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Learn how to draw a viburnum

How to draw a viburnum in stages? First, consider the constituent elements of this composition. This is one big bunch. Near two less leaves and leaves. The center of composition falls on a large bunch. How to draw a viburnum so that it looks organic? It is necessary to adhere to the scale by making a sketch.

Begin to create

Everything should be proportional: the size and shape of the leaves, the bunch, its size, branches. The berries in the brush are collected as closely as possible. Leaves are three-fingered, located opposite each other. We mark the center of the composition - the main bunch. It is the largest. The other two brushes are in its shadow. All elements must intersect, creating a single composition.

Picture drawing

In order to draw a viburnum with a pencil, we start with the auxiliary lines. On paper, we draw a pentagon, slightly elongated. It will denote the boundaries of the central bunch. Draw with this light strokes, not strongly pressing on the paper. Lines on the sides of our pentagon are inclined.

The next step is to identify other basic elements. Draw smaller bunches and large leaves. We do this with neat, thin strokes. We differentiate separate groups of berries and leaves between them. Then we begin to work on the main part of our viburnum. We draw each berry in a bunch. The lines should be light, barely noticeable.
Long strokes at an angle, we depict the main branches of clusters of viburnum, inscribing them into a polygon. Denote the connecting membranes inside the cluster.


The sketch of our drawing is ready. Let's move on to the details. Round, long strokes draw the middle axes of the leaves, according to their position relative to the plane on which the viburnum is. In short lines, we plan the shape of smaller leaves, checking with nature.
Changing the pencil to a softer, wave-like short movements outline the contour of berry clusters. At the same time, note the thickness of the branches.

Now let's outline the outlines of the leaves more clearly. We do this in neat, fluid lines with a pencil of medium softness. Try to reduce angularity.

How to draw kalina most realistically?

We should separately work out different plans for the image. Now we turn to this. We are working on the berries of the Kalina, located in the foreground. We designate the form and their location. Draw the elements that are located in the depth of the composition. We give shape to the rest of the berries on the second and third plane. We make them less. Shade the shadow of the picture. Contour note veins of leaves. It turns out that in order to learn how to draw a viburnum, you need very little time and patience. We draw your attention to the fact that the elaboration of the outer contours of leaves is done with a thick pencil. We pay special attention to the places of bends.

We form the branches of branch branches. We draw the first plan more carefully than other elements of our masterpiece. Toniruem area in the depths of the leaves and the very bunch of Kalina.

The final stage

The next step is work on contrast. It must be remembered that it is achieved by passing from the lightest (convex part of the berry) to a darker patch. Gradually darken those places that are closer to the bottom of the cluster. The initial volume can be given precisely by applying a shadow. Shade the leaves around the edges, in order to brighter outline the contours of the first plan.

We draw your attention to the fact that the transition of light and shadow should be soft on leaves, and on berries more contrast. This maneuver will serve to convey the sensation of juicy cluster. Remember that, in addition to external light shadows, it is worthwhile to draw and glare inside the viburnum. Completing the drawing, pay attention to its accuracy, erasing the additional rubber contours and unused strokes. We hope that our instruction answered the question: "How to draw a viburnum?" Now you can create your own masterpiece.

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