HealthDiseases and Conditions

Harmful cholesterol, decrease and increase

The human body needs cholesterol, but its excess can be harmful. Deviation from the norm in the direction of lowering cholesterol is also dangerous.

In fact, cholesterol is a substance that contains fats. It enters into the composition of all cells of the body, namely, into the membrane membrane. Its high content in the nervous tissue, in most hormones.

The body itself produces about 80% of this substance, the remaining 20% come with food. An excess of cholesterol provokes atherosclerosis. It acts destructively on the shell of the inner walls of the vessels, accumulates in them and forms atherosclerotic plaques. Over time, they turn into a mushy mass, calcify and literally become a cork inside the vessel. The excess of cholesterol in the blood is a direct way to heart diseases. Within the human body, it is contained within 200 g, most of it is concentrated in the brain and in the nerve tissues.

However, one should not blame for heart attacks, strokes, brain diseases, etc., only cholesterol. Factors for the emergence of these terrible diseases in fact a lot. On the vessels and affected by human infections, and increased physical activity, impaired work of the nervous system, as well as heredity.

And cholesterol itself, relatively speaking, is bad and good. Therefore, in order to avoid the deplorable consequences, one should not only monitor the level of lowering the bad, but also for raising good cholesterol.

Cholesterol, decrease

First, we'll figure out how to eat, in order to reduce the production of bad cholesterol in the blood.

- Provide useful cholesterol to the body capable of fatty fish, for example, mackerel or tuna. Therefore, twice a week you need to eat 100 g of sea fish. Such food dilutes the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots.

- Cholesterol comes back to normal when using nuts. This is a fairly fatty food, however, fats of various types of nuts are monounsaturated and are beneficial to the body. It is recommended to eat up to 5 times a week 30 g of product. Cholesterol, a reduction which is possible with the use of walnuts, cedar, Brazil nuts, almonds, pistachios and cashews, will not bring problems. Seeds of sunflower, flax or sesame also increase useful cholesterol in the blood.

- Olive, sesame, linseed or soybean oil is better for cooking. However, you can not fry with oils, they just need to be added to the prepared food. You can just eat a few olives every day or spoil your body with quality soy products (without GMOs).

- To bad cholesterol, a decrease which is necessary for your body, quickly came out, eat every day greens, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seeds. You can eat three teaspoons of bran on an empty stomach, drinking it with a glass of water.

- Pectin removes excess cholesterol. This useful product contains green apples, citrus, beetroot, sunflower, watermelon cakes, tomatoes. Drink green tea, which displays bad cholesterol, but increases the level of good.

Drugs for lowering cholesterol

They can be prescribed only by a doctor. Most often these are the so-called statins. Such funds are prescribed at the initial stage of hypercholesterolemia. If you have elevated cholesterol, reducing it in most cases is achieved in a short time. However, such drugs have a number of contraindications, so they should be taken only after the appointment of a doctor.

Reducing cholesterol in the blood, drugs, such as fibrates, are very effective. They simultaneously raise good cholesterol.

Synthetic statins are preparations: "Atorvastatin", "Inegi", "Kaduet", "Lovastatin". Taking any of the above medicines implies simultaneous adherence to the strictest diet.

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