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Herpes on the hands (herpetic felon): causes, symptoms, treatment

Herpes is a common viral disease of the mucous membrane, nervous system and skin. According to WHO statistics, more than 90% of people on the planet are its carriers. The disease has no age limits. Infected not only adults, but also children aged 3-4 years, as soon as they get into the society (gardens, educational institutions).

Viral infection is not cured, it is in human cells all his life in a latent form. Relapses occur depending on many factors. For some citizens, pathology can pose a threat to life - constant supportive therapy is needed. Scientists know more than two hundred varieties of herpes, but only 8 represent a threat to people. Today we will discuss the herpetic panaritium (herpes on the hands), it is caused by the first type of HSV-1.

The provoking factors

In the process of laboratory studies, it was found that the infection penetrates into the body at an early age after tactile contact with patients - the way of contact and household. After entering the cell, the virus for a long time can not give itself out and activates only when the defenses of the organism decrease. This is promoted by banal cold, depressive state, overwork and a number of other unfavorable factors.

Herpes on the hands, a photo of which clearly shows the symptoms, many are reactivated in the spring-winter period. The causes of active relapse may be overheating and hypothermia, frequent colds, non-compliance with hygiene (self-infection occurs). In addition, hormonal imbalance, frequent abortions and other medical manipulations.

Clinical manifestations

Herpes on the hands (herpetic panaritium) is characterized by common signs as with any other type of virus. A sharp period provokes a slight increase in temperature, a decline in strength, fever, migraine, vomiting and nausea. The main manifestation are specific rashes of pink-red color in the form of vesicles with clear liquid and vesicles.

As they heal, they are transformed into a yellowish-gray crust. During this period the patient feels strong itching, a slight tingling at the site of localization, burning, especially when in contact with hot water. Such relapses signal a weakening of immunity.

Herpes on the hands: treatment of the patient

Initially, it is required to diagnose the disease. This involved dermatovenereologist and dermatologist. Usually a viral infection is recognized by visual inspection, localization and clinical signs. Informative traditional examinations, such as PCR and the method of virological detection, will help to detect the disease. The latter is produced even with asymptomatic flow.

As soon as the herpes on the fingers is confirmed, complex therapy is prescribed, including antiviral medications, immunomodulators and vitamins. Anesthetic and antipyretic agents may be used. The pharmaceutical market is represented by a rich assortment of antiviral drugs that help to block infection and prevent infection of healthy cells. Among the most popular and effective allocate: "Acyclovir", "Famciclovir", "Valaciclovir."

To reduce itching, burning and swelling, antihistamines are used: Suprastin, Dimedrol, Tavegil, Zovirax. If a patient has severe intoxication, anticonvulsants are prescribed. It is advisable to use group A, B, C vitamins. You should follow a certain diet (fried, sweet, spicy dishes are excluded), create a favorable emotional background and strictly observe hygiene. According to a similar scheme, herpes is treated in the hands of a child.

Alternative Therapy

Do not damage the use of vegetable decoctions, trays and compresses. As you know, herbs stop bacteria, relieve inflammation and strengthen our body, which is necessary for herpes. The following folk recipes will help improve the skin condition.

  • In acute and chronic stage, you can take inside and externally freshly squeezed aloe juice. Drink the drug before eating, three times a day for a dessert spoon. Also lubricate the affected area.
  • Juice celandine - an old remedy in the fight against infection. To treat herpes juice on her hands, the treatment is carried out twice a day, the procedure lasts no more than two minutes.
  • To suppress the focus of the virus will help melissa: take two glasses of boiling water 30 gr. Herbs. Insist half an hour, drink the filtered broth for ½ cup three times a day.

For these purposes, it is recommended to take tea drinks from chamomile, calendula, burdock, motherwort, St. John's Wort. Immunostimulating plants are lemongrass, pink radish, aloe and Echinacea.

Preventive measures

You can warn herpes on your hands if you follow a number of simple rules and recommendations. First, use only personal hygiene products, and secondly, wash hands often and use wet wipes. Thirdly, to fully eat, to drink vitamin complex every year. Simple and effective tips can help prevent outbreaks of the virus.

What is the prognosis

Uninformed people believe that herpes on hands (photo is presented in the article) is a harmless disease that does not require treatment. In fact, this is an erroneous opinion. Infection is transmitted during intrauterine development to the baby, which threatens with serious complications from the side of the central nervous system and peripheral system. Also, the digestive system is often involved in the pathological process. The risk of the birth of an intellectually backward child with impaired hearing and motor skills is increasing. It has also been proven that frequent recurrent herpes (on the hands) provokes the development of other types of the virus.

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