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Livny chintz chickens: description, photo

In the world there is a huge variety of breeds of chickens. One of them is meat direction, the other is egg-laying. In tsarist Russia the Livonian chintz chickens were widely known and common. They combined all the requirements of the peasants to the chickens: they carried well and gave a sufficient amount of meat. Unjustifiably forgotten breed is now reviving and is gaining popularity.


The first Livonian chintz chickens appeared in the Livenskoye district of the Orel region, then the Russian Empire. Hence the name of the breed. Sometimes it is called Oryol. The peasants themselves engaged in breeding the livestock breed suitable for farming. It was important for them that it meet several requirements: it was carried well, was a source of meat and, most importantly, was simple and unpretentious in care. The peasant family did not have to especially choose food even for their children, so the hens had to be satisfied with the food that is available. Perseverance of the peasants was rewarded, they managed to achieve the set goal - the Livenskaya chintz breed of chickens appeared.

Appearance of the representatives of the breed

Excluded by simple peasants breed was attractive appearance. Initially, a certain standard for determining breeding was not formed. Only in 1990, the specific criteria for breed chickens were Livensky calico. The description of unique characteristics includes such features:

  • A small leaf-like or rosy-like comb;
  • Calico color plumage (each feather has several colors - black, yellow, golden, all together they create a characteristic motley outfit);
  • A massive trunk elongated horizontally;
  • Medium-sized head with a small yellowish beak.

The laying hens of this breed may have a crest near the scallop or feathered shaggy legs. The weight of one individual varies from 2.5 to 3.5 kg. The males are more massive and heavier than the chickens, their weight is from 4.5 kg and more. Each male is decorated with a magnificent tail, which is perpendicular to the body. The tail is bright, with perfectly developed braids.

Characteristics of the productivity of the breed

Each owner tries to get the best out of the animals in the yard. The benefits of breeding chickens are eggs and meat. Livensky chintz chickens, whose characteristics are beyond praise, will quickly pay off the funds invested in their acquisition. The breed belongs to the meat-egg category. In addition to a large number of nutritious eggs, a lot of tender dietary meat is obtained from the breed.

Each layer brings 200 eggs a year, sometimes 220 eggs. The color of the shell is from cream to light brown. The average weight of one egg is from 50 to 70 grams. Happens, the hen brings an egg and in 90 grams. Such eggs are usually with two yolks. But this sign is considered not a cost of the breed, but rather its advantage.

Young growth very quickly gaining weight and by the age of six months reach sexual maturity. At this age, a young bird can be allowed to eat meat. The young are starting to produce eggs. Kurochki can take the first egg in 5-6 months. At the cost of maintenance, the egg-laying time is delayed and comes in 7-8 months. At first the eggs are small, but within the limits of the lower norm. After the first rest, the egg mass increases and reaches its maximum. The time of the winter break, to restore the strength of the breed is absent. Rest-respite does not last long - two or three weeks.

Features of behavior

Important features for breeding birds have behavioral features. Livenskaya chintz breed of chickens, a description of the productivity of which attracts the attention of poultry farmers, has a peace-loving character. Chickens are calm, their activity level is lowered, so they easily transfer the cellular content. In the summer it is better to keep chickens on free grazing. In this case, the host should take care that they do not scatter. To do this, you must make a higher fence or cut feathers on the wings of birds.

The hens show friendliness to other birds. People are not afraid, immediately respond to the invitation of the owner to eat and run to the place of feeding. Unlike many breeds, the lions are silent. They will not be the early screams at dawn to wake the owner, demanding to eat.

Males are not as peaceful as females. The owner of the harem shows aggressiveness to each competitor. If a rival imagines him in the master, the cock can attack him. Here it is necessary to show firmness and show who is the master of the house.

Participation in the rearing of offspring

Breeding and growing a new generation of chickens is not an easy task. Livensk chintz chickens greatly facilitate the work of the poultry breeder in this matter. The chickens are well developed instinct of motherhood. In the summer, it is time to remove the children. Klusha begins to make a kind of sound - croak. At this time, she tries to hide and take eggs in a secluded place. Some sit down to bring the chickens to a permanent place, where all the females of the courtyard are rushing. For the breeding of the offspring, the future mother must be sent to a separate place.

Kvochka will sit on the eggs as much as needed. One hen can breed a dozen or two or two small chicks at a time. She will take care of the offspring for about two months, until she has a new batch of eggs inside her. Livenskaya chintz breed of chickens is distinguished by responsibility for the care of chickens. Not only hens, but also the cock stands up for the protection of the offspring, if it is in danger.

Little lions and care for them

Chickens of Livenskaya breed from the first hours of their life show enviable activity and vitality. They appear in the light of three colors: brown, yellow with dark impregnations on the back or yellow-brown. Plumage of crumbs is slow; First feathers appear, like in other breeds, on the tips of the wings. According to the daily chicks, it is already possible to determine what the Livonian chintz chickens are. Photo babies, as well as adults, looks very festive.

For proper maintenance of chickens, it is not necessary to adhere to special rules. Conditions for feeding and care are the same as the rules for growing chicks of any breed. The temperature in the room must correspond to the age of the children. If the chickens are cold, then they huddle together. If they are hot, they open the beak, breathe heavily, and lower the wings. Feed the brood should be three to four times a day, supporting a diet of high-protein meals. (Boiled egg, semolina, cottage cheese).

The cells must be kept clean, the dishes should be washed from the remains of the feed. It is very important for babies vitamins and preventive drugs against infections. However, if children grow with their mother, caring for them is only in feeding. From two weeks the hen can be let go with the chickens on the lawn.

Rules for keeping chickens

Livensky chintz chickens are bred as unpretentious breed. In the summer, the bird does not require special care, especially if it is contained in free grazing. With cellular content, it is important to follow several rules:

  • Control air exchange in the poultry house (do not allow the absence of fresh air);
  • Twice a year to conduct treatment of the premises from parasites and infections;
  • In winter, keep the temperature in the henhouse at least -5 degrees.

Rules for feeding chickens

It is not necessary to feed something special to chickens. Chicken Livens calico, reviews of experienced poultry farms confirm this, absolutely unpretentious birds. On grazing, they can eat grass or spider, find tracing paper or pebble, dig out a worm. Everything the master offers them, the hens eat. But the duty of the owner is to create a balanced diet for his clubs. It is preferable to offer chicken three types of feeds: dry grain (preferably wheat), wet mashrooms and combined dishes. In the winter, laying hens require vitamin supplements and pebbles. It is not necessary to buy specialized forage, since the breed was excreted by peasants in unpretentious food.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Positive characteristics of the breed include:

  • Endurance and unpretentiousness;
  • Meat production;
  • High egg production;
  • An excellent maternal instinct.

There are no shortcomings in the Livonian breed. Livenskaya breed is endowed with an excellent opposition to most avian diseases. If the poultry house and the birds themselves are treated in time from parasites, disinfection has been carried out, then the chickens practically do not get sick. These preventive measures can be carried out even by a novice poultry breeder.

The aggressiveness of bettas described above at certain points (for example, when protecting the brood or protecting the harem) plays a positive role. The only drawback is the rarity of pure purebred chickens. Find them is difficult, but possible.

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