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How to register in the "Telegram" on the computer: tips for dummies and not only

"Telegram" - one of the most popular social networks, which includes correspondence between users, creating thematic conversations, as well as adding to friends. Below in the article you can learn how to register in the "Telegram" on the computer.

How to register in Telegram

To become a new user in the social network "Telegram", you need to download the application from GooglePlay to your smartphone. Next, after installation, you need to follow the instructions of the application. By clicking "Register", you must enter your phone number. Next comes the code in the SMS, after which you can go to the next step. "Telegram" will offer to fill in the fields with a name, surname, and also to make an avatar download. After all this, the following form will open with the proposal to add contacts from the phone book of those who are already registered in Telegram. This step is acceptable to skip. And then you can see empty forms of dialogues. If you hold your finger from left to right, you'll find the account settings menu.

How to register in the "Telegram" on the computer

Some users find it convenient to work with a computer, or their activities just the same and is to sit at the laptop screen and stuff. And in order to keep in touch with their colleagues at work or partners from other companies, and maybe even with their relatives or friends, they often have a question about how to register in the "Telegram" via a computer. In fact, it's very simple. It is necessary to go through the browser to the official website of the messenger. Then download the Telegram application for the computer / laptop. After installation, you need to link your application on the phone with "Telegraph" on the PC. To do this, you need a phone number to which you registered a user on your smartphone. In the installed application on your computer, you must provide a phone number. Then enter the code from the SMS. After that, all contacts that were connected, as well as dialogs and other conversations, will be automatically transferred to the application on the computer. And then nothing is lost and you can keep in touch with colleagues, partners and friends on. Here is how you can register in the "Telegram" on the computer.

What to do if there is no application on the phone

It often happens that a person simply does not have a smartphone that would support this application. And then the following question arises: how to register in the "Telegram" on a computer without a phone number?

In fact, it is almost impossible. All because "Telegram", like any other network, such as "VKontakte", requires a phone number for registration to authenticate the user at registration.

Of course, the system can be bypassed, for example, use the number of your loved one or friends. The second way is to use a virtual number. There are special sites on which, in fact, they sell these very virtual numbers. Now you know how to register in the "Telegram" on the computer.

The relevance of Telegram

Why should I use this program? "Telegram" is a social network, and if more correctly called, the messenger from Pavel Durov - the creator of "VKontakte".

This is a secure network, so hacking it will be almost impossible. In this connection, some developers or entrepreneurs transmit valuable and important information here.

Can I make money with the help of Telegram?

Some users working on the Internet, and the question arises as to whether it is possible to earn money in Telegram.

In fact, yes. Some sites offer this kind of work. For example, recognizing and injecting captcha to help developers. There are many other options, and as the network is developing rapidly, there will be much more.

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