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How to draw a brownie? Step-by-step instruction

If small things are constantly disappearing in your apartment or house: keys, console, credit card, trifle, then this creature is probably to blame. A housekeeper who lives in a dwelling is believed to provide a healthy family life, is a kind of invisible patron. His name is known to both children and adults.

A bit of history

Previously it was believed that the brownie - this is an ancestor, a deceased member of the family. Sometimes it was believed that this mythical creature was created by God. But basically it's a character in Eastern Slavic mythology. A housekeeper, a hutnik, a housekeeper, a hamster, a custard, a grandfather - these are just a few affectionate names given to him by the people. Sometimes the attitude of the house-servant to the evil spirit was emphasized : not your spirit, dashing, lakailo, evil one. But in general it was accepted that this creature is still rather good than evil. If a householder likes people living nearby, he warns them of the danger, sometimes jokes, renders services of a different kind. Otherwise, stomping, screaming at night, beating utensils, plucking.


Before you draw a brownie, you need to clearly visualize what it looks like. After all, really no one saw him! However, there is a traditional image of the being. He is short, very disheveled, with a huge beard, a good-natured and almost harmless, cheerful joker. And he is very cautious. Hands are large, with wide palms, on which grow soft hair. Accordingly, and to draw such to us it will be quite easy.

The first way: how to draw a house in stages

Step 1. Draw a circle with a pencil on a piece of paper, quite large. This is the future head. We paint from below a small rectangle. This is the body of the being. It should be less than a head! We still do everything schematically.

Step 2. On the sides of the body we draw long arms with wide palms, which reach to the heels. The legs can not be depicted, they will be hidden under clothing.

Step 3. The sketch is ready, now you can take care of the details. We draw a button with a button, cunning eyes, we shave a beard. Hair is ruffled.

Step 4. Clothing - burlap. No "club" jackets! You can make a shirt with polka dots.

Step 5. Remove unnecessary lines, add shadows. In the hands of the housekeeper, you can draw a broom.

Step 6. Our prankster is ready. Now you know how to draw a brownie. You see, it turned out not at all terrible, but cheerful and cunning, right? This will not booze, but will protect your apartment from all sorts of troubles.

There is another method, how to draw a house pencil in stages. It is more suitable for adult artists, whereas the previous one is for children. So: how to draw a house according to the rules, with help of auxiliary lines.

The second method, more complex

Step 1. Draw a sketch of a little man, stocky and bearded. You need to use the auxiliary lines. Let's start with the layout of your sheet. Draw one vertical line. With the help of a pattern, we draw several ovals, in which they have different sizes. The top oval will be the head - it's big enough. The lower will become the body.

Step 2. Define the levels of the nose, eyes, mouth. In these places, it is also necessary to draw horizontal auxiliary lines. The oval of the body is divided into three equal parts. We also draw auxiliary horizontal lines (two should be obtained).

Step 3. Denote the belt region of the pants, and draw the sleeves as well. We clean our sketch from unnecessary lines, erasing them. Draw hair (in the middle of the head - parting) and a beard with a mustache.

Step 4. Bring to mind the face of the creature: eyes, mouth, wrinkles, nose potatoes.

Step 5. Drawing clothes: a shirt with a long sleeve, cuffs, patch on pants.

Step 6. We detail the drawing, apply the shadow, draw the outlines. If desired, you can color the grandfather, but you can leave a pencil version.

Of course, there are still many ways how to draw a brownie, but, in our opinion, this is the most reliable of them. Good luck in your work!

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