Business, Agriculture
Livestock in the Moscow region: which industries are developed, where are the main centers of animal husbandry?
Looking at the store shelves in recent years, we can say that the number of meat products of Russian production has increased significantly. This is a positive moment, because previously a considerable share of the market was made up of foreign meat products. It is interesting that a large number of products are produced in the Moscow region. In this regard, it is worth considering in detail the livestock sector in the Moscow region. In this region there are really favorable climatic and natural conditions for this kind of activity.
Agriculture of the Moscow region: characteristic features and features
The Moscow region is rightly considered an agricultural region, as about 40% of its territory is occupied in this industry. Of course, it can not be said that all areas of the region are used evenly. For example, in the southern part of the Moscow region, especially to the south of the Oka, about 50% of the land is occupied in the agricultural industry, which is a very good indicator. If we talk about the northern regions of the region, they have mastered much less. The same can be said about the eastern and western regions located on the outskirts of the region. For the most part, agriculture is developing in the suburbs.
There are many agricultural areas in the region. Livestock in the Moscow region is a leader. Then it is worth noting plant growing, large centers of which are located in the south of the region. In general, crops are grown, such as wheat, oats, barley, rye. Potato cultivation is also an important component of crop production.
Of course, you need to pay attention to vegetable growing, because it also takes not the last place in agriculture, in the Moscow region is the largest greenhouse complex in Europe.
How much is livestock in the region?
Now it's time to consider not only crop production, but also livestock in the Moscow region. It can be safely said that in the Moscow suburbs the direction of livestock farming is noticeably more prevalent over plant growing. The main products that the region delivers are meat and milk.
Within the framework of the direction bred cattle, birds, in particular chickens, and other animals. Pig breeding in the Moscow region is also highly developed.
It is important to note that agriculture suffered a noticeable blow to the crisis that occurred in the 1990s. This blow is felt and now, since then almost all branches of animal husbandry in the Moscow region have not been able to return to previous volumes. Many of the lands that used to be used as sowing areas and pastures were removed from circulation, which negatively affected production figures.
A little bit about pig farming in the region
This direction has become widespread. Pig breeding is a separate branch of livestock raising, which is engaged in pig breeding. The direction is characterized by high requirements, good level of productivity, as well as high energy value of the products produced.
It is interesting that the Russian population consumes about 2 million tons of pork per year, and according to some reports, even more. Pig breeding in the Moscow region is based in many regions of the region. The most suitable breed for breeding in such a climate is a large white one. This breed is the most popular in Russia, as it is perfectly adapted to weather and fodder conditions. Also, individuals have high fertility and many other positive qualities.
Poultry farming in the Moscow region: what products are produced?
It is worth talking about such an important area as poultry farming. A lot of poultry farms operate on the territory of the Moscow region, which supply a large number of products to store shelves. Poultry farming is the direction of agriculture, which specializes in the production of eggs and poultry meat. Additional products of the industry are feathers and feathers, as well as bird droppings, which are actively used as fertilizers for various plants.
The largest poultry farms near Moscow
On the territory of the region there is a large number of large poultry farms, as well as many small farms. On modern poultry farms, many processes are automated, which significantly increases their productivity.
One of the most famous poultry production facilities is the Elinar-Broiler complex, which is located in the west of the Moscow region. The poultry farm produces a significant share of the production, supplies meat, eggs, as well as semi-finished products. Another major producer of chicken and eggs is the Petelinsky poultry factory, which is located in Odintsovo district.
Pisciculture in the Moscow region
In the Moscow suburbs, there is also such an industry as fish farming. Therefore, we can conclude that in this region is not only developed livestock. In the Moscow region there are several large fish farms that supply fish not only to the capital, but also to other regions. The largest fish breeding centers are located in several places: in the Yegoryevsky district on the Tsninsky ponds, in the Odintsovo district on the Norsk ponds and in the Noginsk district on the Biserov ponds. Rybhoz "Biserovo" annually delivers to the market from 800 to 1000 tons of carp. In addition to "Biserovo", about 100 small and medium-sized companies supply carp to the markets of Moscow.
Also in the suburbs, there is a fishing institute, which is engaged in breeding fish. It is located in the Dmitrovsky district, in the village of Rybnoye.
However, there is also a small branch of fish farming, which is not yet very developed, is trout breeding. The only trout fish farm "Skhodnya" was built before the war.
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