Arts & Entertainment, Films
Kirk Douglas: Biography and Career
A bright representative of the "golden era" of Hollywood is the American actor, writer and former ambassador of the US State Department Kirk Douglas. Films with his participation are known and remembered by many spectators. The actor is on the list of male legends of classic Hollywood movies, currently occupies the first place in it.
Childhood and adolescence
His real name is Iser Danilovich. Born December 9, 1916 in Amsterdam, New York, in a poor family that has Jewish roots. He was the fourth child of seven children. Kirk Douglas was the only boy. His parents - Gershl and Braina Daniilovich - came from the now Belarusian city of Chausy. In the United States, they moved two years after the wedding. Later, the parents changed their names and names to Harry and Berta Demskikh.
The boy worked as a peddler for food and newspapers. The dream of acting career has appeared since eight years.
After school, Kirk Douglas entered college, where he was fascinated by wrestling. Then he entered the prestigious Academy of Dramatic Arts. He could not pay for his studies, but made such a strong impression on teachers that he was given a scholarship. After classes, he worked as a waiter in a cafe. With the name of Iser, the guy did not expect success in the movies. The head of the troupe suggested that he change his name to the current one. He liked the name, and he immediately agreed.
During the Second World War he served in the Navy. Later, he was wounded, fell ill with dysentery, and as a result, he was discharged. While in the hospital, Kirk married Diane Dill.
Carier start
After returning home, in his native New York, Douglas took up an acting career. In this Kirk helped his old friend Lauren Backcall, who recommended the beginning actor producer Hal Wallis. Kirk made his debut on the screen in the drama "The Strange Love of Martha Ivers." After the role, the young man received a seven-year contract, was involved in the films "From the Past," "Letter to Three Wives," "I'm Always Lonely." After this picture, the actor began to cooperate with the most successful American actor Bert Lancaster.
In addition to the screen, young people also maintained friendly relations in life. Thanks to his role in the movie "Champion" Kirk received a nomination for the "Oscar".
Success in the cinema
Since the 1950s, Kirk Douglas has become one of the most sought-after and well-known actors. The film "Evil and Beautiful" brought Kirk the second nomination for "Oscar". He also took part in the film "Lust for Life", where he played Vincent Van Gogh. A few years later, the actor decided to found his producer company, which sponsored some films in which he shot himself Douglas ("Vikings", "Paths of Glory").
The company sponsored films by novice filmmakers. In the picture of Dalton Trumbo's The Lonely Daredevil, the main role was played by Kirk Douglas himself. The best "Spartacus" was the first color film by Stanley Kubrick.
In 1962, Douglas bought the rights to staging Ken Kesey's book "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest." Later, Kirk wanted to film the novel, but the idea did not arouse any interest. In the future, his son Michael Kirk Douglas took up the screen version. Michael's films arouse great interest among the audience.
Completion of career
In the late 90's, the actor suffered a severe stroke, after which he could not return to the film industry. Then he started writing books. His first work was the autobiography "Son of Ragman." After that, a few more books were written that were recognized by critics.
A second autobiographical book was also written , in which Douglas talked about his life and the hard way to acting, as well as meetings with the stars of Hollywood.
In 2011, Kirk participated in the Oscars.
Personal life
With his first wife, actress Diana Dill, Douglas lived for eight years (from 1943 to 1951), after which the couple divorced. They have two children. This is the daughter of Joel Douglas and the no less famous son of Michael Kirk Douglas. Films with his participation are quite popular.
Two years later, Douglas married again. This time, his wife was the German and American actress Anne Bidens. The couple also have two children: Peter and Eric. With Ann they still live, are engaged in charity, donating money to educational institutions and medical centers. At the moment they plan to sacrifice most of their multi-million dollar fortune.
Thanks to their help, many people were able to get back on their feet, hundreds of children's playgrounds were restored, the Kirk Douglas Theater opened.
Kirk donated money for the construction of a care center for actors and representatives of the Hollywood film industry who are suffering from Alzheimer's disease.
In December 2016, the actor celebrated a centenary. The organization of the celebration was the son of Michael and his wife. Among the invitees were Steven Spielberg and Jeffre Katzenberg.
Kirk Douglas constantly updates his page in the international social network "My Space".
Douglas was one of the most popular actors in American classical cinema, playing the role of tough guys and cops.
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