
How to lower the pressure quickly and efficiently?

The modern rhythm of life is so dynamic and tense that it directly affects the health of each person. Therefore, it should not be surprising that a huge number of people are wondering about how to lower the pressure. Of course, it is easiest to use specialized medications for this purpose. However, they can cause an allergic reaction and a number of side effects. There are many other methods that are also worth considering.

How to lower the pressure? We follow the basic rules

Sometimes, in order to get rid of the hated problem, it is enough to follow the elementary rules of caring for yourself. First of all, you need to monitor your own weight, as obese women or men suffer from increased pressure, because excess body weight creates an additional burden on all internal organs, including the heart. Very important for good health fresh air, it is recommended in the evenings to organize walking tours in the park or along the waterfront. Athletes say that no drugs that reduce pressure, do not act as good as proper breathing. In the morning on an empty stomach should be within five minutes to do deep breaths and exhalations, thus reducing adrenaline, called the hormone of stress. Of course, you need to carefully select products and make a diet for a week. It will be necessary to reduce the amount of consumed coffee, strong tea and alcoholic products, but a glass of red wine for dinner will only benefit. Scientists have experimentally proved that calm, smooth music helps to reduce pressure.

How to lower the pressure? Correct the diet

If there is a similar problem, then you will have to change the way of life habitually. Doctors recommend preparing the main dishes for a couple, with meat and fish choose low-fat varieties. Beneficial effect has dairy products, crumbly porridge and light soups. Instead of your favorite cakes and pastries, you should eat dried fruits for dessert, especially useful for hypertensors dried apricots. Many patients as an effective means of extracting tea, lowering the pressure. Hibiscus, called red tea, is very popular. It is enough three cups a day to stabilize your condition. In addition, these drinks contribute to the removal of toxins and cholesterol, which means that blood vessels are cleared. Such tea should be drunk in a cold form, because hot only will increase the rate.

How to lower the pressure? We supply vitamins

Treatment with medicines can be prescribed only by a qualified doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism. In some cases, diuretics are prescribed, but they wash potassium out of the body. To restore balance, you need to drink every day a spoonful of linseed or corn oil in its pure form. You can also add it to salads or dressings for second courses, but do not use it for frying meat or vegetables. It is worth to increase the amount of citrus, because they contain a lot of vitamin C. For breakfast, in addition to tea it is recommended to drink a glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice, and before going to bed it is useful to drink a glass of low-fat kefir or ryazhenka. From cheeses, preference should be given to hard varieties.

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