
How to cancel the update "Windows 7": instruction

For many, it's no secret that updates that install operating systems on our computers are mostly useless. They are designed to correct existing errors and close the "holes" in the protection of software. But in fact it turns out that the downloaded update is either just imperceptible to an inexperienced user, or even harms the computer, reducing its performance. To prevent this from happening, you need to know how to cancel the update of "Windows 7", for example.

Method 1: Disconnect

One of the methods for solving this problem involves completely disabling updates. It fits well for those who want to know how to cancel the update of "Windows 7" in a safe mode.

In order to prevent the operating system from being updated, you need to go into service management. To do this, click the PCM on the "Computer" and select "Management". A window will open. In the list on the left, select "Services and Applications" and select the "Services" sub-item.

Open the list through the list to the bottom. We are interested in "Windows Update". Again click on PCM - "Properties". Here we need to change two parameters.

  • First click "Stop". So we will cancel his work. If you need to know how to cancel the update of "Windows 7", if it has already started, then this method will be analogous to the "reset" button for the computer as a whole.
  • The startup type is changed to "Disabled". Now this service will not start even after reboot.
  • Click "Accept".

All, now you know how to cancel the update of "Windows 7" through the services. If you need to turn it back on, repeat the same steps.

Method 2: Set up

If you do not need to completely disable the "Center", you can use the following tip. Go to the "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Windows Update".

Now you need to configure the update. Go to the "Settings". From the only available drop-down list, select "Do not check for updates". Then the system will not be updated via the Internet from the official developer site, and certainly will not install updates.

"Recommended updates," check "Get ... the same as important".

Other flags can be removed. For advanced users, you can set up a system so that the system looks for updates, but the user will decide to install them. But in this case, you must be very careful, because there are a number of updates, which it is better not to appear on the computer, especially under the control of the pirated OS.


Now you know how to cancel the update of "Windows 7". But that is not all. When reinstalling the operating system, remember that disabling updates is better right away, even before the first connection to the Internet. For example, recently there was an update, which drastically changes the approach to checking the license key for OS activation. And many users who did not disable updates, problems started. Thus, remember that knowing how to cancel the update of "Windows 7", this should be done when purchasing a computer or reinstalling the operating system.

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