
Jojoba oil: application for cosmetic purposes

Jojoba oil, the use of which is very common for cosmetic purposes, is the "jewel" of natural products. On the one hand, having a high degree of penetration, it is well absorbed through the pores, not clogging them. And on the other hand, oil creates a special lipid layer on the surface of the skin, performing protective functions that are so necessary for a person living in a crisis environment.

Stability to oxidation makes it possible to actively use "liquid gold" not only in pure form, but also in a composition with cosmetic products. Its action can be strengthened with other essential oils, which will ensure the maximum effect of certain procedures.

So, in what cases is jojoba oil used? Its application is very diverse. First, you should seek help from this amazing "healer" if you:

  • Problematic, dry, fading, "orange" skin;
  • Wrinkles in the eye area;
  • Damage in the form of wounds, cracks, dermatitis;
  • Dry skin of lips;
  • Brittle, dry, split hair;
  • Irritated skin due to shaving, sun exposure;
  • Compacted areas, cellulite or stretch marks.

Secondly, it should take into account the thick consistency, which jojoba oil has. The use of this agent in its pure form for this reason is possible only in certain areas of the skin. Indication to undiluted use can serve as rashes, inflammation and other lesions that darken the mood. In this form of jojoba oil application finds for owners of wrinkles around the eyes. In these cases, it is neatly "hammered" by an unnamed finger into the skin with light movements. You can mix it with citrus, floral, spicy "ethers".

If you want to use the "precious" product as a face cream, then the ideal addition is the apricot or grape seed oil , taken in relation to it 1: 3.

A mixture of jojoba oil (2 teaspoons), lavender (2 drops) and rosemary (3 drops) will help get rid of scars and stretch marks on the skin, restore its former tone and elasticity. Cellulite will recede if you add to the product "esters" of lemon, fennel, patchouli. It is important to make a qualitative massage of the affected skin areas, carrying out strong pressure.

Lips also require special care. Therefore, it is important to apply in the morning and in the evening a composition that can be obtained using jojoba cosmetic oil (1 tablespoon) and two drops of lemon balm.

Each of the fair sex dreams of posh hair. It is no accident that they are called the symbol of female beauty! And again, jojoba oil can become an excellent helper. The application in this case is to rub it into the roots of the hair before washing for 20 minutes. It is also useful to combine healing oil (1 tsp) with ylang-ylang ether (7 drops) and apply to the ends of the strands, which will serve as a proper protection against cross-section.

As you know, beauty lies in nature itself. It is a permanent source of quality products. Use natural ingredients in personal care, including jojoba oil. The application of these products of nature will give you an amazing result!

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