
How to create a website in notepad. general information

Website creation is quite a complicated task, which is possible only for those people who have knowledge in the field of html and php. This is very specific information, specialists learn for years. However, to create a simple static site, you have enough basic knowledge in the field of markup html. If you are wondering how to create a website in notepad, most likely you are a beginner web programmer. In order to translate your idea into reality, it takes a little bit of assiduity and time.

How to create a website in notepad? You need to learn the basic attributes of html symbols. You will say - but it is very difficult. How can I do this within the framework of one article ? I want to immediately assure that no one was born with a ready set of knowledge, everyone, even the "coolest" web programmer, once studied. Therefore, discard all doubts - and proceed.

How to create a site in a notebook without programming skills?

This method is for free. To use any professional software, which is designed to simplify the process of working with html tags, you will have to pay money. Notepad is a complicated option, but it's free. It is this tool that will help you create simple web pages. To start Notepad, you need to go to the Start menu - Standard and, accordingly, select the item that we need. Alternatively, you can immediately create a notepad file on the desktop and start it.

For further work, you need to open a collection of html tags that can be found on the runet. But first, we'll discuss what tags are. This is the so-called markup, which the server reads through the user's browser. That is, the content is formatted according to a certain principle. Tags define text wraps, image locations, headings, links, and more. Even the type of text can be specified via html-markup. More serious settings are specified in the css style. But in the framework of this article, we will not consider them. This is how the answer to the question looks - how to create a site in a notebook. But if you still decide to start writing sites, it is recommended to pay attention to the software, which will save a bunch of your time and nerves.

So, which program for creating sites will be most preferable? Naturally, this is adobe dreamweaver. This is a powerful program that allows you to create sites of any complexity in many programming languages. It has syntax highlighting, which is so lacking in the notebook. Imagine if you make a mistake in the tags, do not print a bracket or another sign, the entire page will stop working. When wondering how to create a website in a notebook, think about this problem three times. Therefore, syntax highlighting, which is present in paid programs, is a very important function for those who decided to start writing sites.

In addition to the above program, there is a huge list of software for creating sites. But Drimuiver is the flagship in this segment. We hope that you have received general concepts and now you have an idea of how to create a site in a notebook.

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