Sports and FitnessBody-building

Lifting dumbbells in front of you: exercise technique

For each of the muscle groups there is a set of exercises, which contributes to the rapid growth of their volumes and strengths. In this article, we will tell you about the exercise on deltoid muscles, in particular the front and middle fascicles, - lifting dumbbells in front of you. Technique of implementation, recommendations and frequent mistakes - about all this, read below.

Short description of the exercise

Lifting a dumbbell in front of you is an isolating exercise that perfectly studies the front beam of deltas, affecting at the same time the average. Along with basic movements, such as an army press, this exercise must be present in the athlete's training program at any level of experience.

Technique of execution

The right technique is the key to success for an excellent workout. To maximize the effectiveness of this exercise, the bodybuilder's starting position should take the following:

  • Straightened body;
  • Feet shoulder width apart;
  • The hands must be straightened and fixed in the elbows until the performance of the set is over;
  • Dumbbells need to be held in front of the hips, but do not touch them;
  • The grip can be either top or neutral.

After the preparatory phase, it is necessary to proceed to the execution of the exercise itself. So, in order to properly perform lifting in front of a dumbbell, follow this algorithm of actions:

  • We inhale and, holding our breath for a moment, raise our hands in front of us. In no case do not allow false movements in the elbow joint. Until the hands are fully locked in the elbows, one should not allow them to bend or straighten. Finally, do not help the deltas with sharp jerks, as the efficiency of the exercise drops significantly. Lifting dumbbells standing should be completely focused on the shoulders.
  • When you do the exercise, do not reduce or raise your arms. The distance between dumbbells is better to keep constant.
  • Performing the exercise, dumbbells should be raised to the level of the shoulders or slightly higher. When reaching the end point, exhale and gently lower the dumbbells to their original position.
  • After a short 2-second pause, we continue the performance of the set.

As you can see, this is not a difficult exercise. Lifting the dumbbell in front of him is not difficult, but following the right technique will make the most of this movement.

Advice to athletes

In order not to make mistakes in the performance of this exercise, you should listen to the following tips:

  • Do not use the force of inertia. In particular, this concerns the sagging of the waist. To maximize the deltas and stimulate their growth, it is better to make slow and measured movements, which are entirely controlled by your shoulders.
  • Do not round your chest or stoop. In order to benefit from the movement, it is necessary to keep the chest and shoulders straight. As for the shoulder blades, they should be lowered and moved slightly forward.
  • At the very beginning of the movement, take a breath. And this is very important, because breathing is an important component of bodybuilding.
  • Exercise is best performed at the end of the complex of movements on the shoulders. At first, it is better to pay more attention to the basic exercises: army press, rod rod to the chin, lifting dumbbells in the slope, and others.

On this, perhaps, everything. If you follow the above recommendations, the effectiveness of the exercise will be maximum.

Recommendations regarding the complexity of the exercise

To load deltas to the limit, stimulating their growth and increasing their strength, you should use dumbbells with a sufficiently large weight (which you can fully control), raising them to shoulder level or slightly higher, as it was said before. If there is a desire even harder to work deltoid muscles, then hold dumbbells with a neutral grip, after which raise arms above the horizontal line by 40-45 degrees.

In the event that the hand begins to deviate from the vertical position by 45 degrees, the front and middle beams of the delt muscles experience the maximum stress, which contributes to their development. When lifting the arms higher the focus of the load shifts to the front jagged muscles and trapezium. In addition, the exercise quite heavily loads the upper part of the chest, but only by the time the dumbbells rise above your shoulders.

To maximize the focusing of the load on the front of the delta, you should hold the dumbbells with a grip on top. Performing movement slowly, you will surely feel every cell of the deltoid muscles. With regard to variations, you can perform this exercise in such ways: lifting dumbbells in front of you, simultaneous lifting of two hands with dumbbells or lifting the bar.

Frequent errors in the execution

Often athletes overestimate their strength, working with excessive weight. As a result, during the exercise, they help themselves with the body at the very beginning of the movement, shifting the dumbbells from the spot. At the same time, they deflect the shoulders back and make sharp shocks of the pelvis forward. In this situation, there is a risk of injury, and the effectiveness is significantly reduced. Thinking that they only load the shoulders, athletes in the work include the muscles of the back, legs and hands. In general, it is better to take dumbbells with less weight.

Do not focus on a large number of repetitions. For one training it is quite sufficient to perform 3 approaches for 10-12 repetitions. In other cases, you are just "in vain" "mocking" the muscular group.

Variations of lifting dumbbells to the biceps

The training of the shoulders is well combined with the day of the legs or biceps. At this point, every athlete decides for himself what gives him more value. In this section we will talk about training the biceps, and more specifically, about one of the exercises on the biceps muscle - lifting dumbbells to the biceps. It refers to the basic exercises, perfectly developing the two-headed and brachial muscles.

The exercise itself is a rise of dumbbells with a subsequent rotation of the hands. Thanks to this, the maximum reduction of the biceps occurs, which makes this exercise one of the best for training. Most experienced bodybuilders constantly use lifting dumbbells to the biceps for excellent arm work, which only confirms the impeccable effectiveness of this movement. In general, any flexion of the elbow, when the palms "look" the back of the outside, are extremely effective for the further development of this group of muscles.

When lifting the bar to the biceps, the straight bar somewhat limits the degree of turn of the brush, which does not load the biceps muscle. It is in this case that the exercises with dumbbells come to the rescue.


Strong shoulders are a distinctive feature of men, which is always very much appreciated by the weaker sex. Development of deltoid muscles does not take very long, because the bundles are very small. Today there are many different simulators where you can improve the shape of your deltas. Lifting dumbbells in front of you greatly increases the strength and volume of this group of muscles. Successful training!

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