
House Construction - Allegory of the Life Path.

As the ancient wisdom says, for their lives each person should plant a tree, raise a son and build a house. And, like all ingenious, this statement does not lose its popularity over time.
Indeed, in the 21st century, every environment that is hot for ecologists and pathetic for the environment, every self-respecting person is obliged to help the planet. Moreover, if you use all modern technologies, then to repair the damage, an earthman of the XXI century grove whole must plant, and not one tree.
Grow a son - what can be more natural than this advice? And who will remain after death instead of everyone on earth, who will take his place, who will settle in his house?
By the way, about the house. We still have to build it. More precisely, first we need to understand, is it really necessary for each person to build the house himself?
Building a house from all three councils seems most short-sighted. But this aphorism about the three main tasks of man - from the category of philosophical dictum, so let's try to generalize and try to look at this advice as a metaphor.
What is, in essence, the construction of a house?
In the beginning, it's finding a place, or buying it, or renting. In any case, anyone building a house should take care of the geographic and geological structure of our planet +, in the case of a city or another locality, display their communication skills, the talent of the diplomat and negotiate with the authorities, engineers, future neighbors.
Oh, finally, the coveted patch is at your disposal. The next stage is the erection of the foundation. That's really hell! First, we must ensure that the proportions when kneading concrete are correct, that the molds are made correctly, in time and in size, so that they are poured neatly. All this requires accuracy, punctuality, attentiveness and covetousness.
And if you build a foundation in winter, then for your adventurism, pay off with selflessness in work, diligence and attention to detail: look, do not worry that water does not get to the ground, or your negligence will squeeze out a lot of effort, as it often happens!
Now it's time to make or order the frame. Well, your grove-debt to mankind has already grown to the skies? Then you are lucky! And if not, you'll have to get your communicativeness, maybe even a couple of envelopes, from your bosom and go to the forestry to negotiate.
There remains a roof - in fear you have purchased materials. So, beams, beams, slate or tile - everything is right already in place, and you all trample on the ground? Hmm, to climb on such a vertigo,
And even with the tools you have to be crazy. That's right! "The madmen are all smarter," L. Carroll wrote, and was absolutely right, because if man were guided exclusively by conscious reflections, nothing creative and ingenious would be created in the world.
So gather your fist and foolishness into a fist and climb. And if you perish, falling, so it is in the performance of duty, you will be reckoned!
Everything, the main part of the house is finished, and your best qualities are touched and spent. But you still need to carry out the decorative design of the house: both the exterior design and the interior.
Do not worry, but in complete exhaustion, sit down and look around - there is so much beauty around! Is the beauty of nature not enough to draw inspiration from any number of houses ?! The ancient Greeks, whose architecture we admire so much, took ideas precisely from nature.
Carved doors, trim, gables, columns - let your home be the best.
Do you still have doubts when answering the question, should everyone build a house? Well, settle in someone else's home, not you built, which does not reflect your tastes and sights, your soul, miss this wonderful opportunity of manifesting or training so many wonderful feelings. In the end, the education of oneself, the development of the inner world is a matter for everyone personally.

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