Spiritual developmentNumerology

Guessing on the wedding ring. The most popular options.

Since ancient times, people wanted to know their destiny, dreamed of revealing the veil of secrecy and looking into their future. Divination was the favorite way for this. Divination is a huge number and in this mystery various objects and magic instruments are involved. The most popular and truthful are fortune-telling on maps, on wax, on mirrors and on rings.

The time of divination is also very important. It is believed that the most truthful fortune-telling is obtained on the night of Ivan Kupala, on Christmas Eve, on Friday the 13th, and also on the birthday.

However, it is worth noting that the church does not welcome such activities and considers divination a big sin.

One of the popular and truthful ways to get answers to your questions is guessing at the wedding ring. There are several variants of it, but before talking about them, one should mention the preparation for this action.

It is recommended to guess in the evening. The day of the week must also be chosen correctly. You can not guess on Monday - this day is deceptive, and the most favorable day is Friday. When starting to divination, you need to take off your crosses, rings and dissolve your hair.

It is advisable to light the candles, because the energy of the fire helps to tune and focus.

The wedding ring does not have to be personal. Unmarried girls can borrow a ring for divination from girlfriends or sisters. It is desirable to use a smooth gold ornament, without carving and engraving.

Guessing on the wedding ring. Option 1.

For this fortune-telling, you will need an engagement ring, pieces of cloth and four deep plates. We need to guess together. The perplexing girl leaves the room, and her assistant puts a ring in one of the plates and covers all the dishes with a cloth. Then the guesser enters the room, and selects one plate. If it turned out to be a ring, then we can wait for the wedding this year. If she guessed from the second time, then she will marry in the next. If a girl guesses a plate with a ring the third time, then she will get married two years later. If from three attempts the ring was not found, then in the next few years the married will not guess.

Guessing on the wedding ring. Option 2.

This divination should be done at midnight on holy days. Preparing for the action, the girl fills the glass with half water. The glass should be without faces and with a flat bottom. It should not be chipped and it must be absolutely clean. Then the girl should put a glass in front of a burning candle and put a ring on his bottom. Now she must peer into the water through the ring. Those who tried to guess in this way, they say that they could see the face of their betrothed.

Guessing on the wedding ring. Option 3.

The most popular guessing with the help of a ring is a fortune-telling on a ring with a thread. This method is used by girls who want answers to questions that are somehow related to time or numbers. This divination will help to find out how many years a girl will marry, how many children she will have, or in how many months will this or that event happen.

You will need a glass, a quarter full of water, thread, a long 20cm black and an engagement ring. The girl should mentally ask the question of her interest and gently lower the ring into the glass without touching the water. The ring should swing, like a pendulum and touch the walls of the glass, making a ringing. It is necessary to carefully consider each blow of the ring against the wall. The number of touches will be the answer to the guessing question.

Fortune-telling on the ring is one of the most reliable, but none of them will tell the truth if a person doubts them. Therefore, those who do not believe in the truthfulness of this action and are skeptical about such ways of knowing their future, one should not guess.

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