Health, Diseases and Conditions
How are chickenpox treated in children? Symptoms and treatment recommendations
Ways of infection
Veterinary pox is a disease that is transmitted exclusively by airborne droplets. So, in the usual environment, the virus dies almost instantly, so infection is possible only when it comes to contact with a sick person. At the same time, the ability to infect others is preserved in the patient until the appearance of new rashes on the skin.
Before learning how to treat chickenpox in children, it is necessary to recognize the disease. The incubation period, during which the varicella-zoster virus can be in the body without showing itself, is up to three weeks. Then the main symptoms begin to appear:
- Increased body temperature;
- weakness;
- Specific rash;
- headache.
Rash is the main symptom by which chickenpox is diagnosed. Initially, it manifests itself in the form of small spots, but then quickly spreads throughout the body. Bubbles with liquid contents are formed. Peak rashes - the first few days. At this time, the vesicles can form on the mucous membranes, the head, and the genitals. Then the first dry out, new ones appear. Their formation in children is undulating. The most exciting moment is that a profuse rash is accompanied by a sensible itch, but you do not need to comb the rashes, in order to avoid getting an infection.
How are chickenpox treated in children?
So, we looked at how chickenpox takes place in children. Symptoms, treatment of the illness should no longer cause questions. The main conclusion to be drawn is that chicken pox is a disease that sooner or later will pass by itself in the case of uncomplicated rules and elementary hygiene. How are chickenpox treated in children? Follow the temperature, do not give raschesyvat rashes, note the green bubbles appear to determine the course of the disease.
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