Computers, Computer games
Llayers of Fear: walkthrough
In recent years, horror in the field of computer games is gaining in popularity. Earlier, the genre of horror was presented mainly by such projects as Resident Evil or Silent Hill, in which you had to fight with various monsters in a frightening atmosphere. However, now everything has changed a little, and from the shooter-horror game turned into just horror. The bottom line is that you are not given any weapons, you do not need to kill monsters, ghosts or zombies. Your goals can be varied, but you have to go to them in constant fear, and usually you are not just frightened to press on the psyche - your character can really die. In general, now the genre of psychological horror-thriller in the field of computer games has become extremely popular, and one of the brightest examples is the game of Layers of Fear, the passage of which will be considered in this article. This project is relatively fresh and extremely attractive for those gamers who like to pat their nerves with pleasure. In the game of Layers of Fear, the passage is not delayed, it is rather short, but very saturated, so that its completion will leave you with a storm of emotions.
The essence of the game
What is the essence of the Layers of Fear project? Passage occurs in a rather unusual way, you find yourself in the body of the artist, who returns to his home in a frightening mansion, where he begins to work on his masterpiece, and you will help him in this. How? The whole game is divided into six stages, each of which corresponds to a certain stage in drawing the picture. Each of them will be filled with hallucinations of the protagonist, his memories of the terrible past, as well as searching for necessary items and solving puzzles on the territory of the mansion, reminiscent of the habitat of all evil spirits from any horror film. This guide will guide you through each of the six stages of the game Layers of Fear - the passage of places may seem quite complicated, but you can be sure that there are no impassable moments in this game.
Immediately it is worth noting that this article is devoted to the original game, not the Layers of Fear project: Inheritance, whose passage describes further events already on behalf of the artist's daughter, which he left to make a career in art. Inheritance has its own storyline and tells a completely different story. As for this game, it all begins with "Canvas" - the so-called first stage. The main character returns home, and you immediately need to start controlling it. Go to the second floor to the office and take the keys from the table with which you can open the door to the workshop located on the first floor. Once inside, look around - you will see an easel covered with a cloth. Tighten this cloth to open your eyes to the empty canvas above which you will work. When you leave the workshop, all the fun begins, your character will have hallucinations, and the mansion will be transformed into a real house of horrors. Despite all the nightmares going on, get to the room with the chest, open it, using the numbers that appeared in the pictures. After that, a new passage will open between the two busts - use it to make your way to the room with the picture on which the inverted doll is depicted. When you stand next to her, then fail. You will need to turn on the light and get to the office, where suddenly all furniture will turn upside down. Then you need to go to the door to the kitchen, which will not open. Wait for the light to go out, and go to the big picture, where you get the piece of skin - after a while leave the room, and you will immediately find yourself in the workshop. It's time to use the skin on the easel, so that it begins to change - this will end the first stage of the game. As you can see, in Layers of Fear: Inheritance the passage will be very different from the one described here. So for now, you need to focus on the first part of the game.
Passage of the game Layers of Fear continues in the second stage, here you will need to get out of the workshop and climb the elevator to the top. There you will not have much choice - all rooms will be closed. Go to the end of the corridor, and one of the locked doors will open. Go inside, take the key and go another floor above. On this floor there will be several closed doors, one of which can be opened with a found key. There you can climb the stairs again and go out into the corridor. Go to the far door and open it - instead of the passage you will see a picture, and after you open another door. Go inside, take the key and light the candles, you will see that the walls have turned into a real nightmare. No matter how scary you are, do not leave the room until the walls take their usual form. The key you found is from the bedroom, go there and turn on the gramophone. Again, the problems with the walls will begin, but this time you need not wait, but twist the gramophone pen again. When everything is settled, you will see a vial of blood on the floor. Take it and go to the workshop, where you need to use it on the canvas. Already at this stage you could see how frightening is the game of Layers of Fear. Complete passage will scare you even more, so continue only if you are ready for it.
What else did Layers of Fear prepare for you? The full version of the game has many more surprises that will make you afraid. So, to continue the passage, you need to get out of the workshop and proceed to where the grand piano left. From there you will need to return and proceed to a room from which you can not get out when you are there. Do not stand still - move and look around, and then the output will appear itself. Get down after that down the stairs - on each table on your way will appear a calling phone, which can not be picked up. Ignore him until he falls at your feet himself - then already pick up the phone and answer. Go to the room with upturned furniture - as soon as you turn on the light, everything will fall into place. Go to the elevator and go down the floor below. Next, you are waiting for a small linear path, which is not very painful in the game Layers of Fear passage. The board, the box and other items will block you way - get rid of the pallet best. You pass into the formed turn and get down into the basement. Press the piano keys, and the objects will fly around the room, and the light will turn off - try to get out of the cellar, but you will not get anything, the door is locked. It is necessary to search the cellar in the dark to find a casket inside which bones are inside. After that you will be able to leave the room, return to the workshop and apply the casket on the canvas.
In this part of the game you will meet not only with the ghost of your wife, but also with the ghost of your daughter. During the passage you will find yourself in the children's room, from where you will need to pick up children's shoes. You will need to open one of the doors that are locked. Several attempts - and the door suddenly opens. Look at the picture - and again terrifying madness will begin. When it is over, proceed further until you reach the point where all the turns begin to repeat. Just turn around and go the other way - you will again find yourself in the nursery, where you will need to find the key to the toy carousel and within the next hallucination ride on it. From the bed, take away a scrap of hair that you need to apply on the canvas when you return to the workshop.
Final touches
Here it comes gradually to the end in the game Layers of Fear passage. The safe at this level is opened with the help of a special code that you can find out if you play a children's game, when you are in a room, when you enter into which you will be locked. When you get access to a huge room with a big picture on the wall, go into it. Go to the picture and look at it until the world again goes insane. This time, you will not be able to get away so easily, so your character will lose consciousness. Waking up, go to the closet, opening the door which you will find the passage. Go inside and wander the corridors until you can get to the office. There you will hear the phone ringing - it is heard from somewhere out of the bookcase. Find the phone and answer the call - then look at the picture, which is written three figures, which are very important in order to complete the game Layers of Fear passage. The code from the lock? No, many players believe that with these numbers you can open the lock, but in fact they need to be dialed on the phone. This will be repeated several times - in the last run, hallucinations will be so strong that you need to get to the phone by pallets. When you answer the call, start the road back - you will fall down. There you need to collect what's left of the phone, as well as a cut finger that you can use in the picture in the workshop.
Critical Look
"Critical look" - this is the last stage of the passage of this game, so you have very little left. Now you need to go to a room where an ugly picture will hang in the center. Look at it - suddenly all the pictures in the room will fall to the floor. There will not be an exit from the room, so you need to stand in the center and wait until it appears. Go into the corridor, wander around the house, looking into the room with the burning bed, where you need to take the bandages. Go to the bathroom, where there is a full bath. Lower your head several times into the water until you can find the jar with the eye in it. After that, go to the room, which will be the last one you need to visit to complete the game in Layers of Fear Passage. Spiritual board - that's what many gamers see for the first time, hitting there. But in fact it turns out that this is an ordinary chessboard, and you need to collect shapes that will appear in various rooms suddenly emerging from nowhere. When you collect all the necessary figures, the final demonic madness will begin. If you survive it, you will be right in the workshop. Use the last item to complete your masterpiece.
Different Endings
The game has three different endings, which depend on what you did in the process of passing. Each of them deserves to pass the game anew, because each gives you a new look at the story that happened to the artist. In this project, defining endings as "good", "bad" and "neutral" is quite difficult, but for convenience they will still be classified as such.
Good ending
At this ending, the wife and daughter of the artist are in the picture - he realizes that he has spoiled everything and that his life will never be the same, so he burns all his pictures and perishes with them in flames.
Bad ending
The ending shows that the artist was working on a portrait of his wife, but every time he saw a good picture as a disgrace. As a result, he finally went insane and continued to paint pictures ad infinitum.
Neutral ending
In this ending, the artist paints a self-portrait, is satisfied with what he does, and hangs it on the wall, despite the fact that he used parts of his own wife's body to work on this "masterpiece."
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