
"Karmolis" (drops): instructions for use, price and product reviews

Quite often, doctors prescribe to their patients the drug "Carmolis". These drops consist exclusively of plant components and, when properly used, can solve a lot of problems, ranging from a common cold to malfunctioning of the musculoskeletal system. Many readers are interested in additional information about the composition and properties of this medication.

Composition and form of the drug

The drug "Karmolis" is available in the form of drops, which are intended for oral administration as well as for external treatment. The solution has a very sharp smell of medicinal herbs. In the pharmacy, the drug can be purchased both in plastic and in glass bottles with a volume of 20, 40 or 80 ml. Vials are equipped with a dropper, which allows you to quickly measure the necessary dose of medication.

Drops of "Carmolis" are a combined remedy that contains extracts of various medicinal herbs. In particular, the essential active substances in this case are the essential oils of lemon, lavender, Chinese magnolia vine, anise, thyme, cloves, spicy lavender, Indian mint, sage and nutmeg. In addition, menthol, purified water and ethyl alcohol are present in the formulation.

Main pharmacological properties

This drug has a combined effect due to the properties of its constituent components:

  • Thyme oil dilutes sputum, reduces its viscosity and promotes its rapid evacuation from the bronchi;
  • Anise strengthens the activity of the ciliary epithelium, which also provides an expectorant effect;
  • Chinese magnolia leaves a spasm of smooth muscles, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, improves digestion, and also has antibacterial and antifungal properties;
  • Cloves provides antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial effects, as well as relieves spasms, and when applied locally it also has analgesic and irritating effects;
  • Essential oil of lemon greatly improves the functioning of the stomach;
  • Lavender oil has a mild sedative effect; Also this component enhances secretion and accelerates the evacuation of bile acids, contributing to the improvement of digestive processes;
  • Sage oil makes the body more resistant to viruses, pathogenic fungi and bacteria, and also regulates the processes of sweat secretion;
  • Nutmeg has choleretic properties, and also stimulates the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • Indian mint acts as a mild sedative, but also has antibacterial properties, and when applied topically, it is also an irritating effect (helps to remove pain);
  • Menthol removes the spasm of smooth muscles and activates the production of bile; At local use this substance irritates and anaesthetizes, and also reduces intensity of a skin itch.

It can be seen that the drops do have a mass of useful properties, so they can cope with a variety of problems. That is why in modern medicine they are so popular.

Indications for use

Many patients are interested in the question of in which cases it is expedient to use the drops of "Carmolis". The instruction testifies that this preparation is widely used in various branches of medicine. For example, oral medication is prescribed for symptomatic treatment and prevention of influenza and other respiratory infections. As part of complex therapy, drops are used to treat inflammatory airway diseases. Also, indications for admission are increased irritability, nervous excitability, a feeling of inner tension.

The drug can eliminate various dyspeptic phenomena, including flatulence, nausea, heaviness and soreness in the stomach, etc.

There are some other indications for taking the "Carmolis" drug. Drops are also used for external processing, in particular for arthralgia, neuritis, myalgia of various origins. Also, the solution helps with headache (you need to smear it with whiskey), skin itch and insect bites.

Carmolis drops: instructions for use

Of course, the dosage and the regimen are determined individually. Nevertheless, there are some general recommendations. Typically, a single dose of the drug - 10-20 drops. This amount of solution can be diluted with water or dripped onto a piece of sugar. In ARVI and influenza patients take the medicine five times a day, with increased excitability and dyspeptic phenomena - 2-4 times.

To treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the drug "Karmolis" (drops) is used externally. A small amount of the solution is treated with the skin over the affected joint or muscle, after which a warming bandage is applied.

Are there any contraindications to admission?

Can all categories of patients take the drug "Karmolis"? Drops, like any other medicine, have contraindications, which must be read. First you need to say that the drops can not be used by people with increased sensitivity to any of the constituent components. In addition, the drug "Carmolis" is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

There are more specific contraindications. Orally, drops should not be taken to patients suffering from gastric and intestinal ulcer , cholecystitis, liver diseases, obstruction of the bile ducts. Also, contraindications include epilepsy, various brain damage, impaired kidney function and alcohol dependence (the solution contains 65% ethyl alcohol).

Possible complications and side effects

Are there any complications in patients taking Carmolis drops? The instruction indicates that side effects are extremely rare, although it is not worth it to exclude such a possibility.

Most often, patients experience allergic reactions, which are accompanied by the appearance of skin rashes, swelling, and rarely hives. With external application, there may be irritation, redness, and increased dryness of the skin.

Drug analogues

Today, patients are often interested in questions about what the drug "Karmolis" (drops) is. Instruction, price, indications and contra-indications - all these moments are very important. But it happens that for one reason or another a person is not always suitable for this medicine. Can I replace it with something?

In fact, there are no exact analogues. Naturally, there are various medications that help cope with individual problems. For example, in the presence of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, the drug can be replaced with drops of Broncho Theiss, as well as Bronchophytus and other medications. If you need sedatives, then the most simple and affordable medicine is the usual valerian.

The drug "Karmolis" (drops): the price

Many patients are interested in the cost of a given drug before starting therapy. So how much will the drug "Karmolis" (drops) cost? The price, of course, depends on many factors. In particular, the city of residence, the manufacturing company, the pharmacy you chose, etc., is important here.

On average, a bottle of 20 ml drops costs from 220 to 300 rubles. But for 40 ml of the solution will have to pay about 340 rubles. 80 ml of the solution costs about 400 rubles. As a rule, one bottle is enough for the whole course of therapy.

Reviews of patients and doctors

Certainly, the opinion of specialists is extremely important for many patients. So what do they say about the drug "Karmolis" (drops)? The doctors' testimonies testify that this medicine really helps to eliminate a lot of problems. Drops help prevent colds or alleviate the symptoms of an already existing disease. In addition, they act as a mild sedative without causing drowsiness. The undoubted advantage of the drug is its natural composition and the absence of "heavy" synthetic components. Adverse reactions are rare.

What do the patients themselves say about the drug "Karmolis" (drops)? Reviews of people who already have time to test the drug are also positive. Indeed, a few days after the start of the reception, you can notice significant improvements. The drug is easy to use, and its price is relatively affordable. For many patients, these drops have long become an integral part of the home medicine chest. The drawbacks can be attributed to a sharp smell and not quite pleasant taste, but with such inconveniences it is quite possible to reconcile.

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