Arts & Entertainment, Literature
Legends of the Knights. Knight's age
The era of noble knights, tournaments and beautiful ladies lasted almost eight hundred years, and during this time, many legends, songs, stories, legends and novels about these noble and just representatives of the stronger sex were born. Modern authors use these images not only in literature, but also in other forms of art, such as cinematography, painting, computer graphics.
Knights of the Middle Ages had their own code of honor, regulating their behavior, resolving conflict situations, the need for participation in hostilities, the conditions of tournaments, as well as their conduct.
Both in the Middle Ages and in the modern world, knights continue to inspire creative people to create images of ideal men who are popularized through movies, books and animation.
Family Nest
The legends of knights say that at first every boy of twelve years could receive initiation. Then this threshold was pushed back to fifteen, and then to nineteen years. Over time, the age of majority, 21, was recognized as the ideal option for acceptance into the knights.
At first it was just a transfer of weapons, but then he was joined by putting on mail, helmet and spurs, as well as defeating targets with a spear during galloping. When Christianity came into force, before the sword was received, the future knight had to receive a blessing in the church. Gradually the clergymen completely took the right to initiation, arguing that by the code of honor the knight should honor God, protect the church and all the suffering on her behalf.
Legends of knights say that they represented the ideal warriors: courageous, strong, courageous. They were fearless in battle, indomitable in combat and humble in their daily lives. Devoted to their suzerain, country and God, these warriors were a stunning example of a masculine gender.
Important things in the life of each knight were his faith, honor and the lady of the heart. Prayers, fasts, and ecclesiastical taxes made up most of the lives of such people. They volunteered themselves at the disposal of the ministers of the church and could no longer live exclusively secular lives.
Honor was a special aspect of the relationship between soldiers. Legends of knights tell us that because of the blamed honor, serious conflicts were unleashed, leading to the death of hundreds and thousands of people. Nobody had the right to encroach on the honor of a knight and simply leave.
Love and War
Knight according to the version of 2001
At the heart of the story is the story of the childless boy, William Thatcher, who gets a unique chance to change his destiny by forging documents about his origins. Being well acquainted with the code of honor of knights and participating in tournaments, he conquers the hearts of ladies, while on his way Count Ademar does not appear. However, the hero can not receive instant satisfaction, and this problem gnaws him from the inside. And now, when the hour of reckoning has come, William is arrested for forgery of documents and lies about his origin.
Ultimately, the king saves him from the pillory and gives an opportunity to defeat his enemy in an honest duel, but Ademar is not determined to play by the rules. He wants to kill his opponent. The ending of the film is happy: William becomes a champion, his opponent is defeated and can no longer claim the title of an invincible knight in tournaments on the peaks.
"The history of the knight" justified the hopes of its creators, both financially and in the implementation of the artistic idea.
Historical thriller
"The Iron Knight" received critical acclaim and weighty box-office collections to satisfy the creators' requests and be remembered by the audience as a bright and colorful film.
Oriental look
As mentioned above, not only European culture perpetuated knightly deeds. In the land of the Rising Sun, they also heard about these seekers of truth and justice for all.
"The Legend of the Holy Knights" is an animated series, released in 2009. He shows a look at the code of honor of knights from a different, fantasy side. The main character falls into one of the fictional worlds and realizes that he was in the thick of the war. He is forced to choose one side and is forced to kill by witchcraft. But, miraculously throwing off the charms, the young knight turns the situation in his favor.
Unfortunately, having received a good start, the "Legend of the Holy Knights" has not been continued, although the fans are waiting for him so far, in the hope that sooner or later the manga will come to life.
No comic books
The positive characters of novels, both conventional and graphic, like to emphasize that they have their code of honor, which does not allow them to commit evil. Batman was not an exception.
"The Dark Knight" is a story of confrontation, when the main character and the main villain are not inferior to each other in charisma, intelligence, logic and sophistication. The plot, the actors' play and box office success in the first weeks of the rental speak for themselves. Christopher Nolan, the producer and director of this film, once again showed the whole world that he was the best at shooting dramatic thrillers. And the posthumous Oscar, awarded to Heath Ledger for this role, shows how successful the selection of actors was.
Retell the plot of the movie "The Dark Knight" does not make sense, because every fan of this saga has already watched it to holes, and someone who is far from this topic, still does not understand what the salt.
A virtual reality
Legends of knights contained more fiction than historical truth, but people did not care. They wanted to have an ideal that I would like to strive for. Scientists sometimes cool the ardor of the most zealous romantics, telling what really was the royal service, what was required of the knight at the court and how much the level of education was low in those days. Not to mention hygiene and medicine.
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