
How to calculate the cubic capacity of a bar per house?

The tree at all times was the most popular material for the construction of houses and baths. In our time, the demand for wood remains high. In order not to spend extra money, you need to correctly calculate how much timber is worth buying.

What are the difficulties in calculating the volume of a bar

At the time of preparation, before the start of construction, it is not easy to calculate the required number of timber. The volume is calculated in cubic meters, it is at this point that the difficulties begin. It is difficult for the buyer to understand the correct calculation of cubature. It is required to calculate so that during the construction work did not have to buy an additional amount of timber. It will be insulting if in the midst of construction work there is not enough plank. Again you have to run around the market or companies in search of not enough, spend your money for shipping. Or after the completion of construction will have to think about where to attach the remaining material.

How to calculate cubic capacity

If to understand, then there is nothing complicated in this. For example, take the following values.

When calculating it turned out that it takes 30 boards 6 meters long, 50 millimeters thick, 200 millimeters wide. All the data must be multiplied. To do this, all units must be converted into one measurement value - meter. It turns out that the width of the board is 0.20 meters, the thickness of the board is 0.05 meters. Multiply: width x length x thickness x number = 0.20 x 6 x 0.05 x 30 = 1.8 meters cubic.

If the buyer knows how many lumber cubes are required, you can find out how many cubes a cubic meter contains. We calculate how many pieces in one cubic meter, if the lumber is 200 mm wide, 50 mm thick, 6 meters long. All the values must be divided. Volume / width / thickness / length = 1 / 0.20 / 0.05 / 6 = 16.666.

For quick calculation, you can use the table. Before calculating the cubic capacity of the bar, you need to find out what parameters it will have.

Beam width (mm)

Bar thickness (mm)

Length of timber (m)

Number of cubic meters in one bar

The number of beams in one cubic meter (pcs)





























































According to the table it is clear that in cubic meters the number of beam units depends on the size of the length, thickness and width. Therefore, in one cubic meter, changing the dimensions, we get a different number of bars.

How to calculate the cubature of the bar 150x150 mm, if the length is not six, but three meters? To do this, multiply the width, thickness, and length. It turns out that 0.15 x 0.15 x 3 = 0.0675 cubic meters.

Subtlety in calculation

In order to economically and rationally use your funds, you need to calculate the number of cubic meters as accurately as possible. But when buying, do not take much into the stock, about five to ten percent more, because the bar can be with the marriage, at the time of its work it can be twisted, and other unforeseen situations can also occur.

Whatever the volume of work, you should always take different types of lumber. For the construction of the wall one is suitable, the roofing system uses quite different ones. Therefore, we must carefully plan the design of the house or bath. With the help of tables or formulas, you must calculate the number and the necessary dimensions.

How can I calculate the cubic capacity of a bar for my home?

For example, consider the option of a small one-storey summer cottage for summer living. It was decided to build a house six by six meters with a ceiling height of three meters and make one six-meter septum. We calculate the cubature of the bar per house with such parameters. If the house will be used only in the summer period, it is worth buying a beam with a section of 100 x 100 millimeters. When planning year-round living, it is necessary to make walls from thicker material, the width of which is not less than 150 millimeters.

Calculation of the required volume of timber per house:

  • Perimeter: (length + width) x 2 + partition = (6 + 6) x 2 + 6 = 30 meters;
  • The volume of the walls of the house: (perimeter x thickness of timber x height of walls) = 30 x 0.1 x 3 = 9 cubic meters for a summer house. Or 30 x 0.15 x 3 = 13.5 cubic meters for a house with a winter residence;
  • Pediments: (width x thickness of timber x height) = 6 x 0.1 x 3 = 1.8 cube required for a summer house. And 6 x 3 x 0.15 = 2.7 cube for living in the house all year round.
  • The resulting results add up and add to them 20% of the total, for the stock. (9 + 1.8) + 20% = 10.8 + 2.16 = 12.92 cubic meters and (13.5 + 2.7) + 20% = 16.2 + 3.24 = 19.44 meters Cubic.

How to calculate the cubic capacity of a bar on a bath

Recently, fashion has returned to rest outside the city. Young families with children are increasingly acquiring garden plots. Many people are wondering how to build their own hands and how to calculate the amount of sawn timber for a bath. If you understand all the subtleties and moments, then nothing is complicated.

The most popular size of the bath is 4 x 6 meters. Do better from natural timber. Starting construction, you need to determine the exact amount of lumber. For external walls, use beams measuring 250 x 130 mm, on internal partitions 130 x 95 mm. We calculate:

  • The perimeter of the bath of this size is 5500 x 3500 millimeters.
  • 21 beams are required for each wall. This is calculated taking into account the size of the floor and the thickness of the ceiling.
  • The frame has four walls. It turns out (6 x 2) + (4 x 2) = 20 meters. We translate into millimeters, we get 20000.
  • It is necessary to find the total length of the beams. To do this, the number of beams x per length = 21 x 20000 = 420 meters. We translate in millimeters, it turns out 420000.
  • Multiplying the resulting amount by the size of the bar, we obtain 420 x 250 x 130 = 13.65 meters cubic.

To calculate the necessary amount of timber per partitions, use the same description with the only difference that you need another size of a bar measuring 95 x 130 millimeters. Just count the cubic capacity for the partitions. For internal walls, smaller size beams are used.

For large volumes

How to calculate the cubic capacity of a bar on a large house? In this case, lumber of different length, width and thickness is required. It will be simpler to calculate not the volume of wood (dense), but use the calculation of a "cubic cubic meter". In the first case, the results are used when measuring each beam separately, without voids. In the second case, all the lumber is stacked with stacks, docking each other with bars of different sizes so that their length is the same. When all is sorted and evenly stacked, the dimensions (width, length, height) are measured. The results are multiplied. Now - how to know the cubature of a solid beam. To do this, the resulting result of the stock cubic capacity should be multiplied by a special coefficient.

Calculation of crowns

In order to find out the necessary number of crowns in a cross-beam, it is necessary to divide the height of the house into the height of the beam (working). We calculate the cubic capacity of the bar on a house measuring 9 x 9 meters with one cut. For example, we use a beam profiled with 140 x 190 millimeters, we need to calculate the number of crowns at a height of 2.5 meters.

Calculation: 2500/130 = 19.23. Round off, we get 19 crowns for a given height. The length of one wreath is 9 meters, it is required to count how many winglets in one wingleth, together with perforations. Count how many meters of epaulettes in the lower wreath. To do this, you need to add all the sides 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 = 45 meters. To calculate the total number of running meters in this house, you need to multiply the length of one crown by the number of crowns. It turns out, 19 x 45 = 855 meters linear. Given the zero crown, you need to add it to the total number, so that there is a displacement of the row. 2,5 x 9 = 22,5 meters of epic halves of the crown. 855 + 22.5 = 877.5 m, etc., this is with the door and window openings.

How to correctly calculate the cubic capacity of a profiled beam? To do this, multiply the resultant length of the crowns by the height of the bar and multiply by the thickness of the profiled bar = 877.5 x 140 x 190 = 23.34 cubic meters for a 9 x 9 meter house. It is necessary to take into account in calculating the loss of the bar approximately 7% of the total, for pruning and sawing.

Pros of a wooden house built using a bar

  • There is no need for interior and exterior decoration of the house. The walls are smooth and smooth. Look nice.
  • Moisture does not penetrate the seams between the crowns. The walls are not going to moisture and rot does not appear.
  • After a while, after the shrinkage of the log, no caulking is required.
  • The bar is tightly connected with a lock, which protects against blowing.
  • Practically no cracks appear and do not deform upon shrinkage.
  • Natural material, environmentally friendly.
  • Does not require a long build, is going fast, like a designer.
  • The houses have a beautiful aesthetic appearance.
  • It's easy to take care of the house, almost no dust on the walls.
  • Possibility to paint the house in any color.

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