HealthAlternative Medicine

Boyarka: medicinal properties of berries

It is very expensive to look at living hedges - objects of garden craftsmanship and pride of the owners. These are pieces of nature in a built-up street. But it's even better to get out of town at the very beginning of summer and enjoy the company of green friends in full. Birds sing, bees buzz, the sky is blue and pure, flowers smell ... What can not you say about hawthorn: delicate small light flowers smell of spoiled fish. But in the fall, after seeing fragile-looking branches dotted with small purple berries, I would like to name this rich boyar bush-boyars-in a popular way. The healing properties of its fruits have been known for a long time, and this plant has also found practical application, since hawthorn is a beautiful plant for a hedgerow: no one can get through its tenacious thorns!

Boyarka-berry. What a beauty?

Hawthorn is the representative of the pink family. This shrub can grow up to four meters in height, turning into a neat tree. The wood is very strong and strong, and the four-centimeter spines will not give mercy to anyone. Small petals are collected in the scutellum inflorescence. Flowering does not last even half a week, but during this time the worker bees manage to collect nectar. Hawthorn honey is very valuable. And in the autumn on the branches of the bush pour berries, almost tasteless and small, but which are useful!

Boyarka: medicinal properties provides the chemical composition

Hawthorn is indeed rich, rich in its composition. In a small berry a diameter less than a centimeter contains as many useful substances! It is choline, acetylcholine, flavonoids, essential oils, coffee acid, and also wine and lemon, fatty oil, saponins, tannins, sorbitol ... And this is not a complete list.

Boyarka: medicinal properties and contraindications for use

This berry is extremely useful. First of all, pay attention to the properties of the boyarka, which contribute to the improvement of the heart. Preparations based on hawthorn stabilize high blood pressure, tone the heart. With admission, blood circulation improves, you will not be disturbed by insomnia, dyspnea and tachycardia. And in general, it is better to drink broths and tinctures for the prevention of heart disease - for older people there is no better than an assistant. In addition to the general stimulating effect, the berry is famous for its decent content of vitamins. For example, there are a lot of vitamin C in berries, so it is advisable to lean on a boyar in the flu season and colds.

And in a frenzied city rhythm that will help calm down and get rid of overwork better than a boyar? The healing properties of her do not end there - and dentists have noticed her miraculous effect. It would seem that everyone has a good berry, but only there are contraindications. It is not recommended to drink more than a glass of berries a day, especially to pregnant and nursing mothers, as well as people with kidney problems - too much stress on the stomach. And it should be remembered that berries cause drowsiness and relaxed state, so drivers should be careful when using them.

What to cook from a boyarka?

From berries you can make jam, jam, confiture, which will help in winter not to get sick; They are added to apple compote, they insist and make tea, decoctions, tinctures. If the berries to grind and add to the flour - will get a sweet dough. Flowers are also collected and made tincture, which can not be compared to any medicinal product.

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