
How to make hair shiny

Smooth and shiny hair - the guarantee of beauty of each girl. You can make a bright make-up and put on a beautiful dress, but the image will not be more attractive if the hair looks weak and lifeless. How do you want them to always make a healthy shine! By the way, any of us, the main thing, can know how to make hair shiny. If you think that this opportunity to give you an expensive shampoo, you are deeply mistaken. It's not just about him.

Well, let's figure out how to make hair shiny. If you want to have the same shine as the girls from the covers of magazines, then you will most likely have to turn to experienced masters who will make a real doll of you. Natural, natural shine is much more difficult to obtain, but it is still possible. So, to make your hair shine, master some simple rules and stick to them every day.

Responsibly refer to the choice of shampoo and balm. Best of all, if they are from the same series. Look at the condition of your hair, and, based on their type, choose detergents. If you have dry hair, then care for them can not be done with shampoo and balm for oily hair, and vice versa. Do not buy shampoo for all types. By the way, if the package says that this shampoo or balm gives shine to the hair, do not rush to buy immediately. Again, think about whether it is suitable for your hair type.

You begin to understand a little how to make your hair shiny. Please, wash your hair with warm water, hot water does not allow to open flakes and get rid of dirt. Shampoo on the hair does not hold for a long time, healthier from this, your hair still will not. Balm apply for 1-2 minutes, massage your head well and rinse the mixture with the same warm water. For hair care, use several times a week nourishing masks. You can buy them in the store or cook yourself. For example, to make hair shining helps the egg yolk. It must be rubbed into the hair and left for a few minutes, then rinse with warm water. Strengthens and simultaneously gives shine to hair burdock or linseed oil. The oil must be applied over the entire length of the hair, then put the cellophane bag on top and stand for about 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water using shampoo.

It will be nice if every day you do a head massage. 10-15 minutes for this procedure will be enough. Massage improves blood circulation and strengthens the hair. By the way, for these purposes you can use a special massage brush.

What else should I know in order to understand how to make hair shiny. Note that the above is not enough. As is known, a dull kind of hair is often associated with any disturbances in the functioning of the body. The reason for this can be stress, disease, malnutrition and much more. All this necessarily affects the condition of our hair. First of all, work on your food, it should contain enough vitamins and nutrients. For example, for growth and healthy hair type vitamins B, A and E are needed. Such bad habits, as overeating, smoking and alcohol, can permanently deprive your hair of shine. If the bad condition of the hair is accompanied by your general malaise, it is not superfluous to visit a doctor who can identify the disease, if any.

And yet, since making your hair shiny, this is a whole complex of events, then do not forget that they are harmed by their hair dryer, ironing, ironing, painting, melioration, etc. The less you will exert on the hair of this effect, the better. Of course, it's impossible to refuse completely from all this, but it's necessary to reduce it to a minimum.

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