
How to sew a saddle stitch correctly?

Surely every person who wants to buy a purse or a handmade purse, is interested in the question of how strong and reliable the seams will be on the chosen product. Will not they break with time or fail to erupt, thus creating the risk of losing money or documents at a crucial moment? Therefore, the best option for sewing handmade products will be directly saddle stitch.

A bit of history

This seam got its name due to the fact that horse stitches and harnesses were sewn to it in ancient times, for which a strong, reliable seam is a very important issue, since human life can depend on it. It is considered to be almost the strongest, which is used for piercing the skin. Seat seam in the skin has incredible strength in comparison with the machine, because it is made by hand with two needles on the pre-punched holes. The principle of its work is as follows: the needles are drawn to the opposite side of the skin and intersect with each other with each stitch, thereby creating a strong bunch. When using such a seam, if one stitch is torn, it will practically go unnoticed, since it is supported by a thread from the other side of the skin. Therefore holes in it you simply will not see. In this and there is all the charm and uniqueness of this seam - strength and reliability for a long time. Those things that are sewn with this device, will last much longer than sewn things sewing machine.

Beginning of work

Next, consider the question of what is the correct saddle stitch and how to do it with the example of inserting lightning in your purse. There are two firmware - easy and complex, and they both require some practice, care and perseverance. If we are talking about the method heavier, we must remember that the holes are marked only with a special metal wheel, and they are already punched with an awl with a new stitch. It takes some time to practice to make this seam a smooth, beautiful and lasting one. What we need to do at the very beginning of our work:

  • To punch holes, it is better to use a metal punch.
  • Punch the piercer into the wax during work so that it can smoothly enter and exit the skin.
  • Directly punch a number of holes in the place where it is planned to make a line for further work.
  • To fix the lightning and even stitching, glue it to the skin in advance with glue. Also you can take double-sided scotch, but the downside is that it will cling to the needle.

Preparing for saddle stitches

Need a tool for piercing or fork for bending, which have a pair of oblique teeth. This makes the seam smooth and beautiful. Instruments with straight denticles are used for braiding, lacing, but not for stitching. So you should first check whether the tool you took. They come in different sizes depending on how many stitches per centimeter you want to make. First of all, you need to choose a plug with wide teeth, otherwise you will spend a lot of time sewing.

Stages of manual firmware

Scarring, hatching is the process of extrusion of lines, which will be a guide for making holes for stitching. You can resort to a circular, if you do not have the right tool nearby.

Proof of holes - they tend to break through on the surface of the skin with a rubber hammer or piercing device. Its purpose is to map out the places where the holes will be, but not to make them in one stroke.

Processing of bends, if any. If you need to make holes along the curve of the zone, use a pinch roller. This is a guarantee that all your holes will be at the same distance and in the aftermath the work will be performed beautifully.

Open the holes. For this process it is necessary to use an awl (a cruciform with a diamond-shaped point). Hold the handle in a vertical position, press down the hole.

Fixation. A saddle stitch (for example, stitching with a saddle stitch) requires both hands in action. This will help you fixing the clamp, where you can put your product. The standard clamp for this sewing is a piece of wood in the shape of large forceps.

Dratva (waxed flax thread). As a rule, the saddle stitch is made with such threads. Before starting to use, they are treated with wax, so that they are not smeared and easily penetrated through leather products.

Insertion of the thread into the needle. To sew large things by hand, you need to choose needles with a blunt end.

Fixing the thread. It is necessary to pull the end of the thread and twist it into a loop.

What do we need for sewing?

Now we need needles for sewing, which should be with slightly blunt tips, so that they freely pass through holes and do not cling. For our purpose, we need two needles. Next, go directly to the thread, it's better that they are waxed. Standard # 10 is not suitable for such purposes, because it will break very quickly.

To make a strong and reliable seam, we need good, strong threads, it is better to use linen (waxed). Where they can be purchased, you will be prompted by shoemakers. Now it's time to create a saddle-stitch. How to make it according to all the rules and that it turns out to be reliable and good, we will consider below.

Stitching rules

Stapling is performed according to the following rules:

  • We insert the tip of the thread into the eye of the needle, then stick it at a distance of about 6 cm from its tip.
  • Then stretch the needle in a loop.
  • Then pull the whole, hold the thread for a short tip, and then tighten tightly.
  • We do likewise with another needle at the second end. As a result, we get a long thread with needles at both ends.
  • It is better that the length of the thread is several times longer than the portion that is stitched (remember the golden rule: "The thicker the skin is, the bigger the thread").

Begin the process of sewing

First of all, you need to remember how to properly sew a saddle seam so that your thing is reliable and sturdy and has served for a very long time. Let's analyze the stapling rules:

  • We pass the needle into the first hole, then we need to align the thread so that the length is the same.
  • Then we pass the left needle, which is in the left hand, into the other hole.
  • Then we do the same manipulations with the right needle (the one in the right hand) in the same hole. It is advisable not to pierce the thread.
  • Next, you need to tighten the thread tightly - pull the two ends until it's tight.
  • We pass the left needle into the third hole.
  • Pull and pass the right needle into the same hole and take it out on the other side
  • Tighten very tight, at both ends.


So we sew to the very end. It is necessary to remember and know how to finish a saddle-stitch so that it does not break out very quickly. We do not need to produce any knots, because double seams are very durable in themselves. Enough only to make three stitches "back with a needle" in the last holes. Then you need to cut the thread.

If the seam is made according to all the rules, then it will not dissolve and will last long. Therefore, the end must always be tightened. The minus of this work is that very soon your fingers will hurt, and the thread - cut the skin. Over time, everything will pass, and you will get used, but for now it is recommended to wrap the little finger with a plaster where the thread cuts the skin. It is better of course to immediately remember how to sew a saddle-stitch correctly, and learn how to do it quickly and efficiently.

That the work was of high quality

It is required to do the following: the needle on the left passes through the hole and lies on the needle in the right hand with a cross. Hold the needle with the index finger and the thumb of the right hand and then pull it out with your left hand. At first it will be a bit uncomfortable and, perhaps, embarrassing, but the pens will quickly get used, and your stitches will become even. After the work is finished, the seam should be taped with a rubber or leather hammer to make the stitches go into the hole. Now this seam will serve you more than one year, and you can be proud of what you have done with your own.

So, we found out that the saddle stitch is very strong, and the integrity of the product does not suffer, even if one thread breaks at any place. This is the right seam, which is often used for decorative purposes. It is not only a style and beauty, but also a pledge of excellent quality and reliability.

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