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Irina Melnikova - biography and creativity

Many of us met Irina Melnikova's books on the shelves, but few people decide to buy the works of an unknown author - and completely in vain. The syllable and manner of filing the author helps to read the work in one breath - it becomes a pity that the book ended so quickly. Irina Melnikova has a real literary talent. All her characters are loved, and they do not want to let go until the very last pages.

Irina Melnikova: biography

The future star of literature was born under the name of Valentin Melnikov in Belaya Kalitva. In many interviews you can find the words of Irina (thanks to the publishing house "Exmo" everyone knows the writer exactly under this name), that she always knew about her destiny to write novels, since childhood she was fond of writing fairy tales and plays. She drew illustrations for her books.
Irina Melnikova finally realized her dream in life only in 1997, when she took her first work "Unfinished Romance" to the publishing house. Initially, it was written by hand for three months, and then reprinted on a typewriter. The manuscript was popular among friends and brought its share of fame to Irina. Already in 1998 the book appeared on the shelves.

In what genres works Melnikova?

Like any woman, Irina is not alien to a feeling like love, so some books will appeal to those who like modern and historical sentimental novels. It's good to spend the evenings with them. Attracts in the love novels of Irina Melnikova that all descriptions of the scenes are made without vulgarity and unnecessary details.
Also the author writes fascinating detectives. One of the novels in this genre - "Detective Police Agent" - was even awarded a state award. He is the first of a series of detectives who have won the hearts of not only readers but also critics.
In her detective stories and extremely topical prose, Irina Melnikova does not forget about love. On the pages of books, the characters love and are ready to sacrifice to many for the sake of this bright feeling. In addition, you can find in the novels of historical facts, good humor and easy syllable.

Irina Melnikova: reviews of novels

If you like to spend time for easy reading novels about love, then it is worth paying attention to the book "Ring with turquoise." This novel by Irina Melnikova was filmed in 2008 and is one of the most famous books. The heroine of this novel is the same girl as most readers. A fascinating story telling about her fate, for a long time remains in memory and makes you think about your own life. Many women and girls admit that the novel "Ring with Turquoise" has been read by them more than once and has become one of the most beloved books.
All books by Irina (Valentina) Melnikova have high enough ratings of readers. Among the detectives, the "Nanny for the oligarch" is especially prominent, which even Catherine Vilmont recommended for reading. In this novel, the investigation of an economic crime and youthful love are closely intertwined. This rather unusual mixture caused a storm of positive responses from readers.

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