Education, Secondary education and schools
How to write the right composition? Plan, rules, algorithm and composition scheme
Writing written works on the Russian language and literature is an important component of school education. But not everyone knows how to write the right composition. To assess no longer disappointing time after time, it is worthwhile to understand this topic. Having learned the algorithm of writing essays on points, you can achieve significant success. What kind of writing is this and how to write it?
Definition of concept
Writing is an independent written work, in which the student shares his own opinion on a certain topic. The teacher can check with his help, for example, the level of mastering the book read. Many students have questions about how to write an essay correctly. First of all, it is worth considering the concept. Everyone has a personal opinion, and it is impossible to consider any particular approach as the only true one. So you should not be afraid of your own thoughts and ideas, it's better to express them safely on paper. And the second - it should be remembered that the composition is distinguished by a special structure. It includes the introduction, the main part and the conclusion. Knowing this feature, writing an essay on the Russian language is much easier. And the result is more logical than in the case of free reflections without a special structure, which, rather, can be called an essay.
Selecting a theme and matching it
If you compose a plan for writing the essay, the first point in it will be work on the topic. It must be carefully thought through, dealt with all related issues, imagine what should be highlighted in the work first. Do not take the topic in a very broad sense. If it is devoted to the book as a whole, the reflections can be quite free, but if it is supposed to analyze the image of specific characters, there is nothing to write about the plot or story of the work. Examiner or teacher will much more appreciate the logical composition. How to write correctly without deviating from the topic? For example, by drawing up a list of immediate questions and consistently responding to them or inspired by a critical article of a similar theme.
How to open the topic deeply and meaningfully?
In written works, the analysis made by the student in writing should be visible, no matter whether it is a question of the nature of the character or the content of the work. To understand how to write the right composition, you must know about how to analyze the most important. For example, if you need to write about this or that hero, you need to think about all the episodes with him, about his character, behavior, the essence of the phenomena around him. But to list too detailed details, too, to nothing. Suffice it to briefly mention and highlight your own opinion about them. A student should be able to use literary criticism and evaluate the characteristics of a literary work. Without such skills, writing essay-reasoning will be unsuccessful, and the assessment is unlikely to make you happy.
Argumentation point of view
Reasoning should be logical and coherent. The writing without argumented theses with the confirmation of his point of view will be frankly unsuccessful. You can not describe random fragments of the narrative that come to mind. Composition needs the main idea, which will be supported by each new paragraph. The understatement or excessive detailing will distract from this structure and lead to a decrease in the score. Therefore, it is advisable to argue their judgments and direct them solely to the main issue of written work, which, as a rule, is formulated by the topic itself. To support each statement with evidence, one can refer to critical articles or historical sources. For example, we can not say about the book "Fathers and Sons" only that the nobility began to lose its role. It is necessary to use the views of the heroes of the work on this problem and historical facts.
Sequence of text
The rules for writing essays suggest the presence of a plan, according to which the text is compiled. Consequently, written work must be consistent. Each new paragraph should logically link to the previous one and continue its idea. To learn consistent thinking helps with the preparation of a variety of plans. They can be simple, complex, detailed, quoted, and include only narrative, interrogative or exclamatory sentences. Drawing up a plan helps you to clearly imagine what you should write about and understand the topic as deeply as possible, as well as highlight the main parts of the future work and their relationship. Works written with the application of this technique are always different from others by their harmonious composition and thoughtful size of individual parts. The work is very successful and logical.
Own Thinking
Despite the fact that it is very reasonable to rely on critical articles, it is necessary to be able to demonstrate personal ideas. The plan of how to correctly write an essay-reasoning can only prompt the direction. The main job remains for the student. His own knowledge and emotions should help him demonstrate personal impressions of the topic of writing. A primitive retelling or repetition of the text written by the critic in the textbook is unacceptable.
In each work you can find something that especially makes you think or draw attention. This is what we should mention in our written work, so that it will be as personal as possible. Otherwise, for all logicality and consistency, the composition will be unsuccessful and will receive a low score.
Original and expressive style
You can advise others how to write the right composition, but you can not share your inspiration, unfortunately. But this also has an impact on the result. The writing should be not only logical, but also emotional. The original and vivid text, which illuminates an interesting point of view, always stands out favorably among other works. The ability to express emotions in a fluid and expressive manner is very good for characterizing the intellectual development of a schoolboy. Especially important is the ability to express one's thoughts to those who, with the help of the composition, hope to enter the faculty of creative direction. Such students should develop their imaginative perception in every possible way and learn to open the topic with the help of all possible means of artistic expressiveness, such as comparisons, epithets, etc.
Logical thinking in its original form is the ideal of style for the creative composition of the graduate. It is important to be able not to overdo it with emotion - pathetic and arrogant text seems pretentious and contrived.
Use of epigraphs and citations
The ability to choose a suitable statement is excellent in helping to write quality written works. Advising how to write the right composition, it is worth mentioning quotes and epigraphs. They illustrate the erudition and high level of development of the schoolboy. But in an epigraph or a quote there must necessarily be a suitable meaning. If the phrase does not match the work, its application will have the opposite effect. So the use of quotations must be carefully considered. To avoid mistakes, you can use the works of critics on the work discussed in the composition. Citations of literary scholars will be directly related to the plot or features of the book, and therefore, perfectly fit into the text. It is also worth remembering that the phrase used can not be distorted. Exact quoting demonstrates respect for other people's ideas and the ability to correctly perceive information. The citation should confirm or illustrate the rest of the text, but do not repeat it. Finally, it is worth remembering that too many borrowings and inserts overload the work and looks inappropriate.
Reliability of historical and literary facts
In a qualitative work, surface statements are inadmissible. The distortion of the writer's ideas or the misperception of the work does not characterize the student in the best way. Therefore, those who study how to write the right composition, you should always think about using only the checked information. It is necessary to avoid the factual errors, not to assign the words of one character to another, not to distort the names or surnames. All this indicates a hurry while writing the work and reduces the score for it. Categorically it is not recommended to confuse the author's works names or carelessly to the chronology of the novel! Carefully use literary terms. In case of doubt, it is better to use a familiar word. A complex term looks profitable in the text, but only if it is used correctly and to the place. In the reverse situation, it becomes a serious defect in the student's written work.
Correctness of speech, literacy and knowledge of literary norms
It is impossible to understand how to write the right composition, if writing any text is accompanied by errors. Grammar is the basis of a beautiful and cohesive language. In addition, the student must understand the meaning of all the words used, avoid making logical mistakes and beautifully build phrases. Do not overload the text with repetition of general, abstract concepts. Volume is not always an advantage. Superficial, primitive phrases also demonstrate the low preparation of the student. To express the idea as best as possible, one should resort to all the riches of the Russian language, correctly using synonyms and words with emotional coloring. So, in the composition devoted to the satirical genre, the number of verbs can include such as "debunk" and "scourge", "ridicule" and "ironic". Descriptive text characterizes the words "chant", "romanticize" or "extol". An analytical work on a scientific topic can be filled with the verbs "typify," "recreate," "embody." The use of such a wide range of words will demonstrate grammatical and stylistic literacy and high speech culture. Only with all these factors in mind, one can learn how to write the right composition.
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