
The era of television development. The name of the first color TV in the USSR

To date, humanity can not be imagined without television. Who of us does not like to lie down on the sofa after a busy day's work, relax and completely immerse in watching your favorite movie or program? Since the collapse of the Soviet Union many years have passed, during which time technological progress has made an incredible leap forward.

First development

Not many remember how it all began, and only a few know the name of the first color television in the USSR. It is worth noting that scientists had to spend a lot of time to create devices suitable for viewing. However, it is impossible to single out from the large number of inventors of the one who invented the first Soviet color television, as each of them made its own unique tangible contribution to the development of television.

In 1951, experimental apparatus was produced, which broadcast television programs in color. Their quality, of course, can not be compared with modern technologies, but it was at that time that the "first color television of the USSR" was born. Experienced developments that were conducted in Leningrad at the plant them. Kozitsky, allowed to produce a limited number of electronic-mechanical, as well as electronic TVs with a color image called "Rainbow".

Mass production

"Rubin-401" - the name of the first color television in the USSR, which was mass produced in 1967. Low quality and dim colors of such a device allowed viewing the image only in darkened rooms. Subsequently, the screen size increased, which significantly improved clarity, brightness and contrast.

After a while, the second improved model of a color TV, called "Rubin-714", was released. From that moment the era of mass production of television equipment began. Now everyone could buy a lamp "Ruby-714" with a diagonal of 61 centimeters. It should be noted that this device was very heavy, so its transportation required the efforts of at least two strong men. Despite such a bright name for the first color TV in the USSR, we still lagged behind other developed countries, because we just had modern television.

First color TV shows

The first color broadcast in the Soviet Union Was broadcast on November 7, 1967. However, TVs for a long time remained black and white and only on holidays could please their owners with a colorful image. The name of the first color television in the USSR was first sounded in a special report on the main channel of the country, which was broadcast in color. By the beginning of the 90s almost every family could already fully enjoy watching your favorite films and programs. The country has stepped far ahead - color television has firmly entered our life.

Today in the world there is a great variety of models of modern TVs, in which designers embody the most advanced ideas of technical creativity. At present, plasma, liquid crystal, LED and projection devices are produced, which can be both portable and stationary. In addition, TVs with different sound are produced, which once again proves the boundlessness of technical progress.

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