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Japonica. Description

Chanomeles (quince Japanese) is a shrub known to the ancient Greeks, who valued the plant for its medicinal properties. The genus includes four species. They are distributed in nature mostly in the eastern regions of Asia.

The quince tree can be semi-evergreen or deciduous. It depends on the conditions of growth. Sprouting plant shoots are covered with spiny spines. Quince Japanese leaves are dark green, shiny, shallow. They are located next. The tree is grown to produce fruits and for decorative purposes.

The plant looks beautiful in the flowering period. At this time shoots are strewn with bright colors. Quince Japanese does not require special care and special conditions. However, soils rich in humus are more preferable for it. This plant can also develop on poor soils with a lack of moisture. Perhaps the only condition is a sufficient amount of sunlight. In this regard, plant the plant in open areas.

Quince Japanese at home can reach a height of about three meters. In Moscow, for example, the height of the plant is no more than 0.7 meters. His shoots, arched inclined, cover centimeter spikes. The flowering period of the plant begins in mid-May and lasts about two to three weeks, and sometimes a month.

Quince Japanese is considered a plant-longevity. Developing in one place, it can bear fruit for hundreds of years. The flowering plant is extraordinarily beautiful. Flowers can grow up to five centimeters. Japanese quince is a cross-pollinated culture. For the most effective pollination, it is desirable to plant two or three plants. In Russia, Japanese quince is cultivated mainly for decorative purposes.

The plant is characterized by a relatively fast ripening of the fruit. Their fragrant aroma resembles the smell of pineapple. Fruits have a very diverse shape. So, they can be repo-shaped, apple-shaped, pear-shaped, spherical. But most often ovoid-rounded. The color of the fruit can also be different: from green to yellow with red blush.

The fruit is finally ripened by about September, reaching a diameter of the order of six centimeters. It should be said that according to taste value, quince is not inferior to ordinary Japanese.

In its raw form, fruits are not suitable for consumption: they have too sour, tart taste. This is due to the large amount of organic acids. The most abundant in the fruits of citric acid. For this plant has received one more name - "northern lemon".

Regular use of fruits contributes to the removal of heavy metals, cholesterol, radionuclides from the body. In addition, they are endowed with antiseptic, diuretic, hemostatic, astringent properties.

Decorative properties of quinces allow using it as a hedge. The plant perfectly tolerates the haircut, suitable for single and group plantings. Planting quince, it is necessary to remember that the plant has an average degree of frost resistance. At too low temperatures, the tips of the shoots (especially the annual ones) can freeze.

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