
Insurance number of the personal account (SNILS): where to change, what documents are needed

Many are interested in what is SNILS. Where can I change it? How to get it from the beginning? Why do we need this document? In all this it is necessary to understand further. After all, the subject of our conversation is included in the list of mandatory, which must be for every citizen of the Russian Federation. Without it, you can not get along in principle. It will not be possible to qualify for most public services. For example, to receive a pension or free medical care. So what kind of document are we talking about? What is he like? What is SNLS for? When and in what order is it necessary to replace this document? About all this - more! Every citizen should know the answers to the questions posed. Otherwise, he will have some problems.

What it is

Before you understand the procedure for registration and replacement, you should understand what is at stake. SNILS is the insurance number of an individual personal account. It should be for every citizen in the country.

Looks SCHILS in paper form as a small laminated card of green color. It contains information about the owner, as well as the number of the personal account in the mandatory pension insurance system. The combination of figures is individual.

For what

Is it necessary for the person to SEE? Yes, and not only because the laws of the Russian Federation say so. The point is that SILLS is an extremely important document. It appears in most operations and public services. For example, you can use the following rights:

  • Employment (if SNILS is not present, it is made out by the employer on the employee without fail);
  • Registration of a pension;
  • Receipt of pension benefits;
  • Appointment and reception of allowances and other monetary payments from the state in support of the population;
  • Free medical care;
  • Registration of maternity capital;
  • Issuance of MHI policy.

Accordingly, the list does not end there. But it is already clear that without SNILS not to do. Most public services and social opportunities will be inaccessible to a person. Important: the document should be only relevant information about the citizen. Otherwise, SNILS is considered invalid.

Receiving and replacing

It should also be noted that recently it has been registered even for newborns. Where to get SNILS? In the same place, where to change it.

Speaking about specific places, it is very difficult to decide. After all, for today, citizens have the freedom to choose the place of treatment with a particular request. There are a lot of opportunities. Where to get SNILS? Among the possible organizations that issue this document are:

  • Russian Pension Fund;
  • District FIUs;
  • Multifunctional centers;
  • Portal "State services";
  • The employer (the company in which the citizen works).

Where exactly to address? Here, everyone decides for himself. By the way, it is not recommended in Russia to use the shift or the primary receipt of SNILS from the employer. Many simply refuse it. Now most often the population appeals for help to the FIU, as well as to the MFC. In these organizations, clearance is quickest.

Terms of circulation

And in what terms do you need to keep up with the replacement or initial receipt of the document? In fact, the term itself has not been established. Especially if we talk about the second case.

The fact is that without SNILS you can not even get the MHI policy. This means that a newborn citizen can not use the services of a polyclinic. Therefore, as soon as possible, it is necessary to apply for a certificate to certain authorities. As practice shows, citizens are advised to make out an SNILS within a month after discharge from the hospital. More precisely - about 10 days after receiving the birth certificate.

This is about children. And what about the "adult" SNILS? Where to change this document is understandable. But in what terms is it done? It is recommended not to postpone the process. Approximately 30 days from the date of determining the invalidity of the document is allotted for submission of the application form. Legislatively, the deadlines for obtaining SNILS have not been established. But after a month of delay in the Pension Fund , certain problems may arise due to changed information about the owner of the personal account. Therefore, it is not necessary to delay the process.

How long is the

And how long is the individual's SUNLS manufactured? This question is also of interest to many. In fact, much depends on exactly where the citizen applied for help. And from the age category.

In general, the initial production of the document and its replacement are allotted about 14 days. In practice, a citizen is called up to 30 days, or even more. But on average it will be half the month to wait. This is when it comes to replacing the SNILS or the initial receipt of a newly born person.

But with the newborn the situation is somewhat different. They, as a rule, should be given out by the SNILS initially, and replaced (especially in case of errors) instantly. That is, you will not have to wait. Just a few minutes - while the card is made and laminated.

How to get a document after manufacturing

What will it take if a person already has to get the SNILS? That is, the map is ready. Any documents still have to bring with them to verify the identity? Yes it is. But you can not worry - a large package of securities will not be required.

From citizens ask only one thing - any identity card. SNILS under the passport to take away from this or that body the children who have reached 14 years (independently), and also adult citizens can.

What about children who do not already have such an identity card? First, for them, SNILS is taken away by legal representatives. Secondly, the identity card in this situation will serve as a birth certificate. Do not forget about the presentation of the parent's passport. This is necessary to make sure that it is the legal representative who takes the child's SNILS.

When to change

Sooner or later there comes a time when you have to change certain documents. To issue SUNLS in Moscow or any other city is possible in one of the previously listed institutions. There is a replacement document. But when is it required?

Legislation establishes the following cases:

  • Change of surname ;
  • Change of personal data of the insured person;
  • Loss of the previous insurance certificate;
  • Presence of an error in the document;
  • Damage to the SNILS.

These are the most common cases. As a rule, when changing the surname, SNILS changes most often. Mostly girls - marriage or divorce have their influence on the person's data. Therefore, the previous SNILS is invalid from the moment of registration of legal relations or their dissolution.

For children

The first thing to pay attention to children. For them, the procedure for changing and initial issuing of SNILS is simple, if you exclude the process of writing an application of an established sample. What documents are required to bring the parent with him? It all depends on the situation.

At initial registration of the document are required:

  • An application (to be filled in with this or that body);
  • Birth certificate of a minor;
  • The identity card of the parent.

Nothing more is needed. Even the presence of a newborn is not an obligatory moment. When it comes to a citizen who prepares for the first time the SNLLS after 14 years, the application is drawn up on behalf of the recipient. And parents are no longer needed. However, the child must submit his passport.

But what if, for one reason or another, it is required to change the SNILS? What documents are requested when it comes to children? It:

  • Statement.
  • Identity card (parents if the child is less than 14 years old, or the youngest citizen is older than this age).
  • Birth certificate.
  • Old SNILS (if any).
  • The document is the basis for replacement.


If we are talking about the change of the studied document to an adult, the process is simplified. The fact is that the application of the citizen will have to write on his behalf. And documents in this or that case need less.

Primary receipt requires:

  • Statements;
  • Identity card (passport).

This concludes the list of documents. Now it is clear how to design the SNILS. Where to change it - too. And what about the documents in this situation? Which papers will require the citizen in this or that case to receive SNILS (where do they choose to change it)? Among them are:

  • Former insurance certificate (mandatory, if there is no loss of the document);
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Documents-the basis for the change of the SNILS (usually the certificate of marriage / divorce).

Of course, we should not forget about the statement. Another nuance - when changing personal information, you first need to change your identity card. And after that, apply for the change of SNILS. Receipt occurs only in person, when presenting a passport. In fact, the procedure for replacing the document under study is not that difficult.

On the Internet

How else can you change SUNLS? "State services" is a portal that will help to translate the idea into reality. Recently, in great demand. How to use this service to realize the idea?

The first step is to register an account. It is this process that causes the greatest difficulties. It is necessary to apply for help to the tax authorities or to the post office of Russia. There they will help you to get the password for the entrance. After registering an accaunt on the "State Services", you will have to wait 2 weeks - after this time, the profile will be activated. Only then it will be possible to use the proposed opportunities.

The second step is to find a service. In the search field, after authorization, you should write "Replacement of SUNS". In the window that appears, select the appropriate line, then read the information provided and click on the "Get service" button.

The third step is filling out the application. To do this, you will need a SUNS and a passport. No different from the paper version. Only on the portal "State services" the application is filled in personally by the citizen. Required fields are marked with *.

The final stage is the acquisition of SNILS. An email with an alert about the document's readiness will come to your account. The citizen must bring the originals of documents with him when the application is completed. Where to come? The place will be indicated in the letter. Usually this is the FIU. That's how it is possible to design the SNILS. "State Services" will help in this.

For residents of the capital

How to be residents of the capital? Many do not know exactly where to apply in Moscow for replacement or primary receipt of an indemnity insurance account. What can you advise such citizens?

To issue SUNLS in Moscow is given the opportunity, as already mentioned, in various bodies. For example, on the website of the "State Service". You can also contact any MFC of a particular district. Or come to the FIU. It is located at: Moscow, Stasova Street, Building 14, Building 2. This is far from being a single department, but there they are most often contacted. Now it is clear what the SNILS is. Where to change it is also not a mystery. If we correctly approach the solution of the problem, there will be no problems with the replacement.

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