
Glycine forte: instructions for use

The medicine "Glycine Forte" is considered to be an effective tool that helps to cope with emerging stressful situations or overcoming depression. Some specialists prescribe it even to improve sleep in case of insomnia. And, as with any medicine, the instructions for use are always attached to the package "Glycine Forte".

If we talk about the use of the drug, then, as a rule, he is prescribed one, two tablets three times a day. The course of treatment lasts a month. The action of this tool is aimed at equalizing the processes of inhibition and excitation in the cerebral cortex and reducing the psychological stress. Thus, the patient becomes more attentive, the memory improves noticeably. The person is in high spirits, feels vivacity and a burst of energy. But before the use of "Glycine Fort" instructions for use should be read thoroughly.

Glycine: composition

The standard tablet contains 0.1 gram of glycine, as well as some additional substances, for example, B vitamins.

Glycine forte: instructions for use

Using this remedy, it should be remembered that a tablet or powder is placed under the tongue. If you use it orally, that is, immediately inside - swallowing a pill and washing down with water, it will be extremely difficult to achieve the expected result.

In the presence of family problems or troubles at work, "Glycine Forte" can be of great help, because, as many studies prove, the drug is an effective antidepressant, and also helps relieve tension. At the same time irritability disappears, many problems are solved more easily.

In addition to the above possibilities of glycine, there are a number of additional ailments in which it can be useful, for example:

  • In rare cases, Glycine Fort is prescribed as a prophylactic measure of cardiovascular disease, especially for patients over 60 years of age.
  • Recommended for people with low blood pressure, because the drug helps maintain the level of pressure in the norm.
  • The menopause period is easier to survive with glycine.
  • Often appointed during the rehabilitation period after receiving brain injuries.

If we talk about the pharmacological appointment of "Glycine Fort", the instruction for use says that this remedy perfectly normalizes the work of the central nervous system (CNS), an increase in the capacity for work of a person becomes noticeable. In addition, the mood improves with each passing day, and the sleep becomes strong. But very few people know that in addition to all of the above properties, glycine helps to remove toxins from the body in case of an alcohol overdose.

In medical practice, there are cases when this drug was administered to adolescents during the transition period. They do this in order to normalize the psycho-emotional state, as, as is known, at the age of 14-16 the beloved child can become overly aggressive, irritable and even evil. Breastfeeding also sometimes needs the help of this miracle drug, for example, if a development gap is detected.

So, the maximum allowable dosage of the drug per day is 0.3 grams, that is, three tablets that are applied during the day at regular intervals. But the daily dose for children depends on their age. For example, children aged 1-3 years are assigned no more than half the tablets, the frequency of reception should not exceed three times a day. The course of treatment for such young patients is one to two weeks, after which you can continue to take half of the pill, but only once a day for a week.

If using Glitsin forte try to normalize sleep or cure insomnia, then the last pill should be taken under the tongue 20 minutes before bedtime. After a full course of treatment, a minimum break for a month is done, and then, if necessary, the appointment is repeated. But it should be remembered that with the use of even such a safe preparation, specialist consultation is required, since side effects, for example, in the form of allergies, are possible.

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