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Is Abkhazia suitable for a comfortable holiday in September?

The stereotype that a successful person should have time to go on vacation in the summer, has developed in our country even in the times of the USSR. But what about those who for some reason can rest only in the beginning of autumn? Really it is necessary to refuse a trip to the sea? Do not worry, you will have time to sunbathe and bathe. Neighboring Russia with Abkhazia in September pleases tourists with a gentle sea, a comfortable temperature of the air and plenty of sun.

Climate and weather of Abkhazia in September

Recreation at sea largely depends on natural and climatic factors. The resorts of Abkhazia and Krasnodar region are considered seasonal, suitable primarily for seasonal visits in the warm season. The maximum number of holidaymakers comes here from the middle of June to the end of August. It is believed that during this period the probability of many days of rains and storms at sea is minimal. And what can Abkhazia offer tourists in September? The climate of the country is subtropical. The first month of autumn is considered a velvet season. The average daytime air temperature is 23-25 degrees, but hot days also occur when the thermometer scale rises to 30 degrees. The sea cools down slowly, and all September you can still swim. At night it is also not too cold, moreover, the evening coolness pleases and makes walks through the streets of sleepy resort towns more pleasant. As for rains, there is no clearly marked season of precipitation in Abkhazia. But usually in September, about 10 sunny days fall out, but they alternate with warm ones, and the general impression of a holiday this month is unlikely to be spoiled by bad weather.

Tourist infrastructure

Many tourists planning a holiday in Abkhazia in September are worried: if the season is over, will there be problems with the organization of life and entertainment? And this fear is completely unreasonable. Many hotels and entertainment centers operate in Abkhazia all year round, as New Year tours to this country are becoming increasingly popular. If you go on holiday in September, there will be no problems with accommodation. There are also tourist offices, shops and restaurants. What is especially nice, with the beginning of autumn prices are gradually falling. It is unreasonable to overstate the value of goods and services only at the height of the season, when demand exceeds supply.

Abkhazia: the private sector. September is a month of special hospitality

Many tourists say that it is especially pleasant in the beginning of autumn to have a rest in the private sector. Hospitable Abkhazians are especially welcome at the end of the season and are eager to lure the last guests to their house. Accordingly, in the segment of private housing there is plenty to choose from, prices are encouraging, and with some owners you can still bargain. Rest in Abkhazia in September will also allow you to stock up on vitamins for the whole year ahead. After all, it is in autumn that a variety of fruits and vegetables are harvested here. Often, locals who rent rooms and houses for rent, offer their guests a treat for free or for a nominal fee. Do not forget that it is in autumn in Abkhazia you can already try a young wine.

What to see and what to do?

All the most popular attractions are available for inspection in the fall. In this case, you do not have to spend a long time in the heat or climb the mountains under the scorching rays of the sun. What is especially nice - tourists are much less than in the summer months. Abkhazia in September looks the same as in the summer, it is in the central strip of Russia for this month characterized by yellow leaves and rain. In the subtropical climate, you can enjoy the greenery of palm trees and the flowering of exotic plants. Visit Lake Ritsa, gorges and waterfalls, take time to visit the botanical garden or the New Athos Monastery. In autumn all the options for outdoor activities are available. You can go camping, try yourself in scuba diving or learn paragliding. On many beaches there is a rental of swimming gear and various equipment for extreme sports.

Reviews of tourists about the autumn rest in Abkhazia

Many vacationers specifically refuse to take a summer vacation and prefer to go to Abkhazia in the beginning of autumn. At this time, you can enjoy all the delights of local resorts, without jostling and queues, and most importantly - at attractive prices. The pleasant warm weather, the opportunity to swim in the sea and see all the sights - all this Abkhazia in September. Reviews of tourists about the autumn trips to this country are mostly positive. Vacationers are happy with the opportunity to leave at least a week or two from the coming autumn to their hometown and prolong the summer. What is remarkable, being in Abkhazia in September, it's hard to believe that this is not some kind of mistake and August really ended. Some tourists in their reviews negatively speak about the service of specific hotels and sanatoriums. And this is an important reason to pay close attention to the choice of accommodation during the holiday. By all other parameters Abkhazia in the end of September is also great for holidays, as in the summer months.

Tips for vacationers in autumn

Abkhazia in September pleases with warm weather, but in the evenings here at such a time it is already quite cool. Do not forget to bring warm clothes with you on the trip. Since there are not so many tourists - from the preliminary reservation of housing can be abandoned. But if you want, you can save even more if you get a burning ticket. September is considered a favorable month for trips to the sea of families with young children and recreation. Many sanatoriums and dispensaries of this country are also pleased with the fall in prices for autumn holidays and profitable offers. If you plan everything correctly and will be able to take into account all the nuances of vacation in the autumn, your trip to Abkhazia in September will leave exceptionally pleasant impressions.

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