitudinal arch of the foot. As a result, its structure changes, depreciation properties deteriorate. Gradually, there is a redistribution of loads to other areas of the support apparatus, which are not adapted to them by nature.

The disease manifests itself in the form of an external displacement of the calcaneal tendon. Simultaneously, the bone located in this area is turned inwards. The foot lengthens, and its middle part expands. The occurring disorders contribute to the appearance of pathological changes in the muscle tissue. The system of blood supply and venous drainage ceases to function fully.

Degrees of longitudinal flat feet

Longitudinal flat feet is a chronic disease of the support apparatus. It develops gradually, but always under the influence of certain factors. There are 3 degrees of pathology:

  • I degree. Degenerative changes are weak. By the evening there is fatigue in the lower extremities, which is due to prolonged motor loads. Sometimes there is swelling of the feet. Gradually, the smoothness of the gait worsens. The height of the vault is 25-35 mm, while its angle corresponds to 131-141 degrees.
  • II degree. The pathological process is characterized by a moderate degree of severity. Painful sensations become more frequent. They extend to the foot area and also affect the lower leg. Muscles gradually lose their former elasticity. With longitudinal flat feet of the 2nd degree, the height of the sole of the sole is 24-17 mm, and the angle varies between 141-155 degrees.
  • III degree. The deformation of the foot is markedly enhanced. Discomfort extends to the waist region and acquires a permanent character. There are severe headaches. Movement now even for short distances is accompanied by difficulties. The height of the arch of the foot is less than 17 mm, and its angle exceeds the 155 degree mark.

Determining the severity of the pathological process plays an important role. Without this parameter, effective treatment can not be prescribed.

Longitudinal flat-foot 2 degrees

The army does not take employees with such a diagnosis, but only in some cases. Why? We'll talk about this below.

The initial stage of the pathological process for most patients passes unnoticed. The existing symptoms and visual signs of it are not sufficiently pronounced. Therefore, many write off the pain in the legs due to the usual fatigue. At the next stage, the clinical picture becomes more complicated, and the external deformation of the foot becomes more noticeable.

With flat feet of the 2nd degree, the lowering of the sole of the sole can be considered with the naked eye. The pain syndrome is growing every day, and the gait is changing. The foot becomes more elongated. Approached earlier in size shoes must be thrown out and bought a new one.

How serious is this form of the disease? If you ignore his symptoms and do not treat, the pathological process will continue to progress. The third degree is extremely difficult to tolerate and can cause the occurrence of concomitant ailments. It is advisable to stop at the second stage of the disease. Knowing its causes and main manifestations, it is possible to prevent further development.

Main reasons

Flat feet can appear at any age. Causes are usually associated with a person's way of life, his daily loads and shoes, which he prefers to wear. The longitudinal arch of the foot is considered quite a complex system. To damage this part of the support apparatus is easy.

The 2-degree longitudinal flatfoot often develops as a result of excessive stress on the sole of the sole. It can grow under the influence of the following factors:

  • Weight gain;
  • Improperly selected or substandard footwear.

One of the indirect causes of flatfoot is the lack of physical activity. For example, in people with sedentary work, the arch of the foot and muscle gradually weaken. Therefore, the risk of developing the disease increases.

Clinical picture

Longitudinal flat feet of the 2nd degree is characterized by the appearance of severe pain in the legs. First, discomfort occurs in the arch of the sole of the sole, then moves to the heel or ankle. If, at the initial stage of the disease, the pain syndrome appears only after physical exertion, then at subsequent stages it is constantly present.

Also, among the symptoms of the pathological process, doctors distinguish the following:

  • Feeling of heaviness in the legs and constant fatigue;
  • Cramps in the calf muscles;
  • Appearance of clubfoot;
  • Change of gait.

In adolescents and children, the longitudinal flat feet of the 2nd degree is much stronger. They can complain of pain in the back and lumbar region. On the background of the disease, other pathologies sometimes develop. For example, joint arthrosis and osteochondrosis.

Methods of diagnosis

Most patients decide to seek help from a doctor when the disease is already progressing. Suddenly, just a few months ago, shoes become uncomfortable.

Diagnosis of pathology always begins with the study of complaints and a general clinical picture. Then they turn to instrumental methods of examination. A classic option is to perform radiography, which is performed in two projections with a load. In addition, we designate the subgraphics and the subgraph. In the first case, the arch of the foot and its length are measured, and a number of accompanying indices are determined. The sub-graph is necessary to evaluate the parameters associated with the biomechanics of the sole.

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor confirms or refutes the preliminary diagnosis, and also gives recommendations for the elimination of the problem.

With longitudinal flat feet, 2 degrees in the army are taken?

The pathological lowering of the arch of the foot is a serious problem that requires constant monitoring. Sometimes you even have to limit the load on your aching legs. Is this an ailment for the army? It is not possible to answer this question unequivocally.

In the case of mild forms of violation, a man is subject to service. Even a two-sided longitudinal flat-foot 2 degrees and an army are compatible. On the other hand, in the presence of concomitant diseases, a young person may refuse to serve. A draftee with a flat-foot 2 degree and pronounced arthrosis is considered unsuitable. In this case, the concomitant pathology should also progress.

Help at home

Completely to return the foot to a healthy position is possible only in childhood, when the leg is still developing. In this case, the treatment of longitudinal flat feet of the 2nd degree is limited to the wearing of special orthopedic footwear and the course of exercise therapy. Such measures do not allow the disease to progress, and the muscles of the foot support in a tone.

In adulthood, it is not possible to completely get rid of the disease. However, with the help of therapy it is possible to stop its development and minimize the activity of the symptoms. In adult patients, treatment consists of the following:

  1. Use of orthopedic insoles. With longitudinal flat feet of the 2nd degree, special shoes are no longer required. When choosing insoles, it is necessary to pay attention to the arch support and the roller in the area of the anterior arch of the sole.
  2. If you have overweight or other health problems, you need to address them.

After confirming flat feet, the orthopedist should be constantly observed, and the prescribed therapy should be adjusted. Physiotherapy and massage are not mandatory for this diagnosis. Sometimes they are recommended to get the soonest result.


At home, you can do gymnastics. It is recommended for bilateral longitudinal flatfoot of the 2nd degree. The medical complex should be selected by a doctor. The first exercise is better performed under his control, and then you can move on to home practice.

For children, the standard course of exercise therapy includes jumping and bouncing, walking on socks. For adults, such exercises are ineffective. It is useful for them to grab objects from the floor with their toes, roll balls of different diameters.

The main rule - this gymnastics should be regular. During the day the exercises should be repeated several times. This treatment of longitudinal flat feet of the 2nd degree will be even more effective if it is combined with other methods.

Is operation necessary?

In the case of deformity of the foot of the 2nd degree, surgical intervention is not required. To his help resorted to the next stage of development of the pathological process, when conservative treatment does not give a result. There are many types of operations. The choice of a specific procedure remains with the doctor.

Surgical intervention is also recommended if the longitudinal flat feet of both feet of the 2nd degree resulted in degenerative changes in the spine. However, such cases are extremely rare, especially if the patient has started the therapy in a timely manner.

Methods of prevention

Flattening is a serious disease that needs to be treated in a timely manner. Sometimes it is not limited to conservative treatment and requires surgical intervention. In order not to face such problems, one must be engaged in the prevention of ailment.

Doctors offer the following recommendations:

  1. Do walks barefoot on sand or gravel on a regular basis.
  2. To choose comfortable footwear and on a steady heel, executed from qualitative materials.
  3. With a sedentary lifestyle a few hours a week should be given to sports.

When the initial symptoms of the pathology should immediately consult an orthopedic doctor. Timely diagnosis and quality therapy are the key to a favorable prognosis.

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