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Interruption of pregnancy by folk remedies and its consequences

Everyone knows that with unprotected intercourse it is possible not only to get infected with various diseases, but also unwanted pregnancy. However, having experienced such a feeling as love, many couples forget completely about precautionary measures. The result is not always a desired pregnancy.

A sensible and correct act of any woman who finds herself in such a situation will be going to the gynecologist. After all, a qualified specialist can interrupt pregnancy, causing a minimum of harm to the female body. But unfortunately, it happens that some girls, because of their fears of a medical procedure, decide on an independent termination of pregnancy by folk remedies.

The desire to keep the fact of pregnancy secret and quickly stop the beating heart, so much that neither absurdity nor even the greatest danger of such methods does not stop the woman. Consider and analyze some folk methods of abortion.

One of the most popular is the method - taking a hot bath with mustard powder. During this procedure, the vessels of the small pelvis expand, and the pressure in the uterus increases, which helps to open the bleeding and expel the fetus. It should be understood that this method is very dangerous, because it is almost impossible to stop the bleeding at home. Very often such a folk interruption of pregnancy ends in a lethal outcome, not only for the fetus, but for the mother who failed.

Another of the known ways of aborting folk remedies is the use of decoction of herb tansy. The plant contains poison, which kills the fetus in the womb. In the mother's body, the dead fruit begins to decompose with time, causing grave consequences.

Which method of abortion by folk remedies is less harmful? This broth of herbs causing uterine contractions, leading to spontaneous abortion. But in this case too, you need to be very careful, since more herbs contain poisonous substances in their composition, which can lead not only to food poisoning, but also to harmful effects on the work of the liver and kidneys of a pregnant woman.

The least dangerous recipes and methods aimed at interrupting pregnancy folk remedies with the help of herbal decoctions.

1. Wash the herb with a zhiruha, beat with boiling water, cool it, and then pass it through a meat grinder. Squeeze the resulting mass, and the juice diluted in water - 2 tbsp. Spoons of water for 1 tbsp. Spoon of juice. Then put on fire and boil for a few minutes. Take a decoction of 1 tbsp. Spoon 2-4 times a day.

2. Root the trichromatic gentian with water - 1:10. Cook in a water bath for about 10-15 minutes. Then insist 2 hours. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

3. Pour 1 cup boiling water a teaspoon of clove seeds and insist 3 hours, drink 2 tablespoons. Spoon, 3 times a day.

I would like to once again emphasize the attention of all women: no national methods of abortion are without a trace, and most often sooner or later affect the health of the body. If you still decide on an abortion, then it is better to seek help from a specialist. In our modern world, there is no need to hide the desire to have an abortion, since abortion through surgery is officially permitted in our country. And the level of medical technology allows this type with minimal risk for women's health.

All herbs that contain poisonous substances are very dangerous to health, as well as chemicals. The abortion of a woman puts her at great risk of being barren and will lose the joy of motherhood forever.

Contraception is the safest and most reliable way of an unwanted pregnancy.

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