
Beauty-hydrangea in Siberia

The cultivation of hydrangeas in Siberia until recently occurred under room conditions on the windowsills in the form of pot culture. Yes, this is understandable - the Siberian frosts are fatal for the southerner, whose homeland is the subtropics of Japan and China. In natural conditions, a beautifully flowering hydrangea - a small tree or a high shrub, may be a 30 m long liana. Some species are deciduous, others are evergreen. In the open ground hydrangea deciduous cultivated in Transcarpathia, the Black Sea coast and the Caucasus, where there are acceptable climatic conditions for it. The warming of the climate on the planet allowed the hydrangea aristocrat to settle in the gardens of more northern regions of Russia - in the middle zone, in the Moscow region, but here it can overwinter only in good and proper shelter. Now, thanks to the efforts of the flower growers, the garden hydrangea in Siberia is no longer surprising. You just need to know which of its varieties Siberian frost can endure, and surround the tender beauty with care, attention and love.

The panicle hydrangea in Siberia

The most beautiful flowers give varieties of large-leaf hydrangeas. Flower balls with a diameter of up to 25 cm of the most diverse color are delicious. But for Siberian floriculture, such varieties do not fit - it's too cold for a plant. Sprigs on which flower buds are laid can freeze. And the plant will be pitiful, and the labors will be in vain. This hydrangea is better to grow in large flowerpots, giving it room conditions for the winter. For open ground in areas with a sharply continental climate, a more winter-hardy appearance of this ornamental plant - paniculate - is suitable. Hortense in Siberia will not grow as powerful as in the south. But with good warming the bushes will overwinter and in the hot summer will blossom abundantly.


Hortensia in Siberia needs to create a microclimate - choose a place protected from the wind. The plant is photophilous, but the bright sun does not tolerate. It is not suitable for hydrangeas alkaline soil - it will get sick with chlorosis (leaves turn yellow). The best soil is a weakly medium-sour, composed of equal parts of foliage and turf, sand and peat. Planting time is spring after thawing of the soil. For 2-3 weeks before planting, prepare a pit 50 x 50 x 50 cm in size, fill with loose soil. The root neck of the plant is not buried - this is important! Abundantly water and soil the soil. Hortensia is a very hygrophilous plant, it's no wonder that its real name is hydrangea ("a vessel for moisture"), so make sure that the soil around is constantly moist. Once a decade, water with a solution with iron salts - prevention from chlorosis. Fertilizers: slurry, diluted with water in a proportion of 1:10; Slightly potassium permanganate solution; In the first half of the summer - potassium sulfate or ammonium sulfate; In the late summer - superphosphate. Pruning is done in the spring, but after reaching the bush 4 years of age. Propagate with green flexible cuttings.

Preparing for winter

If September is too rainy, then a cover is made over the bush so that there is not too wet soil. Trim the discolored balls. Hortensia in Siberia is warmed like this: with the approach of colds, the branches of the bush are gently bent as close to the ground as possible with a shield of dry thin boards, then 2-3 layers of covering cloth are covered, dry foliage, sawdust, then a layer of thin polyethylene Lay coniferous lapnik. Bored around the warmth of the soil soil. Leave 2-3 vent, which closes only in the coldest period. The fallen snow will be the uppermost layer in the insulation. In the spring, layers are gradually removed one by one.

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