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Knaak Richard. Biography and books

Fights of fairy-tale creatures stir people. Beautiful elves and noble dragons in the enchanting illusory world capture the spirit of the reader. Therefore Knaak Richard continues to write his works, pleasing fans of the fantasy genre. And they, in turn, are interested not only in books but also in the personality of the famous author.

Knaak Richard. Biography

A writer is a vocation, and all prose writers (especially science fiction writers) come from childhood. But still the real home of Richard Knaak is America. He was born in 1961, on May 28, in Chicago, he grew up there. He graduated from the Philosophy Department of the University of Illinois. He received a bachelor's degree in rhetoric and philosophy. Although first came to another faculty - chemical. However, fate decreed otherwise - Knaak became a writer.

So Richard was transferred to the Faculty of Philosophy. His works have been published since 1987. This time is quite possible to call the period of the trip to the triumph of Knaak-writer. The author owes his success to such famous science fiction writers as Edgar R. Burroughs, Roger Zelazny, Andre Norton. They inspired the young talented writer.

Published series of books

Knaak Richard became famous as one of the authors of the series of books "Warcraft". But apart from this epic, in his bibliography there are many interesting stories about the adventures of non-local creatures - elves, goblins, dragons ... The writer's fantasy is truly limitless! And to stop on the achieved success the author, it seems, is not going to. He tests himself in new genres, tries to diversify his style. When a writer avoids templates (which is extremely difficult), readers do not forget it. And always waiting for his new creation.

The first book series is The Dragonrealm (written from 1989 to 1997), followed by the Diablo series (2001-2005). The next was the Saga of the Sword (2003-2009). And only then the author decided to write about the world of Warcraft, known from video games. But we must bear in mind that the "Saga of the sword" is a project of several authors. Such a great epic one writer, probably, would not master. This conclusion does not apply, of course, to the great ancestor of the genre of fantasy - John Tolkien.

Knaak Richard is an author who has many admirers thanks to two series of books: DragonLance and World of Warcraft. But apart from them, there are other books: The Hidden Prophet from the Diablo series, The Country Behind the Shroud, The Legends of the Warcraft, The Heroes Trilogy, The Wolfskin Helmet, Shadows in the Ice, and others.

All these books are recognized by readers as the best among his numerous works. Also known to fans of his work is a series of "Minotaur Wars".

"Revenge of the Orcs"

In 2001, a book was published, authored by Richard Knaak - "The Revenge of the Orcs." In the original - Day of The Dragon, that is, "Day of the Dragon." At the beginning of the story, the protagonist Ronin, along with elf Vereis, are sent on a journey full of dangerous misadventures to free Alexstrasza, the queen of the clan of dragons, and also to save the kingdom of the Alliance. After all, dragons now obey the orcs, and all the majestic power of these creatures is directed against the Alliance.

The mission is lost in advance, says the council of the Magi. Therefore, they send out the task of the young negligent Ronin, who does not pity the council if the mission fails. Can Ronin help the Magicians? Will he love the escort ranger Veris?

Probably, the science fiction writer Knaak Richard did not at all strive to ensure that his narrative was similar to the idea of the game. He tells his own unique story. It can not be said that the plot of the work is famously twisted, like some modern action games. This story is quite simple, but very exciting.

Those who like to relax in the evening with a book in their hands, certainly like it. It will be interesting to read Day of the Dragon to fans of stories about dragons, elves and people-magicians. And the players in the "Warcraft" may be somewhat disappointed if they compare the incomparable - a fantasy book and a video game.

Other books of the writer

In addition to the above series, the author has several more books that are not included in any collections. For example, in 2001, the Flying Golander came out - a fantastic, unthinkable fighter. Further, a work entitled "The King of the Grays" was published. This book is for fans of the genre "mystical horrors". The story is rather unusual, better to say - not worn by writers. It deals with the average, unremarkable person who suddenly fell into the strange world of ghosts. It's a world of illusions and nightmares. The hero is between being and non-being, and the ghostly inhabitants crave for the world of people.

Another book of the world of horrors - "Lord of the rats." Year of release - 1994. Probably, Knaak Richard in this book wanted to display the black sides of being from a philosophical point of view. After all, by education he is a philosopher. But by vocation - yet a writer.

Life of the writer today

What is Knaak Richard doing now, is he writing anything new? The author's creative plans are unknown, since he does not tell them about the journalists. It is known that he travels a lot to different countries and rests.

But we can assume that in one of the finest corners of the world the writer will come up with a new topic of research and then plunge into the work. After all, traveling is an excellent way to change the situation, to stock up on new impressions and to restore strength.

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