BusinessHuman Resource Management

Intangible motivation as a way to keep an employee

Why does a person work? It would seem a silly question. To be able to buy clothes, food, pay for housing. That is, one could give a calm answer: "To receive a salary." It could have been. But practice shows that many qualified employees give up their high-paying positions and go to other companies, often with a lower salary. Why? In most cases, because the head of that, another company knows what intangible motivation is, and was able to interest the employee in something. Let's try to understand what motivation is, and what kinds of it are used by modern leaders.

Motivation of personnel is a complex of measures and actions taken by the company's management to increase the employee's interest in better performing his job duties. It is not difficult to guess that if every employee of the company is given the maximum amount of work, then the productivity of the department or the company as a whole will inevitably increase. There are two ways in which workers can be interested: material and non-material motivation.

Material motivation

Material motivation can be expressed not only in raising wages, but also in obtaining bonuses, bonuses, and interest. Each of these methods has its own pitfalls. For example, many managers prefer to raise their salaries in small doses, but several times. However, it is proved that the best motivation is a one-time, but significant increase in salary. If the enterprise pays bonuses, then all employees should clearly know in which cases they will receive a reward. If the premium becomes a regular part of the total payment, it loses its motivational effect.

Intangible promotion of labor

The material encouragement of labor is, of course, a powerful incentive for better work. But not always it becomes decisive. The material needs of a person stand in the first place, but apart from them, he also needs communication, respect, self-realization and improvement, that is, money can not be bought. It is on these human needs that non-material motivation is based. Its meaning is to encourage the employee to professional achievements without cash payments. But any manager will inevitably face the problem of individualization. At some point in life, the needs of all people are different, and a good leader needs to be a good psychologist to understand what his employees really need.

Intangible motivation may be targeted or unaddressed. An example of targeted motivation can serve as a birthday greeting or simply praise the boss for a job well done. Very often, oral recognition of merit can keep a person at work better than a monetary premium. Another method is to transfer to a new position with a higher status. Thus, the need for recognition and self-realization is met. Encouraging one employee, you can not overdo it too much - the interest in the work of other members of the team may decrease.

Indirect intangible motivation contributes to improving the quality of work of all employees. This includes corporate holidays, field events, trainings, social package. Even the creation of better conditions for work, such as new equipment, air conditioning in the office, good furniture, coffee maker, promotes greater interest of employees in professional work. Workers for whom all conditions are created in the company are unlikely to seek employment elsewhere.

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